Yes! Congrats all! ❤️
Just post your observation… Or don’t. That simple. 🙄
Hello Regent7.
Thank you for speaking with us. Looking forward to seeing who has been chosen!
Per FB:
“Pick me, PICK me, PICK ME” Quiet children. It is the ones who draw the most moths to our flames who become Teachers Pet. ~four
@puppetgirl that’s so cool of you to offer to everyone! I wanted to go so bad when I was in CA! Maybe next time
GK4 😍😍😍😍😍
LOL i am dead
not in CA so I was very excited! 😀
Author of that article is on Twitter @unclecreepy… To snoop or not to snoop
It was dread central here’s the link via tension Twitter
I could have swore I read an article with horror or someone talking about getting an interview soon? Maybe that’s it…
It was on his status update about a phone call I believe. Check his activity
that message was for @mrohio so maybe he should clarify?
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