active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
September 2, 2016 at 3:56 pm #19440
Also clarification on How you get isolated from the group… seems like you enter as a group and all wait in a room, then every 15 mins someone will be taken… I can dig it
September 1, 2016 at 12:33 pm #19369
Being brought back into the fold at the mixer was absolutely insane. Even when I was entering the building from the back, I had no idea it was the same as the mixer. When they pulled me out infront of everyone… I remember it being quiet with the sound of people talking in another room, then the talking being right next me as someone yelled out “TRAITOR” while I was being moved into the main room and it just went quiet. That moment when the hood was pulled off my head and I saw everyone looking up… God damn, that was it for me.
August 27, 2016 at 5:55 pm #19056
I also had a chance to listen to the podcast and I thought it was absolutely great. As already said, I didn’t believe anything that was said was spoilery about Ascension at all.
I also believe this just shows how much it really took for this to all come together. I believe the creator said something along the lines of 3 years… It too three years for all this to happen and for all of us to get wrapped up and thrown into this rabbit hole. As Kim said, we’re only on page 9 of the Tension bible, and I can’t imagine I’m the only one who would love to read, if not experience the rest of the story…
The biggest thing I got out of the podcast? None of this was supposed to happen. Indoctrination was supposed to be nothing more than a couple of short teasers and a tiny piece of the backstory. Indoctrination was supposed to be no more than some kind of small advertisement for Ascension… And instead we got all of this. That’s kind of fucking amazing.
No matter what little nitpicks or problems you may think tension has made, you gotta respect what you did get. A Community unlike anything else… character’s that you form an emotional connection to, whether it’s hate, love, respect, or admiration … A story so fleshed out and so detailed, that it has invaded and slowly taken over your own actual life. If we’re only on page nine when we are supposed to be nearing the end of the book by now, that just means the creator decided to stretch and flesh it out for us. The passion for this all to happen is pretty fucking insane. And when when I say passion, I mean the passion from everyone in this rabbit hole. From the creators to the producers and the actors to the participants, everyone has given their absolute all towards this and really made it what it is now. Thank you, to everyone one here and reading this, for really creating the tension.
August 27, 2016 at 3:58 pm #19037
Everything we are learning is backing up what we learned from the diary, these people like Darren Lynn Bousman are both walking ads and human shields. Corrupted by the OOA to push the church’s agenda and to take the fall if and when things go sour for the institute.
August 22, 2016 at 10:36 am #18816
Max and I spoke about the journal and that I could help him with scanning the pages. The intention was NEVER to keep the journal. I did not use any OOG connection to max so I can steal the journal. After I got the journal and posted the pictures, it was now IG. Tension saw it, the OOA saw it, Sentinel saw it. We were given official instructions following the release of the “BOS cleaned up version”, which is unfortunately all I can say if the matter.
August 19, 2016 at 12:16 pm #18746
Update on Page 34:
There is a line where Addison writes down the response mark gives here about the chanting, however someone seemed to scratch it out so forcefully that it causes a tear in the page. After multiple attempts at reading it, I have finally been able to make out what it says. The full line is as follows:
“If you knew what we were saying though, you’d love it. It’s an ancient language and all we were saying was stuff about the light and knowledge and…”The original portion scratched out was the “ancient language” portion… Seems a bit weird that something so general was scratched out with so much force, hmmmmmm
August 31, 2016 at 5:49 pm #19308
As much as I would want to know what Addison would say when she heard “Carlos”, I strongly believe she has gone full Gatekeeper on us and will likely have no reaction and/or just brush it off if someone were to say it to her.
August 30, 2016 at 6:53 pm #19258
Is there not another object? It wouldn’t help in our smugness, but it may help against OSDM…
August 27, 2016 at 5:06 pm #19051
This is definetly a possibility, they pulled this card many many times before, why not pull it on someone who has enough power in the biz to sell out nights for their “show”?
August 27, 2016 at 4:19 pm #19041
Due to addison’s recent periscopes, we know a few things:
*Addison doesn’t believe in the OOA anymore and believes they use anoch for their own gain
*The one is already awake, but is not who the OOA had prepared for it to be.
*The OOA have been using the word of anoch to push their own agenda, to control and manipulate anything from the media to the government
*The one is on it’s own, being the first gatekeeper to be awoken while not under the OOA’s influence.
*The OOA is hunting Addison to prevent her from making contact with the One.I can imagine how this makes the Institue feel, very uneasy. Revealing their Hollywood players is a smart thing to do as a last line of defense against The one, just in case they can’t get to him before anyone else does.
August 27, 2016 at 4:07 pm #19039
That, I’m not sure off @kingkill33
The diary made it seem like they may not be aware that is their main purpose. I believe he was corrupted to the point of pushing the “tension experience”, but I’m not fully convince he knows they plan on cutting him loose when things go sideways. I believe he has a family, I can’t imagine him giving all that up just for the institute… And if he would, I haven’t the slightest idea what they could have on him
August 22, 2016 at 7:44 pm #18862
I am just now seeing this, thank you Nate. Honestly, you are light among darkness.
August 17, 2016 at 8:21 pm #18671
The point I think we are all trying to make is this: We did not turn our backs on a BoS member, we turned our backs on a murderer and a liar. Yes we believed him to be one of our own at one point, but when he made that move on three, we knew he really never was. He was only BoS in the sense of the name, he did not stand for any of the same things we stand for.
August 17, 2016 at 8:18 pm #18670
Mike, if I went to the gun store as an atheist, bought a gun and then claimed I was now a believer in any religious group and killed a man. Would you say that makes Religous people murders? Or would you say that was an atheist man claiming to be Religous so he could kill a man, and he was never in fact Religous?
August 17, 2016 at 8:09 pm #18667
I don’t think you understood what I meant, let me clarify: the second we learned Buz had lied to ALL of us and killed one of our own, he was not “still a BOS member” as you put it. And no Mike, buZ was not representing BOS for that meeting, Buz was representing Buz. He went to that meeting to make up for all the trash he talked to three and give him a gift. The gift was not from BoS, it was from Buz trying to get three to forgive him.