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August 4, 2016 at 8:56 am #17409
I hope @thebuz is okay.
I sense a common sentiment, in various forms. We all seem to be uneasy with the level of violence now present within our community, but we have all been warned, publicly and sometimes privately, that darker and more disturbing times were coming.
They are here, in my opinion.
Some criticized the arrival of @gatekeeper2 as more of the same. I can only sense that this most recent event signals a shift in our perspectives of whatever position we have declared… or not declared. Things are not the same.
We were told weeks ago that if last night were to happen, countless lives would be saved. Fine, it happened – unless we have been duped and III has chosen this method to hide himself from all to plan and scheme in the darkness until he chooses to reappear.If lives have been saved, great. But, in my opinion, the cost of the “light” is getting mighty expense.
August 3, 2016 at 4:40 pm #17314
I feel Sean @thegilded is a fine choice. He has shown level-headedness under pressure in the past.
August 1, 2016 at 3:39 pm #17013
August 1, 2016 at 2:32 pm #16991
It is Monday… the dawn of a new week. We are always looking forward to a new dawn… aren’t we?
Please know, everyone, that I appreciate your support and I appreciate your concerns as they have been expressed.
Your new Scribe would like to make a few observations.
@aleocotillo Thank you for expressing your concern. Am I being tricked? Perhaps. Your have valid reasons to doubt, to wonder… I see that, believe me. But, I must place faith in @gatekeeper2 for, in my eyes, she is the ONLY force that has stated a positive intention for this community in this moment. I understand you don’t see a way to stand by Gatekeeper2 now, but I hope you do not close your mind to the possibilities ahead.
@blondiecamps You have obviously pondered many of the same thoughts along your _path that I have pondered along mine. Your advice? I do plan to “Be. Careful.” for many reasons… but perhaps not the ones you have in mind. As someone who has seen a few brief glimpses into Addison’s growth over the last fews months, along with @111error, I hope you can keep an open mind about our new Gatekeeper. Of course I am not angered by your words! I appreciate such thought and observation being expressed. I cannot speak for @111error, but I ask the same of you both… do not lose sight that we have a person who has declared good intentions for this community, despite a rocky, violent path to rise to where she stands now. @111error… my friend… I believe Addison will keep her promise to you and you will be led through the darkness.
@amieexists Your suggestion… along with others who went down a similar path, truly appeals to me. We had a powerful Scribe, who excelled in the position. @mike IS my friend, it hurt me when I saw what was done to him… such disrespect shown to someone I hold such high respect for angered me. But for now, I understand @gatekeeper2 is not willing to place us as a team or to reappointing @mike in this moment. There are reasons. @endlesspictures even proclaimed “I stand with Fontaine!” Actually, so do I… but there is more to come…
@thebuz I wish you well on your _path. right now, you seem confused and agitated and I hope your meeting this week answers any questions you have and impresses those you feel a need to impress. Good luck to you, I think many people distrust your motives, but I sense you are just fighting to cement your own _path. Don’t understand your logic, but I respect your right to explore it. Your friend @kasch, I know, has expressed concern for you and I hope in the end you two will some day understand each other. It does not seem you are there right now. (Personally, @kasch, I am humbled by your compliment and I am glad to hear you declare #IStandWith2)
@mkarrett You expressed my concern very well. Your new Scribe works a 50-60 hour work week normally. Not a complaint or excuse, just a fact of my life. Thank you for your support and concern. Along the same lines, @electrichippo, you words hit hard… is this a gift? I am not sure, but it is something I will strive to understand and form into a position of service to the community.
Let’s talk about the position. I am new to this position. But what is the position?
Since we last had a Scribe in place, things have evolved. We have people who chronicle events and are to be commended on the work they are doing. I feel compelled to say that work should continue… for it is born of the community and stems from multiple sources. It has been asked privately if I will end their work… I feel that would be a HUGE disservice to everyone in this community. This community will survive only if multiple people document the progress forward. I may have been named Scribe but I do not feel this position is the end the Chronicles that have helped so many new to these Forums.
