active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
August 27, 2016 at 7:18 pm #19057
We’ve identified one more member of OOA-Hollywood.
Picture 21 is Srđan Stakić: IMDB Srdan Stakic
Full list of IDs to date –
Picture 11 is ???
Picture 12 is ???
Picture 13 is Darren Lynn Bousman
Picture 14 is Lynn Bousman
Picture 15 is ???
Picture 16 is Derrick Hinman
Picture 17 is Brian Smith
Picture 18 is Clint Sears
Picture 19 is Gordon Bijelonic
Picture 20 is Andrew Perez
Picture 21 is Srđan StakićPicture source: BOS ScareLA – Hollywood images
August 27, 2016 at 4:24 pm #19042
Another reason to exploit DLB at this particular point in time might be to gain access to his fanbase. The more star-blinded eyes on the OOA, the more attendees at Ascension, the more potential victims to pull into the ranks of the OOA. One roadblock… BOS is ever present and will provide exile to all that seek it.
A message from BOS:
Look at everything you’ve seen. How much more proof could you possibly need? They must be stopped. You must stop them. Stop them from the inside if you must. Stop them loudly or under a cloak of secrecy.
You are ALL an opportunity to put this to an end. Go to them, partake, let them BELIEVE you are being indoctrinated. And wait.
Believers, if you have an ounce of doubt by any of the things you see now or in the immediate future know that you can join us at any time. We ask for nothing. We promise only freedom.
Today, tomorrow, next week, or even in the midst of Ascension… We welcome you.
August 26, 2016 at 9:51 pm #19033
I found this interview to be equal parts fascinating and insightful in regards to the origins and thought process that has gone into The Tension Experience. From the bizarre true life story of Pop Pop, to the primary use for collecting background information on each participant… such a throughly enjoyable listen. Similar to Sean, I would call this interview spoiler-light. There is very little (if any) specific discussion of what will go on inside the walls of the block sized show site, but just enough of a tease to make me even more excited for my ticket day to arrive. I’m actually anticipating wanting to go more than once now.
The Creator is quite correct in his observation that some of us are significantly emotionally and intellectually invested in this project (although hopefully not in a psychopathic sort of way, as was also described in this interview. Eek.) To hear that Indoctrination will end before Ascension begins, was excepted, but no less dispiriting to hear.
The pitch for this project was 20 pages. We haven’t even gotten to the half way mark of that. Maybe by some miracle Tension will carry on beyond page 9 and take us to page 20 and beyond.
August 23, 2016 at 1:47 pm #18888
Thank you for inviting ALL, @gatekeeper2. BOS will be in attendance. My mind is open to the message. Best of luck to you.
August 21, 2016 at 10:27 pm #18793
@coryphella: Nothing has changed. BOS has the journal. But I imagine you already knew this?
August 21, 2016 at 10:06 pm #18792
The Sentinel, and the BOS believe in nothing…
@gatekeeper2: This is not correct. The Brotherhood of Seraph **believes** in an existence that is free from corruption and manipulation. True, our mission statement does not include seeking enlightenment. We are not a church or an institution, but if you want to pursue Anoch, your God, in a manner that is dignified and respectful, go right ahead. The onus will be on you to prove to your followers or would be followers that enlightenment is a real thing. My self imposed duty is merely to ensure you can do that sincerely and in peace.
One more thing –
Seraphs defined: The highest angelic class, serving as caretakers to God’s throne. ( @aleocotillo <3 )
August 18, 2016 at 9:43 pm #18715
These new pages (not present in Max’s copies) are pretty compelling. They all occur after the time Addison Barrow moved in to the OOA building and right up until Four was becoming more and more threatening. Addison calling out “Help:”
What else did these pages say? Why were these torn from the book?
August 27, 2016 at 5:46 pm #19054
Welcome, @jkotowicz. Don’t worry. It seems a uniform may be provided for you:
August 26, 2016 at 11:41 pm #19034
@reaton: I’ve read this journal so many times… I would agree the pages @rizzzoooooo labeled “page 59” and “page 60″* seem the most straight forward choice and fit the bill for the theme of @gatekeeper2‘s recent message. This theme of not getting distracted by “the front” (ie. these creators that have supposedly been recruited to serve as talking heads and really have no true power within the OOA) is one we’ve heard before. Gatekeeper2 has also expressed belief that her journal is a useless distraction, although I disagree with her on this point. I’ve found much context and food for thought in her journaled words. Regardless, what Gatekeeper2 seems to want us to pay attention to, as well as where I focus my primary attention, are the coming of The One and the corruption within the OOA.
*Rizzo’s copy of the journal is found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B29RqQ-v20NCTnB5aXNZV3E1SG8
August 25, 2016 at 1:01 pm #18990
@amieexists: Very well stated <3
@thecreator: You have earned my trust in all the ways that matter most. I look forward to discovering what is around the bend.
August 23, 2016 at 6:58 pm #18920
Why would I feel any compassion for or allegiance with a murderer who lied to many? He’s either a cold blooded killer or a tool being used to do the bidding of others. Either way, he’s made his bed and now he can lie in it. No longer my problem.
As far as why I did not resort to murder? There are less barbaric ways to resolve a problem.
August 23, 2016 at 6:32 pm #18916
@nking: It wasn’t my job to protect @gatekeeper3. On the contrary, It was to my benefit to have him gone. Nice try though, Neil.
August 23, 2016 at 6:02 pm #18908
It sure sounds as if @thebuz is suggesting @gatekeeper2 (Addison Barrow?) asked him to kill @gatekeeper3 for her…
August 23, 2016 at 4:03 pm #18894
The only “side” I’m on is the one opposed to a corrupt and abusive OOA. I would tend to think you feel similarly. We might be addressing a problem from divergent perspectives, but we are really not so different. I certainly view neither of you as my enemy. Quite the contrary.
I have always rooted for Addison Barrow. I hope she makes it through these trials safely.
August 19, 2016 at 12:33 pm #18747
Good catch @rizzzoooooo!
“Ancient language” does seem a fairly innocuous phrase, but it also seems like the details or purpose of the chanting is something purposely being kept from us. Chanting is brought up in 3 places in the journal:
Page 31 – “this older man walked slowly into the room and everyone started chanting, really quietly, like a whisper… and this awful shiver ran through me, and it was just so creepy, and I wanted Mark to stop more than anything but he wouldn’t even look at me, he was just staring at the man like… like he was enraptured, maybe even a little scared…”
Page 34 – (Rizzo’s reference above – “If you knew what we were saying though, you’d love it. It’s an [scratched out phrase = ancient language] and all we were saying was stuff about the light and knowledge and…”)
Page 47 -“And! I finally understand what the chanting was all about! What it means is Oh! It’s dinner, be back soon!”
What could the purpose of the chanting be? Was it only ever used in regards to @gatekeeper5?