With III we had an anomaly on all fronts. Unexpected, unusual, quirky? If you look at the developments from III’s debut to now we have a very *human* progression from the activity of a baby (lots of sleep, cautious observation of environment), to a more assertive child that overreacts to correction/direction with all the vindictiveness of an id stretching it’s powerful senses in all directions. Then we had the adolescent yearnings that focused on @coryphella which were cute but like all hormone soaked teen dramas quickly spun out of control and now it’s the end of the world. I really had affection for III as I am drawn to the misunderstood and the strange. But that all burned with this L’enfant Terrible BS today. Yeah, we get it, III is dangerous and powerful. That does not give him free reign. He looks to our community as we look to the OOA. III, if you want to have an abusive relationship? Be prepared for many smart, unhappy people to start sawing away at that umbilical cord and maybe kick you in the head on the way out the door.