active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
July 10, 2016 at 11:01 pm #14430
Congratulations to @daela. As I see it, you performed flawlessly today.
Thankfully, regardless of allegiances, I do consider @daela to be one of my closer friends in this whole experience. I trust her judgement implicitly and will respect whatever it is she chooses to do with her property. If she does choose to give me the envelope, I will gladly listen to the input of others. Those that chose *not* to show @daela respect today, count yourself out of this particular offer.
July 9, 2016 at 7:12 pm #14192
@lenize I’ve never been given any evidence to suggest this would be the case or that they’d feel a need to test me. On the other hand, the more I process this upcoming meeting, the more I’ve decided I am open to almost any possibility, event, or outcome… My goal is to be flexible, but also decisive and self-assured. I’ll go into it with no more than a healthy level of fear and apprehension, the kind that we should all maintain in order to be safe and aware. After all, III has a reputation for being, unbalanced? Unpredictable? Perhaps even homicidal? Ultimately though, I’m just excited, enthusiastic, and look forward to learning whatever it is III seeks to teach.
July 9, 2016 at 6:13 pm #14187
How do you figure @gatekeeper3‘s invitation comment lends itself to your theory that BoS is in control of the OOA and has been working with III for sometime now?
Congratulations Kimberly.
It’s time to find out where your allegiances really lie.
Since the day I joined BoS, they have had my total allegiance. Taken very literally this sounds to me as if III is inquiring on whether he can turn me towards him (OOA) and away from BoS. This would make no sense if I was already on his side, wouldn’t it?
Again, thank you everyone for the support. If I had it my way there’d by cupcakes and signed disney swag for everyone! I figure even Apostles deserve nice things once in a while π
July 9, 2016 at 2:10 pm #14161
Thank you, everyone. I am incredibly excited for this opportunity. I will take full advantage of this gift(?) I’ve been given. I’d say I promise to do the community justice, but that doesn’t seem exactly correct considering my allegiances. That zip code though! Am I going to Disneyland?! It would seem to me to be something @gatekeeper3 would enjoy. Whether or not, I am thankful for III’s consideration in having the meeting place much closer to my home than is usual.
@mike I can only assume I was chosen due to my voice mail. The only information or clarification I’ve received so far is the evite I posted above.
@111error I wouldn’t exactly say BoS’s interests are out of line with III. He(?) and I might have more in common than you’d immediately think.
July 7, 2016 at 4:15 pm #13963
Very interesting writings.
July 6, 2016 at 7:16 pm #13883
@aleocotillo BOO!!!! I mean… Oh hi, and welcome. I’m your friendly neighborhood traitor, or as OOA likes to refer to my kind: Detractor. If you have any questions regarding the wonderful world of BoS consider me your concierge, although I would suggest first following up on the other major strands of OOA storyline that Morgan/111error listed above, as they will provide you the strongest initial foundation of understanding. Good luck!
July 6, 2016 at 11:16 am #13777
The phone number @gatekeeper3 provided (424-345-0716) is the same one many of us received calls from over the last couple months. I went to add GK3’s # in my contacts as you did @coryphella, and realized it was the same number I already had listed as the number that called me twice, and provided me instructions and information, on the day of the Saturday BoS live hotel event. I really doubt the guy I spoke to that day was GK3 as this person was in character as a BoS representative type, perhaps Joseph. (I personally don’t find any glaring significance to this phone# coincidence. Could be some grand conspiracy, but also could just be a convenient phone line that was available.)
July 11, 2016 at 12:06 am #14452
@thebuz: These comments regarding me, don’t impress me.
July 10, 2016 at 11:49 pm #14445
@halfbloodfangirl: I have done my own inquiring and respectfully disagree with your assessment that Daela was treated altogether kindly and respectfully by everyone present.
July 10, 2016 at 12:00 am #14213
@gatekeeper3: It’s unfortunate that @regent7 was not able to carry out your wishes as you intended. Perhaps we can focus on the positive? The invitation does express “non-threatening” quite clearly, but there is also an argument to be made that a pastel colored cupcake is a sign of a life that is very confident and unconcerned with what others may think. This is in turn, is powerful. See? It’s fine.
As far as the recent comments from your unruly Apostles… well it’s late and I’m too tired to formulate a sound approach so I’ll present you with a motto you might find useful in situations like this. It’s often stated in things you can find all over the internet called “memes.” If you haven’t encountered these and are bored, I’d say go ahead and google it. Anyway, the saying is this:
“Haters gonna hate.”
Have a pleasant evening. Until we meet…
July 7, 2016 at 10:11 pm #14054
@blondiecamps: Yummm, fresh blood. It’s lovely to have you join us. I truly hope you enjoy your stay
July 7, 2016 at 10:09 pm #14053
@kingkill33: I’d love to see serious moral dilemmas presented in a way that forces us to make a choice… No cop-outs, no backing down. It’s fascinating to see just what people will do if put under pressure.
July 7, 2016 at 12:56 pm #13922
@jeromy I have found that to a large degree Tension is what you make it. Yes, “they” provide us with a fascinating framework that I appreciate deeply, but there is more to it by means of our own creativity, ingenuity, and willingness to explore and make connections. Connections not only within the stories presented but also with each other.
Maybe this Experience just isn’t for you.
July 6, 2016 at 1:38 pm #13808
@astro4545 Well now that you put it that way, it’s even more fascinating. I vote you tell us now because secrets aren’t usually smiled upon unless expressly directed by one of our cast of characters. Personally I’d not feel thrown under a bus. I’d love to sit with III for a chat, staple gun or not.
July 6, 2016 at 1:25 pm #13800
@astro4545: Is there a reason you REDACTED the name of the one you think @gatekeeper3 might choose? I for one am curious who you stated, your reason, and what the reaction from Michael may have been.