active 8 years agoForum Replies Created
June 23, 2016 at 3:14 pm #11831
I remember when I first met Mike (Gray) at the very first unofficial nerd out meet up. We had spoken a bit before that and when I met him in person, he was exactly how I imagined him
He reminded me of an old roommate. He’s such a fun dude to be around and his passion and excitement for Tension is second to none!
I met Mike (Rizzo) in person when we were having another meetup. He’s a hell of bowler and man can he eat some tacos! He doesn’t deal with punishments very well (AHEM ;)) but he’s a lovable rascal…OUR lovable rascal.
June 23, 2016 at 2:23 pm #11795
I knew he’d be back sooner or later! Bring back the Ninja Turtles!
June 23, 2016 at 12:04 pm #11700
Totally get where you’re coming from, but the forums are the best place to talk about all of this
Trust us on that one 😉
June 23, 2016 at 11:24 am #11683
Ellis is at the top, but there are still those above him.
June 23, 2016 at 8:30 am #11659
Oh III, how the mighty have fallen…in love?
You used to instill fear in everyone. Everyone cowered at the mention of your name (number?). People were scared…WERE. This shows your weakness. Everyone with the internet can see how weak you’ve become…including BoS. You ruled with an iron fist, did things your way and now your followers are making comics about you and writing 2nd grade styled notes to you. Do you think these people respect you anymore? No wonder Four wrote that letter.
For the love of Anoch, bring Four back. We need someone to lead us, not buy us valentines. If something were to happen while you’re watching Netflix and looking at hair styles and head shapes, I don’t think any of us could forgive you or the OOA.
June 22, 2016 at 3:45 pm #11595
So awesome! Thank you!
June 22, 2016 at 8:25 am #11513
Something about this seems off. Not trying to sound insensitive, but we need to look at all the angles here.
We have two men (Four counting @reaton and @111error) who REALLY care about a girl. Tom and Benny have been doing all they can to get her back by any means necessary. Tom barged in to our mixer hootin’ and hollerin’ and causing a ruckus and we have Benny coming in and threatening to burn us all to the ground. Also, with what Tom told @reaton at the hotel, it seems odd that he would be the one to know this news and/or relay it to us. Another possibility, Tom made it “look like an accident”, he did something to Benny to get Addison out of hiding.
So what if…these sneaky bastards are using this as a ploy to get Addison out of hiding and using everyone’s emotions against them. I would like to think they’re better than that, but I wouldn’t put it past someone who uses threats and breaks into private events.
Please think about this with an open mind. For Addison’s safety, please don’t try to lure her out into the open. It may be dangerous. Think about this and everything up to this point. All you’ve been given were words and a sob story, no evidence.
June 23, 2016 at 3:20 pm #11836
I was actually thinking about this a lot lately. I have a theory (shocker I know), but what if….saying Carlos is not for the “good”, but more of a “self destructive” type of key word. We know Benny was nuts about her and based on the way he was talking, one could think he might have the “If I can’t have her, no one will” mentality. I know there are much more things going on with this situation, but it’s a possibility that we should consider.
June 23, 2016 at 1:24 pm #11748
Before I respond to @gatekeeper3, I must say how amazing it is for the support that most of the community has for this situation. You guys mean the world to me and I love you guys..for real. You are all so amazing <3
Now, III, allow me to retort (also, sorry it took so long, I was in a meeting, but you’re probably asleep anyway..all that typing must have worn you out)
First, I would like to say that you will not get the pleasure of me begging, crying, being angry or any other emotion. You made your choice, said your peace, and as a Gatekeeper, I have to accept that. As a member of the OOA, that’s the deal.
I would not like to think I am a disruptor or pivot on what’s presented. I like to look at all areas of what’s presented. I guess to some people that can be seen as a threat or a “disruption”. Our government comes to mind.
I did not give my very best friend an unattainable object at all. It is very much attainable and will be attained once the code is figured out. He doesn’t have all the free time in the world to nap or solve puzzles like others. My Taunt Life? Really III? You should watch more Netflix…they have a ton of comedy specials on there.
Aleister on ice eh? A plaything for Megan eh? So you support necrophilia? How do you end these people? Maybe this should be it’s own thread, because I’m really intrigued by that.
“my Megan”? That’s it’s own can of worms.
I’m sorry you felt the need to strip me of my title. It’s a shame. I feel like I was making the Institute proud. I only hope, for your sake, that the Oracles, Elders, Anoch and the rest agree with your decision. If they feel that this stripping is just, then so be it. I do not think they would agree on such a bold move done at the drop of a hat though.
You say you regained respect and admiration? Think again. Look at the community’s negativity towards your decision. Most of the community stands by my side in support. Who stands by your side right now?
Glory Be III
PS To the new, community appointed Chroniclers, keep up the good fight and make this ex-Scribe proud with your updates. It’s important that we record history, or else we’re, someone, will be doomed to repeat it.
June 23, 2016 at 12:00 pm #11699
@electrichippo – that really is the only useful information I have pertaining to this thread.
June 23, 2016 at 11:49 am #11694
June 22, 2016 at 12:30 pm #11557
@daela – thank you for explaining. I get what you’re saying.
The beautiful (and scary) thing is, we all can have different opinions…and it’s ok. It’s also ok to discuss them, like we are, here. No attacking, no allegiances, just…discussion. Even @electrichippo came in with her opinion and agreed with some of us. That’s saying a lot! 😉
June 22, 2016 at 12:17 pm #11554
June 22, 2016 at 11:33 am #11548
“I’m a little upset with the way some people are reacting here, and the way they reacted to Benny/Mark when he came to us yesterday. I’m really questioning where everyone’s allegiances lie; who’s here for enlightenment and who’s just here for themselves, blindly signing away their opinions in the name of whatever’s going to get them farthest into whatever this is.”
I don’t think this is a fair comparison to make at all. We have someone (doesn’t matter who it is) coming onto OUR forum and into the community WE built and threaten to burn it all to the ground. That is a threat. Someone is here threatening us and we’re supposed to care about them? Sorry, life doesn’t work that way. If someone sent you an email saying they were going to burn your house down, would you care about their feelings or would you do what you could to defend what’s yours? It has nothing to do with “getting farthest”, it’s about this quote from GK4 – “Lesson to the class- support that which you built. You constructed this, not us. Always defend that which is yours.”
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June 21, 2016 at 9:34 pm #11474