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  • #15979
    Profile photo of MariaWC
  • #15976
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    Purge for me didn’t really provide scares but was really fascinating as an idea. I feel like the most interesting imagery was basically the B-Roll of the maniacs running through the city in those masks. Maybe I just didn’t care enough about the main family in the first film to get really engaged.
    I did go to the 2 Blumhouse haunts based on the movies (Purge and Purge 2 Breakout) and they were really well done, as far as establishing a world and an aesthetic.
    What did you think @blondiecamps?

  • #15863
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    late to the party, but catching the recap on periscope now.

    Dance Card Punched.

  • #15849
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    Hooray! Let me know how you like it!

  • #15847
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    Non Spoiler-y Progress Report 2 & 3

    I generally find I’m the great equalizer in a number of situations.
    In the airport, I’m almost always double screened. I think it’s because I don’t look particularly threatening at all, and that’s the point.
    TSA likes to pull me aside like,”HEY, if we’re double checking her, we’ll double check ANYONE.”
    So maybe that makes me a teensy bit more prepared to answer weird probing questions. Which is why while I was on the hunt for clue 2 & 3, I had my excuses prepared if any onlookers approached me.
    “These Pokemon aren’t going to catch themselves, officer!”
    “I’m here to take selfies!”
    “Look over there! C List Celebrities!” (runs to the Prius)
    Obviously none of these alibis were needed.
    These plants were placed thoughtfully, stealthily, and in such good spots that I was so off the radar of the public, I didn’t even have to use one of these. I almost hollered to passing people “I’M HERE TO BE TOTALLY NORMAL LIKE YOU! JOGGING! CALISTHENICS! OUTDOORS!”
    However, I will say our puzzle master pulls no punches. You actually have to solve each of these, so try as I might to thwart the system, I had to use my brain/googling/reading power to solve these and while they weren’t all that easy (unless you’re a puzzle wizard like @rizzzoooooo), they were rewarding to complete and gave me a more full idea of what tension is offering.
    I even used a library computer for this, next to an angry typist who I suspect has never met a keyboard he didn’t pummel with each keystroke for all to hear. Ah, culture!
    I feel pretty positive the majority of you could start this and finish it within a day for sure, and see some rad LA sights.
    I encourage anyone able to go out and try and complete these puzzles. Who knows where you’ll find yourself by the end, but I guarantee, you’ll feel pretty damn blissful about it.
    Glory Be!

  • #15844
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    @blondiecamps How’d you like The invitation?

    Also I still gotta push for episode 1 of darknet on netflix. It’s true horror, you could bounce around since with the exception of the finale each episode stands alone, and is really an excellent scare.

  • #15695
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    I’m calling the Invitation horror, but you’re right @coryphella it might just be a thriller/suspense?
    I certainly lept at one point, but I’m getting a bit broad in my definitions perhaps. I just couldn’t resist adding it, especially considering the forum.

    @blondiecamps Dead Set was the big brother one, those zombies were really well done. And how do they top the original It? I saw the teaser poster, but I can’t help but go back to the OG.

    Also The Shining really got to me, what a great movie.

  • #15691
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    I’m going to kick it off with some streaming episodic series I really dug: Stranger Things, Darknet (Netflix, Canadian horror series with a truly awesome pilot), Dead set ( , BBC zombie mini series set in the world of reality TV, all eps in this link)

    Some Horror Film Favs:
    All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (While not perfect, 2 scenes from this truly deeply disturbed and terrified me)
    The Orphanage (This scared the hell out of me)
    It Follows
    Green Room
    The Babadook
    The Descent
    The Invitation
    Friday the 13th
    Drag Me to Hell
    The Thing (Original)
    Let the Right One In (Original)
    It the Clown
    The Woman in Black (BBC Original)
    Sleepaway Camp
    Dawn of the Dead
    28 Days Later
    We Are Still Here
    The Final Girls
    Cabin in The Woods

  • #15682
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    I’m also 9/17! Let the posse forming commence.

  • #15681
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    Non-Spoiler-y Progress Report 1

    After reviewing the video, there was 1 clue I initially couldn’t pin down. I was pretty stuck on one idea, so dead set that was it seemed hopeless.
    It was 1 am.
    You’d think maybe I’d just sleep on it, try a different angle in the morning.
    But I decided to wing it and go with what I had. After all it was 1 am. The traffic at that hour is non-existent practically.
    This was obviously a brilliant move, in the vein of taking a job at that creepy lakeside summer camp where all those teens died, splitting up from the group to find Brittani in a the weird old McCready Mansion, or not heeding the warning of a well meaning but slightly demented old man.
    So there I was, groping around in the dark, half expecting someone to confront me on my general weirdness, but then I remembered this is LA and you just acknowledge the general weirdness as part of the city and walk on.
    After about 30 minutes I went home. It would have been more depressing if the traffic wasn’t so god damned amazing (We love to talk traffic here guys. It’s probably our biggest flaw).
    I dropped a line to our puzzle creator and when I woke, it was like Tension Christmas morning, since her hint made it all make sense.
    I hit the road around 7:45 and had located the first clue by 8:30.
    I felt victorious and *think* I have it solved.
    I’m going for Clue #2 tomorrow in the AM, in case any of you are also on that one.

    Did I spy one of you looking for the first clue this morning? You were a brunette woman in sunglasses mulling around… or maybe the paranoia is already setting in.

    I’ll report more as I go but so far I’m having a blast.

  • #15644
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    Great idea @mkarrett! I may start this evening and will report back any non-spoilery progress I make between now and the 20th.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of MariaWC MariaWC.
  • #15481
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    I’m Maria, LA native, comedy, horror and lit fan in Hollywood.
    Trying to get all caught up with all of you and appreciate how well you’ve documented what’s happened so far.
    Hoping for some future in person meet-ups to get better acquainted.
    Glory Be!

  • #15478
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    Thank you for starting the thread @androgenius. Fellow new Aspirant here looking for more information and guidance as well.

    Glad to be new to the community and excited to see what happens next. Pleased to meet you and looking forward to getting to know you all as we embark on this path together.

  • #15523
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    Thanks so much for the tip! And thank you @coryphella for making the unofficial timeline.

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