Kimberly @ElectricHippo

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  • #6292

    A few more fragmented thoughts:

    As has been mentioned elsewhere, after I was whisper warned that they are not who I think they are, it was expressed to me that a future choice or action I take will be very important so I should consider and choose wisely.

    Similar to @daela much of the interview questioning did not resonate with me. Others have reported feelings of introspection and realization. Unfortunately I did not experience any of this.

    I didn’t see @daela ‘s guy in red shorts, but I was distracted by the interviewers occasional pauses, reminding me of mild stutters while she considered her next words.

    It didn’t feel like I got much in the way of off-script comments during my experience. The one really random, and likely irrelevant thing that was said to me was by the interviewing woman. She said, One moment while I get my lighter. It left me with a big wtf feeling?! I did note then that the room had a vague scent of incense or something, rather than the odor of a dank basement such that the surroundings I could see would have suggested.

    I surprisingly really enjoyed being moved through the building spaces while blinded by the red hood. I never felt in danger or stressed. It was actually kind of freeing handing over control to both of my handlers irregardless of their differing approaches… Talia moved me gently from place to place, the other person provided a more frantic and abrupt experience.

    @mike The only additional photo they took on my phone looks like they had their thumb accidentally over the lense. Nothing else is visible in the shot.

  • #6274

    I very much enjoyed my time with Talia, Attendant II. She portrayed her part extremely convincingly. Her welcoming warmth and affection felt real. She was all about extended hugs, hand holding, compliments and gentleness in leading me hooded down the hall and to the elevator. Upon leaving the building she was similarly kind. After further examination I wondered if I’d actually been duped by the kindness. So effective.

    Talia was the anti-thesis to the other people I met inside the building. The female interviewer and whispering/lurking male had no kind intention.

    The only other character I noticed yesterday was the doorman/bodyguard figure. He didn’t interact or even seem to notice the proceedings. He just opened and shut the door.

    In the end, Talia was the one that had the lasting impact on me.

    I actually have photos of Talia leading a Disciple to the doorway, and of the bodyguard holding the door. And no OOA, I did not break the waiver agreement. I took the photos well before I signed the waiver and that I even had the opportunity is due to YOUR tardiness.

  • #6272

    One of the major themes I took away was: You give your privacy away freely to your technology.

    They asked me to hand over my cellular device. The interviewer then gave me a little speech regarding how quickly cellular data can be deleted from a device. She also tried to point out how we as a society share more with our devices than we do with our best friend. Honestly, this all fell flat with me. I felt no stress at handing my cell to this stranger. I can safely say I’m not a slave to my cell phone and my devices aren’t the keeper of my deep dark secrets.

    They did hand back my cell right before I was exiting the building. Upon viewing my phone I found they had snapped a photo of me in my red hood. I saw nothing else that appeared tampered with. This seems consistent across all participants.

  • #6236

    @masterlock Thank you for your words of guidance.

    I find this to be the most interesting frame in the newest group of Twitter videos:
    Photo – 7 Men
    Specifically relevant or purely symbolic?

    One other thought: It seems to me those who received mention in today’s Twitter videos (Andrew, Russell, Jake, Anna, Sean D.) all have already attended one consultation prior to the April 30th event. Am I mistaken? If this is true maybe they will experience something different tomorrow. Maybe something one step closer to Ascension than the rest of the invitees.

  • #6217

    I’m so incredibly excited! I even read my confirmation out loud, to anyone who would listen, in a robot voice. (Not that you sounded at all like a robot, very polite and well mannered OOA representative.)

    Sounds like most of us have had our times slightly adjusted, and email signed off by Talia, Attendant II. I love the part suggesting they’ll be watching us as we arrive at the first destination.

  • #6330

    @mrohio Welcome! Many of us have arrived here from the ARG communities. Let us know what we can do to assist you in getting all caught up πŸ˜€

  • #6329

    None of my event experience seemed to be the result of my questionnaire replies.

  • #6328

    Well done, Gatekeeper 4. You do know how to make an entrance.

    And, sticking to the theme:

    Postscript…………..thanx 4 da LOLz =^.^= (Never forget the whiskers. A cat without whiskers is a very sad cat.)

  • #6300

    @mike The gift is well deserved. Congratulations. Can you elaborate on your idea that OOA has paths set for each of us? Possibly examples demonstrating why you believe this to be true?

  • #6285

    @mkarrett I see no reason for you to receive flack from your fellow forum mates. Everyone is entitled to their own unique feelings post-event. There is a distinct chance OOA will have opinions regarding our comments and that’s fine too. Make no mistake though, we are not obligated to take opinions, even those of the OOA, to heart πŸ˜‰

    Earn my trust, earn my respect, and you will get the same from me in return. This is what I believe.

  • #6283

    Interesting theory that interview lady is actually Gatekeeper 4. If so, I wonder who pissed in her popcorn resulting in such a change of attitude. She really was unpleasant.

  • #6275

    They asked me each of those same questions (minus the bit about your cat!) Some of the questions they asked multiple times, such as “Who are you?” and “Do you like what you see in front of you?”

    They didn’t tell me they had downloaded my phone data, they only threatened they could delete it all within 120 seconds.

  • #6153

    @amieexists I’m so happy for you! Did you get the little girl or the (definitely not a) robot caller?

  • #6150

    @ephorrorsociety Welcome! I’m sure it’s a little overwhelming to jump in at this point when so much has already happened. If you have any questions or feel you’re in need of help, just ask. We’re a pretty okay bunch πŸ˜‰

  • #6102

    I don’t want to steer to far off topic but i have to say, @reaton Thanks to your stellar review I will be attending Seance it’s final weekend. It was funny because I had two teenagers begging me to invite them along. I made them listen to your Seance segment and afterwards they said: “Wait, isn’t that the crazy guy who let’s people hog tie him and throw him in the back of strange vehicles??!! And, he was creeped out by this??? Amazinggg, let’s do this!” I assured them you are a very nice (although potentially slightly unhinged) man πŸ˜‰

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