active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
July 15, 2016 at 11:47 am #15432
Wishing I could be there with my fellow Tensionites on 9/10. Unfortunately, it was already sold out. I’m on 9/17 at 8:30.
July 13, 2016 at 10:09 pm #15275
@rizzo. I was thinking the same thing. That this would be a continuous storyline. I hope it is and that it’s not the end of the line already.
July 13, 2016 at 9:53 pm #15267
Thank you for the information Sean. Hopefully, we all are able to get in without a problem. Price point is about what I expected.
July 13, 2016 at 7:06 pm #15245
July 13, 2016 at 6:41 pm #15208
July 13, 2016 at 4:28 pm #15115
Everyone is going to have to pick a side now. There’s no more neutrality. Choose wisely. May the odds be ever in your favor.
July 13, 2016 at 4:01 pm #15076
@jkonigsberg There is no way we ever could have known that @daela would change her allegiance. For all we know she could have always been with BoS too. She didn’t say that she stands with BoS now. She said in her status: I stand with BoS.
Sunday night she said she trusted Kim and that she would make the right decision. She said the package was going to Kim. I think a lot of those there would have done the same thing she did.
I can’t recall exactly but didn’t @daela also mentioned that Kim had said the BoS knew she would be chosen to meet with III? Perhaps it was Four that was outplayed.
@mkarrett or @thegilded is there any way you can move this comment below Joe’s I have no idea why it posted so high. Apologies.
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July 13, 2016 at 3:44 pm #15045
@endlesspictures … Right!?!
Watch, Four is going to come back saying that package wasn’t for Kim at all. And, before anyone jumps all over me, that wasn’t a dig at @dalea’s decision to hand it over to Kim. There was always something strange about III choosing Kim to meet with him. He wanted his truth to be told. There is it. He’s not with the OOA. So now, BoS and III are aligned. Now it’s going to be time to choose sides.
July 13, 2016 at 3:31 pm #15019
I’m sure there needs to be a new thread started to discuss. Does someone want to make it?
July 11, 2016 at 3:38 pm #14576
Three kids.
Currently working as a substitute teacher because I don’t really want to go back into the classroom full time.
A complete book nerd & blogger (Harry Potter fandom addict).
A music whore. Concert addict.
Dog person. -
July 14, 2016 at 11:06 am #15327
Oh, I agree with what’s been said. I’ve paid more to get a front of the line pass and, when they did it, a VIP pass, for Universal Horror Nights and it’s not tailored for an individual at all. Blackout was more if you consider the price per minute within the experience. I hope no one thinks I was saying the price is way out of line. But, I’ve also had a few people who have been very involved for months now say they can’t afford it. There are people who invested a lot of their own time in it and won’t be able to attend. That’s the bummer of this. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they will make it work but it didn’t sound likely.
I was only expressing that while some may say this is a steal and cheap. And, I do agree, they’ve given a lot of us experiences for nothing. They’ve done a great deal and an amazing job to pull us in and get us invested. There’s always the other side of the coin though.
July 14, 2016 at 9:54 am #15305
No but it is a lot for a lot of people. You can justify the price point positively and negatively. There are already a few who have been involved for a long time here that won’t be able to attend because of the price. They’re placing the price relatively high for something that no one knows exactly what will be involved except that it’s going to be a few hours long. Because, really, we don’t know what it is. We’re taking a leap of faith. An expensive one for some.
July 13, 2016 at 3:50 pm #15057
It was a vague comment about her meeting last night. I was wondering why it was so vague. The plotline changes. Maybe @daela was convinced to switch sides? Maybe she was always on the side of BoS? She did say Sunday night she trusted Kim.
Goodness @daela… it would be wonderful if you would share more about your meeting last night and where you stand with things. Are you BoS now? Where you always? Or were you duped by Kim?
July 11, 2016 at 10:31 pm #14693
@ephorrorsociety I know this is HER path and SHE got into the car. I’ve even said that. I told that to her in person last night. I had more to say to your reply but as I read my reply it sounded bitchy and I’m not here to go back and forth about things. I’m out for now. Going silent until Wednesday. You asked a question and I answered it in a way that I thought wasn’t bitchy but informative. It was an attempt to give you an understanding from someone who was there what she was experiencing.
July 11, 2016 at 9:29 pm #14683
I’ll reply to that from my point of view as one being there. Things went down fast. I’m under the impression that the actual person intended to get into the car was Derek. But, I don’t feel it’s my place to share why Derek didn’t go. So, it was told to Derek he had to choose someone to go. He had two minutes to make the choice. That’s fast when you have almost 20 people to make a decision. No one wants to be an ass and fight over it. We’re all adults. First it was suggested we to draw straws so it was random and “fair.” But, then as a few of us pointed out there was no time for that. And, even Derek said, “we have one minute now.” So, I think it was @atticus360 who spoke up said to choose @dalea. One minute or the offer was off the table. I don’t think any of us wanted that taken away because of being greedy and saying “it should be me instead of her.” There was no time.
And, @dalea was a perfect choice, IMO. Yes, many want to know what’s in the package and this whole thing has once again made me feel like I should step away from this yet again. I’ve gotten to know some amazing people and have made some great connections. I’m a newbie to all this ARG stuff and having to work with others and be vocal. I’m a complete introvert to be honest and often my shyness comes across as being a bitch. So, all of this is outside my box. We’re talking fucking miles outside of my box.