active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
June 26, 2016 at 7:07 pm #12171
No, a hot dog is not a sandwich.
“Yes, the classic American meal-on-the-go is wrapped in bread, smeared with condiments and eaten as a patriotic alternative to, say, a hamburger.
But a hot dog is not a sandwich, according to an official press release from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council.
According to the council, “Our verdict is…a hot dog is an exclamation of joy, a food, a verb describing one ‘showing off’ and even an emoji. It is truly a category unto its own.”
“Limiting the hot dog’s significance by saying it’s ‘just a sandwich’ is like calling the Dalai Lama ‘just a guy.’ Perhaps at one time its importance could be limited by forcing it into a larger sandwich category (no disrespect to Reubens and others), but that time has passed,” NHDSC president and ‘Queen of Wien’ Janet Riley says in the release. (Yes, “Queen of Wien” is a thing, apparently.)
“We therefore choose to take a cue from a great performer and declare our namesake be a ‘hot dog formerly known as a sandwich,'” she continues.”
Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/11/07/a-hot-dog-is-not-a-sandwich/75362898/
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Kimberly @ElectricHippo.
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June 24, 2016 at 5:39 pm #12083
I am terrified -Buz
Terrified. Interesting word choice.
June 23, 2016 at 12:07 pm #11702
@jeromy This is an extremely complicated topic that has caused much grief and upheaval in the past. Tension’s official stance seems to be: Post info, theories, ideas on the forum, not in “back alleys.” I abide by this as best I can, but it often does not feel like a smart choice for me. My personal strategy has become to know who I trust with certain information, and approach them privately outside the forum. Then again, I’m not OOA, and I feel no requirement to share anything with anyone here, especially if it could interfere with BoS’s strategies. In a way, due to affiliation, I play a different game than most of the rest of you.
June 23, 2016 at 9:26 pm #11901
@Jeromy You’re inquisitive. I like that and I completely understand.
Back channels for communicating with BoS as well as OOA characters would include: emails, phone calls, Tension website PMs, and Facebook Messenger. With BoS my primary mode of communicating with BoS representatives is via Facebook messenger. As far as communicating with other players, many of us have formed more real world based friendships so we reach out as any regular friends would
Off topic but I don’t want to disregard your other questions: As far as how and why I joined BoS, I believe that is largely common knowledge… I didn’t like what I was seeing. It didn’t feel right. It wasn’t a good fit. I persistently pursued an alternative. I denounced OOA quite publicly in early May. I’m not at liberty to discuss why I was allowed back on the forum or how that was negotiated. I can say it was Aleister Gordon who reached out and invited me back. There were no stipulations or limitations placed on my forum re-instatement. I follow the same rules as everyone else. As far as how one goes about aligning with BoS. That’s something we’d have to discuss privately. Regardless of what the apostles might have you believe, there are most definitely BoS allies within the OOA.
June 23, 2016 at 6:18 pm #11884
@jeromy Yes, those would be considered “back alleys,” but as I tried to explain, I’m in a different boat than most of the rest of you. I’m sort of in a self imposed exile where the info I’m given is often explained to me as secret from the OOA, or not to be publicized on the forum. It’s all in the nature of strategy and staying true to BoS as something akin to a warring faction, so I get it and understand, although sometimes I do need someone to bounce ideas off, and will enter a BoS back alley to do so. I figure eventually what I know will always become public domain, sometimes it just takes patience and right place/right time before I can get to that point.
I’m a big proponent of sharing information. I do feel it’s a disservice to Tension as well as the other players when we are kept in the dark on things such as phone calls, coded messages, in-person contacts, basically anything that is content created to further the story. Sometimes info can’t be revealed immediately but hopefully eventually all data will see the light of day.
June 23, 2016 at 5:58 pm #11882
In the spirit of peace: @thegilded With all due respect, I think you missed the context of Megan’s deleted post. I seem to recall on the day that Megan, Jake and AddisonB met Warren, they were each asked to call someone, reading directly from a script provided by Warren. For example, AddisonB called me, I believe Megan called Sean, and Jake called Megan. It’s very possible that one of the scripted things Jake said to Megan was in regards to being in charge or running Tension or whatever the quote was. Because if this context, I didn’t read Megan’s comment as a slam in any way shape or form towards Jake. I read it as in-character, in-game, not a real life personal slight.
