@endlesspictures – I’m not sure we should look into it too much. It seems to me like it was made to draw attention to where the phone number used to be, at the top of the comments.
The fact that they’re copy/pasted from known ASCII artists, including their signature combined with the fact that later code uses “spooky” variables (see examples copy/pasted below, pulled from site code) implies that it was mood setting done by someone who is trying to make the source sound “scary” in a way that isn’t consistent with the rest of the OOA’s media. Perhaps outsourced to a third party or some sort of OOA intern who didn’t understand the mood they were going for?
“Spooky” code examples:
<!– contain the evil –>
<div class=”container” style=”z-index:800; “>
<!– bondage cables: bar1, left –>
img src=”/images/rope-long-piece.png” />
//a glitchy wiggler for the underworld
function glitchywiggler( target ) {