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Neil King

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  • #8521
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    First and foremost @mike I Am not sentinel! Ahaha anyways – second that is exactly what happened. So lets tread lightly friends because if we hear those numbers it may not be coming from The O.O.A.

  • #6259
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    My appointment got cancelled last minute but apparently I was still a part of it. I did get a phone call just before 9PM saying that I was being tested, and I passed. Then the recorded voice proceeded with a “solve this” and gave me a string of random numbers. I attempted to write them down as best as I could but I was in a dark parking lot and could barely understand. When I asked The OOA about the phone call later in an email I got the response that they made no calls that night… now I am very confused. The numbers I THINK (please do not get mad if these are wrong, it was a lot going on at the time) 18, 16, 13 (or 3), 35, 4 (or 44)… I think that was it. Not sure if this will lead to anything. I am curious to hear all of your experiences. I got a few stories last night from the group who was at the restaurant downtown. But I am curious as to others.

  • #6073
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I received a call the other day – sorry I have been SOOO busy – Originally I could not attend Saturday because they told me it started at 3PM but GLORY BE THE OOA they have accommodated me and will allow me to attend on Saturday. I look forward to it. As for my phone call it was a recorded voice which answered my questions. So it sounded like a recording but it certainly was not. I highly enjoyed the conversation. It was a slight challenge for me to hear but nothing too crazy. My time is at 8PM.

  • #5814
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Congratulations @mike! Please guide us out of the darkness.

  • #5655
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @erin Rusty and I are not connected. I literally met him a few weeks ago when a few of us from these forums met up. Super nice guy and we obviously have A LOT in common. Some of our friends I am sure are mutual but other than that I have no idea why we’d be up there. We have posted an article in the past because it is what we do. Whatever The O.O.A. is doing it is phenomenal and I am anxious to continue the rest of the journey. Unfortunately as to why they singled WAIH out, is beyond me. We are here to promote and help spread the word. As The O.O.A. have put it before in a personal email I “have a powerful voice” which I must use to spread the teachings of everything. Through the article is how Robert Jones found me. Other than that I am unaware of what is next. Maybe if we seek together and use all of our special skills we can figure all this out. I feel we all have been chosen for one reason or another. We have to seek down within ourselves find what our true purpose is in the scheme of things and really use it to flourish it. As for me, I have a community of independent artists who love all of this plus more. My voice can be heard – and I use it to spread good words of The O.O.A.

  • #5640
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Thank you to those who trust me.

    @erin honestly I did not come forward with the affiliation because I thought it was a stretch. Up until recently I did not think there could be a particular connection between We Are Indie Horror and WAIH when it comes to dealing with The O.O.A. Also this all happened very quickly last week and in my personal life, I have been taken down a crazy rollercoaster of physical sickness and tremendous amount of mental stress. It wasn’t until yesterday that I felt partly normal again. If you look I did not post on the forums for a few days due to that reason. If I was sure that WAIH meant We Are Indie Horror I would have came forward with it.

    @electrichippo I get it. You can be overly suspicious of me if you want but I believe suspicion can only lead down a path of darkness. Yes we have to find the Detractors and those who are trying to steer away from the path of light and bring them forth but accusing and mistrust will lead to darkness.

    Hopefully this is the reveal that @gatekeeper5 requested. If not, I’d like to know so I can dig deeper and find the true revelation and help further my ascension.

  • #5600
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @gatekeeper5 If you are talking about the video that P.I. Robert Jones pressured me into – I have apologized countless times. I truly did not mean the words that he made me say. He told me to read off the paper and I did not see the paper until the camera was on. He was not a kind man and at that time I was still in the dark. Since then I have seen a brief glimpse of the light and am ready to prove my allegiance to The O.O.A. GLORY BE!

  • #5599
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    What would you like to me to reveal? I am ready to come clean with whatever truth you would like to know. I do not deny.

  • #5594
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I have received my registration confirmation. It took a while.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
  • #5413
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @rizzzoooooo Thanks for the deep research into me. Honestly though I have no idea if that is what it is suppose to mean. I will be honest here and tell you that page I did not know existed. When approaching my web developer about it he said the picture was from when he was testing the site out. I don’t doubt that The OOA could not find it but if this is the lead we are getting I am a little bit more intrigued than before with making that connection when needed. I hope you dig my short film man – if you like what you see help us spread the word :) THANKS!

  • #5230
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Very interesting theories everyone. No such luck thus far? It has been a few hours since the update.

  • #5170
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    FYI – the time on the picture is wrong. My consultation was incredibly early I think around 9AMish and Brians was later in the day so that time is off for some reason. The thing that jumps out at me are the numbers next to the green dot and the other numbers for date and time.

  • #6402
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Honestly @rizzzoooooo I have no clue! Apparently I have not figured out the truth yet. I was there on Saturday but they cancelled on me. At first we thought it was just a misfortune of time but after hearing that from Michael, I believe it was almost on purpose. They really do not like me. Well let’s hope the truth is revealed sooner rather than later because I do seek the light.

  • #6264
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @endlesspictures hmmm very interesting. I wonder what they are and the fact that they may not have come from The OOA is even more troubling. I’d like to be able to hear those numbers one more time. I promise if they call again I will have pen and paper ready at the helm no matter where I am.

  • #4962
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @dsapir, if it happens I am there. @thegilded you interested?

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