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  • #20609
    Profile photo of Michelle

    This is my last posting for today. I have to walk away and take a breath. Forgive me if this blurs IG and OOG.

    @kasch. I too went to bat for you at one time. I took a lot of heat off the boards for “defending a situation I knew nothing about” even though I was there. I still stand my ground on that incident and my opinion hasn’t changed. And, during that time, I felt there were some who took what they were saying about you too far. I wish I had your titanium extrior because these last 24 hours have been hard AF for me and I’ve become a wreck.

    @masterlock I was welcomed into your hallowed halls and shared a moment with you I felt was honest and true. I am not judging @electrichippo. I was stunned by her 180 turn. What I said to you in the mirror room still holds true. I believe in you and I came back to follow you. I made a sacrifice for you, the OOA, and Anoch. I only hope that sacrifice wasn’t made in vain. And, I do plan on returning again.

    We’ve been told this is a place where we can come be honest and open. I fear it’s become the opposite if you don’t share a favored opinion. There are few I trust now.

  • #20662
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @kasch… Isn’t it an absolute lesson learned? There is no spoiler here at all but I had a similar experience. They lost my car keys. Legit lost them to the point they were in a bit of a panic. Almost 2am and close to an hour after it ended for us, this is completely out of game, my daughter had asked me who we would call to bring us a spare… the only person’s phone number I knew, besides my daughter who was with me, was my ex husband. That would have sucked to have to call him of all people. The next day I memorized both of my other kids phone numbers and my dad’s.

  • #20659
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @lmsmedley You know your _path and convictions, no one else. You know what you saw within the walls of the OOA upon your first visit. I wish you luck in your journey. I will say this. I stand with the OOA but, before I returned home, some of my daughter’s possessions made their way into my hands. I found a note, hidden, that was handed to her. She had been handed a couple of notes apparently. One of which has no bearing in regards this subject. However, one of the notes she received was a plea for help, asking for her to come back for this person if she made it out. I don’t know who this note came from because my daughter and I were separated from that night on. Good luck and Glory Be.

  • #20637
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @kasch Ditto. My time spent with Simon on my second visit was enlightening. It’s a shame we’re unable to experience his colorful personality more frequently. I’m not sure he’s a gentleman but he can be quite flirtatious.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
  • #20622
    Profile photo of Michelle

    Definitely this. Haunt season + planning a trip to the UK in December is making a trip back in October difficult. But, November is very plausible. And, @coryphella would be able to make it back (hopefully).

  • #20579
    Profile photo of Michelle

    Now wouldn’t that be interesting. I’m planning my third trip and think it would be amazing to go through with others who are on their third go around, maybe even thir second. I have a feeling the shit would really hit the fan.

  • #20577
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @lukasrl I appreciate everything you’ve said. You’ve said it wisely. Many of us are entwined within this narrative so deeply and it’s consumed or played a part in many of our lives for months and months. Some longer than others and some to deeper degrees than others. @electrichippo posted something she knew would get a strong reaction yet doesn’t seem to want to have a discussion about it for some reason or another. As far as I can assess, until I am course corrected towards a proper and acceptable behavior, this conversation will not happen and even then and only then will she consider answering my questions. My intention was never to be rude or disrespectful. I asked questions and I know I am not the only one who was wondering these things… and I even admitted that I may be reading into her posts incorrectly. I think you touched on something that is at the crux of it all. There are people who aren’t wearing masks here. They treat people poorly because that’s who they are. Frankly, it’s sad. I come here and I am the same person IG as I am OOG. I may play devil’s advocate with you but I’m not doing it to be a bitch or wave my bitch flag. I like to debate. I like to discuss. I love to banter back and forth. And, if we were on opposing sides before or you were in a group I didn’t trust at all and now are on the same side as me, I’m going to ask how the fuck that happened. It’s not being rude but apparently according to some it is.

    The lines clearly get blurred between reality and in game. To be honest, I have no idea which is happening because of my post.

  • #20562
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @coryphella I believe I’ve used the tone she tried to put me in my place with only with my own kids or when I’ve been in the classroom teaching certainly not when attempting to have an honest conversation with another adult. I am absolutely flabbergasted.

  • #20552
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @electrichippo I am truly confused by what you mean come to you with an open mind and then you will consider answering my questions. I think being honest and actually admitting that I may have been reading your posts incorrectly is coming with an open mind to discuss with you what you meant. And, right now, I feel like you’re chastising me. I’m not a child. I (along with many other people) have questions. By your postings, I would think you’ve opened the door for discussions. And, like adults, we can discuss them. We’ve never been on the same side. I don’t know if we’ve ever even agreed on anything. The unfortunate thing about a platform such as this is that you nor I have the ability to read and interpret with 100% confidence what the other is saying. It is why I’ve posted and asked you these questions. I believe I even had said directly to you that I wasn’t picking a fight with you.

    @aleocotillo I’ve never questioned @electrichippo‘s integrity. I believe my question regarding the BoS is a valid one and I know that I am not the only person who’s wondering. I am confused. I’m not confused in regards to Addison though. My time with The Overseer was just that, time with the Overseer not Addison. I don’t have faith in Addison. I have faith in The Overseer. My conversations with her and my time with her may have been very different than Kim spent with her as I was not there. Who knows, maybe I was being played by her. But, I will be clear in that I do not believe I was.