@coryphella, @mumumusings, @atticus360, @sovereignskies, and @ephorrorsociety YOU HAVE NOT BEEN COMMENDED ENOUGH, I feel, for what you offer to this community! Please know you are leading others toward the light. If I can be of help to you, please let me know, of course.
@gatekeeper2 has stated that my being placed in this position is part of a task. Perhaps “Scribe” may be an outdated term? Perhaps, “Herald,” might be more appropriate? For, I am a storyteller by trade and I know that Gatekeeper2 has placed her faith in my heart to convey a message to others. As @thegilded reminds us, “ONE is coming, and we must be prepared.” This week will bring more information. Meetings will happen. Next weekend, some of The Chosen will bear witness at ScareLA. The light is getting closer.
@gatekeeper3 Let it be known… There IS Two.
July 31, 2016 at 9:45 am #16858
Well… what a strange _path seems to be unfolding for us all.
@gatekeeper2, you had given me indication that a task was at hand for me, but you refused to give details. Now I know why.
But, your decision? It is surprising since this community had a Scribe, one that they stood by and depended on and were very happy with knowing that he was there, steadfast and dependable.
And, I know why you did not reinstate him. Believe me, I know.
@mike was her “best boy.” @mike felt the pain of her… end… more than anyone else, perhaps. I understand why you would not turn to the one trumpeted by her as the deliverer of the beloved “truth bombs.”
He is also my friend. I know that the job of Scribe he took seriously and would do so again if had the opportunity. I appreciate those that have voiced support for each of us.
You have no idea how I have watched the Periscopes, heard the tone change in your voice during the brief messages you have managed to get to me while under the wing of @gatekeeper4, under her……. tutelage. I have worried…. I have WORRIED. @111error has shared my angst. So has @jkonigsberg and many others.
You appoint me as the new Scribe. You know me well enough… I will strive to do my best, to live up to whatever potential you see in me. I may need the guidance and the encouragement of you and this… entire… community.
If this is my _path… so be it.
Together… let us all step into the future…
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
August 5, 2016 at 12:53 pm #17640
That’s what it sounds like, to me. @blondiecamps There has been the theory that the “abuse” we witnessed Gatekeeper2 subjected to she knew she needed to endure for her to achieve the position she is now in.
August 5, 2016 at 11:12 am #17615
I got nothing. -
August 4, 2016 at 2:14 pm #17493
@addisonborn you have voiced something I dread to contemplate. Each Gatekeeper does seem to meet an end at another’s hand. What is coming, I do not know if I want to witness for it may be devastating. If that makes me weak in some eyes, I really don’t care.
August 4, 2016 at 9:41 am #17417
Yes, @blondiecamps, we saw @thebuz attack and strangle III… some feel it is unclear how much damage was done to III.
August 4, 2016 at 8:26 am #17407
August 1, 2016 at 4:51 pm #17027
Uhm… “shady” is not a word that comes to mind when I think of you, Sir.
Enigmatic? Sure. Mysterious? Sure. Prone to sudden outbursts of humorous wit and artistic self expression? Sure.
Shady…? Not so much.(Sorry if that dents your edgy street cred. Haha!!!) @atticus360
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
August 1, 2016 at 3:44 pm #17015
Thanks for the clarification, but I did want to include her contribution. Also, her art is a form of an emotional record.
Keep the corrections coming, man. They are appreciated!
August 1, 2016 at 3:36 pm #17011
Understood, @coryphella. I did want to acknowledge the contribution.
Also, in my opinion, your art is a form of chronicle. It records an emotional moment from the overall thread. -
July 31, 2016 at 9:42 am #16856
July 27, 2016 at 1:19 pm #16575
What @addisonborn says is an interesting point. @thebuz, do you KNOW this phone call from an “ally” is legit? I know you cannot say more publicly, but I wonder if III is displeased with this meeting… or you… We are not “on the same page” it is clear, but I do not envy your position.