active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
June 5, 2016 at 8:02 pm #9586
We really got to figure this number system out… I really dig the GK counting down theory. But if that’s the case and we’re also saying 242 is anoch, are we then classifying the gatekeepers and anoch in the same category? I had imagined anoch in an entirely seperate category all together, Being the one that the GK’s all worshipped?
June 4, 2016 at 7:39 pm #9436
@thebuz from everything we have heard this past weekend, it seems that bos has known about multiple members of the institute that may not exactly want to be there (see Kim’s post about aleister). I figure that as of this lasts weekend, BOS’s MAIN goal was to get Addison out. That didn’t seem to end the way they were hoping, and I would assume lit a huge fiery need for revenge in the brotherhood. Whoever else is still “stuck” in the institute would be, I’m assuming, their next targets. I hope whoever is is not allowed to leave is getting a way soon… As I hope all of us are not being kept here without a way out…
June 4, 2016 at 4:11 pm #9378
“But Gatekeeper 3, you can’t just banish the overseer!”
“I did not like him”
June 4, 2016 at 4:03 pm #9375
I agree in that, I’m getting feelings that some who are part of the OOA may not quite be happy to be doing what they are doing…. But couldn’t they just leave? There must be something that kept them from leaving? Is there any chance the same could happen to us??
June 4, 2016 at 4:01 pm #9373
Wait @gatekeeper3 , we like @masterlock why did you just get rid of him like that?? Do you just banish those you do not like?
June 3, 2016 at 3:35 pm #9156
Lots of editing for the letter, 4 makes note of some things that the others high ups may not think we are ready for… But they had high praise for the letter she wrote over all… Whoever THEY are
June 3, 2016 at 3:14 pm #9150
Pleasure to meet you. Gate keeper four had some curious words about you, excited to see what she was speaking of.
June 5, 2016 at 7:55 pm #9582
Hmmmmm I really dig this theory… So 242 is the creator for sure, and since the typing backtrack in the video, we assuming 242 is anoch. Now are we saying 242 is anoch or the creator of the OOA? I had always assumed the two were two seperate people
June 4, 2016 at 11:30 pm #9478
I really dig this theory, but I gotta say… While everyone was talking to Addison at the mixer, I as well as others were upstairs speaking to Gate Keeper 4 (who called herself such and spoke just like 4). So some were talking to 4 while others were talking to Addison at the same time. I love this theory and don’t want to totally disprove it, but I wanted to just make note of that… But I do support the supernatural aspect, so I mean, anything is totally possible!
June 4, 2016 at 4:19 pm #9386
Ok but I mean… Overseer will never talk to you or any of us again. Kind of bummer, I thought overseer was a stand up guy!
June 4, 2016 at 4:14 pm #9381
Ok goodnight @gatekeeper3 I’m sure you had a big day, destroying one of our close friends and all… It’s totally cool, get some rest
June 3, 2016 at 8:05 pm #9241
Huh… Does he mean just you and buz? Or the four of us who met at the letter location?
June 3, 2016 at 4:40 pm #9185
I had an idea that whoever is above the gatekeepers, pretty much mold people into them. The gatekeepers only arrive when they have been fully molded and controlled by them… I feel like 3 may have broken that mold and let loose a little early…
June 3, 2016 at 3:59 pm #9166
Yea that’s my biggest question about this, who is CA?
June 3, 2016 at 2:15 pm #9120
It was super quick, just the camera panning from the road up to notice a car driving for barely 5 seconds then ending.