    @mumumusings… Why do I have to be careful when I said to her I may have been misinterpreting her postings? When I read them, that was the impression I received. I am not the only one who feels that way. It is also why I quoted and referenced a few things she had said today. I was hoping to receive clarification for why she called her My Overseer. Is it wrong of me to ask that? I didn’t make a factual statement regarding Kim. I even prefaced my statement with “Maybe I’m reading them wrong…” Please explain to me why I should be careful expressing how I feel? It’s subjective. I’m not trying to spread gossip as fact.

  • #20547
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @mumumusings Thank you. I know what I experienced within the OOA. My faith has not faltered. I am not one to turn on a dime. It took me a very long time to make a decision. My decision is with the OOA. I was brought into their arms by The Overseer. I don’t know what she’s up to as well. I wish I knew. I suppose if my frustrations still run high and questions have gone unanswered, I will broach the subject when I return for a third time.

    @electrichippo Yes, you’ve made it clear to many people that you truly don’t care what others say about you and that it bothers you very little. I don’t believe there is one person here who would question that. I’m curious if you are denouncing the BoS now? I would assume that any of your BoS brothers and sisters who have been welcomed into the arms of the OOA would certainly denounce them now. Unless this is all about the infiltration of the OOA. Because I gave myself to the OOA. My daughter gave her life to them. If you’re now The Overseer’s right hand person and protector than, yes, there are questions that need to be answered. I didn’t give my devotion to the BoS. I don’t trust the BoS. I don’t believe that for one minute you are the only one who has been given the opportunity to see The Overseer’s strength. There have been others who she has shared herself with. I’m curious too why you call her “My Overseer.” Do you believe she belongs to you and no one else? That she only leads you and no one else? That you were/have been the only one who’s bonded with her? I’m just curious and not picking a fight with you. Your posts today, and maybe I’m reading them wrong, come across a bit arrogant to me and the rest of us are just lowly minions who are beneath you and aren’t worthy of having any authentic time with her.

  • #20532
    Profile photo of Michelle

    Andrew… Please press for answers. I am so trouble by this. I believed in The Overseer. I pledged myself to the OOA. I made a sacrifice for the OOA. I’ve kept this off the boards, yet given the situation I feel it is time I came forward and shared. I sacrificed my daughter for Anoch and for the OOA. That was a choice that was not made in haste or taken lightly. I stood in the interview room and said goodbye to her. I was there as she filmed a video to her siblings telling them goodbye and that she loved them.

    I feel extremely betrayed by the BOS infiltration into the OOA. I am now rethinking the choice I made and whether or not The Overseer truly has the OOAs best interests at heart. Why would she allow this? I don’t believe there’s been a change of heart by @electrichippo and she intends to dismantle the OOA. I just have no idea if The Overseeer is being blindly led or has the same intentions.

    @kasch… You have a friend on the inside. I’ve sent word to someone close to you. You will be made aware of who this friend is.

    Has the time come to stand with @mike and Fuck Everybody?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
  • #20518
    Profile photo of Michelle

    Lol… @kasch, I am looking forward to knowing what you think after round two.

    Much of my time with in the compound was spent standing beside The Overseer. Her presence is … I’ll just wait and see how it goes for you. 😈

  • #20513
    Profile photo of Michelle


    You may not get the answers you seek when/if you are able to make the journey. I can understand why you’d find it frustrating. Unfortunately, none of us can share our decision to why we chose to follow or reject the OOA without sharing details of the experience. It wasn’t until my second time that the my path became so clear. And, I’m not sure how much it’s altered for everyone who’s attending a second time. I would love to have a chat with someone out of game, away from the boards in private who went through a second time but also wasn’t involved as deeply and for as long as some of us have been. If there’s anyone out there on the boards who fits that, please message me. I don’t know how much they change the narrative. My experience was deeply personal because of who attended with me and the circumstances. I am also aware of another pair’s experience and their experience was similar with personal touches like my own.

    I do look forward to discussing openly about all of our experiences once Ascension is over. I think many of us will have a moment to share that will be unique.

  • #20511
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @kasch @reaton @thegilded

    Your minds will be blown. I think when it’s all over we should all get together and share stories. We’re all going to have something to share from round 2. The first visit, our experiences were, for the most part, similar. It was the second visit that we will have differences. I can’t share yet how they messed with me. And, it was personal AF. So my experience will be unique.

    I’m guessing there will be some who go once more. I’m debating it right now and may do it the final weekend.

    We are seriously all going to have stories to tell that will be won’t be the same or similar. I know I would love to hear how everyone’s repeat visits were different and how did the characters interact differently with all of us. There’s one character in particular that I’m curious about.

  • #20496
    Profile photo of Michelle

    There is nothing wrong with me @blondiecamps, my allegiance to the OOA is unwavering. I took my time with my decision and it brought me into the light.

    My time with The Overseer and all that she showed me made my _path clear as day. It is a path that isn’t for everyone. When you’ve been held in the arms of some of these people, when you felt the power of The Overseer and have been washed in her grace… it felt like home. You must travel deep into the rabbit hole before finding the light. Sometimes that journey is dark and difficult. As she shared with me and Jake, truth is subjective. Not all our paths are the same, some of us are destined to belong in the OOA. Some of us will rise among them, with her.

    Praise Anoch and Glory Be!

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