And back on topic… I try to stay out of the inner workings of OOA and therefore can’t speak to appreciation or non-appreciation. But, @gatekeeper3, I do hear you’re a big fan of television programming. I would like to suggest a couple shows I think you might enjoy: The Leftovers and Mr. Robot. I particularly think you’ll find much to relate to in The Leftovers… it starts with many townsfolk mysteriously vanishing, and those remaining left to pick up the pieces.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Kimberly @ElectricHippo.
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June 23, 2016 at 11:55 am #11696
@mike Unless someone very specifically told you not to share certain information, I’d request you do share. I’m not purposely holding anything back on this topic. I’ve gone out on a limb to help you and your brothers and sisters with what I know.
June 23, 2016 at 11:36 am #11688
@nking Correct Neil, I do become privy to certain info. It is the cross I bear as well as the benefit I gain from having chose to turn my back on your organization. I come here and provide information because of the many apostles I hold close in friendship as well as my concern for OOA operatives I see as good, which include Aleister Gordon.
Similar to OOA, there are many reasonable, caring people inside BoS, myself hopefully included. As I see it, life is often about seeing shades of gray, versus strictly in black and white.
June 23, 2016 at 11:26 am #11685
@coryphella Yes, that was me that reported some background on Aleister, from the perspective of BoS of course. I know how much he means to you and many of the other apostles. Let me list items that appear most relevant to Aleister’s story.
Some BoS notes pertaining to Aleister:
-My previous BoS contact, James, was with OOA and knew Aleister.
-Aleister is a sad person. His intentions are good but he is blackmailed into sitting his post.
-Aleister acted as a guide to those who strayed.
-Aleister is a puppet who they (OOA) use as a front, he has no real power outside making sure “it” operates.
-The organization (OOA) comes down hard on Aleister if they (OOA) fall off track.
-BoS tried to get Aleister out, but he had reasons to stay.
-There is good within OOA, just not those who run it. -
June 22, 2016 at 2:06 pm #11580
@thegilded I respect your choice to dislike Mark. I don’t have patience for the characterization of his assumed death.
June 22, 2016 at 1:52 pm #11576
@addisonborn: “We’re all desperate.”
I’m not desperate. I’m focused and determined. I do believe things can get done while leaving the histrionic outbursts at the door (See: Tom, Mark)
June 22, 2016 at 1:32 pm #11570
@thegilded said “He was selfish in life and selfish in death. If what we have heard is all true, then the bastard is better worm food than he ever was as a man.”
There is an argument to be made that crueler words were never spoken on this forum.
I don’t consider death, or worm food as you so eloquently put it, a fair outcome for selfishness or any other of the questionable choices we believe Mark has made.
June 22, 2016 at 1:27 pm #11569
@rizzzoooooo Agreed. If nothing else OOA and BoS share the trait of providing an excessively slow drip of information, meanwhile expecting (or at least hoping for) our loyalty and patience. Of course, both organizations will also make it clear if we don’t like it, we can leave whenever we want.
June 22, 2016 at 1:22 pm #11568
@jeromy I’m not certain at all. If I was forced to decide if Mark’s fate last night involved a pleasant Caribbean vacation or death, I’d have to chose death… or at least something close to it.
BTW, welcome aboard
June 22, 2016 at 12:40 pm #11561
@addisonborn You suggest the forum should have asked Mark “why are you doing this and what can you tell us?”
My strong belief is that taking this approach with Mark is proven futile. Remember the first time Mark appeared on the forum? He spoke emotionally, made threats, was asked to tell his story by many and he gave nothing but more unbridled emotion. Last night was just more of the same. Both times people private messaged him, asking his purpose, asking for his story. Practical result: Nothing.
Addison B., you obviously have a big heart. I do appreciate your desire for truth and fair treatment for all.