active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
May 22, 2016 at 4:52 pm #7777
The artwork within that profile pic is familiar and I believe I’ve seen it in other mysteries before.
May 22, 2016 at 1:26 pm #7733
That makes alot of sense to me now @thegilded. Thank you for sharing that. Can you add to Mike’s comment about “ways to exclude pages”. I know some techniques that have been used in the past were not anticipated by the producers of the experience. I tend to think that THEY may have planned for such tactics in more recent programs. What about government and military technology? They must have tools to hide stuff. Maybe the O.O.A knows someone on the inside and has access to more advanced technology.
May 22, 2016 at 1:14 pm #7728
Thank you Jake O. I was wondering if it was just me. Can I tell you a secret… I think THEY are deliberately drawing attention away from this thread for good reason. But then again I am pretty paranoid.
May 22, 2016 at 1:10 pm #7727
I like the “their observation speaks volumes” comment from cody and would like to add that it directs our at-tension towards threads at certain times. Like moths to a flame here we are.
May 22, 2016 at 11:55 am #7707
Layers of the Underworld sounds like The Divine Comedy. I dont know why but the picture of the fuzzy T.V. is how my brain feels. Its also reminds me of the movie “They Live”. Enlightenment is a code and a cypher, the Gatekeepers and their lessons are teaching us how to read this code and then use it to decypher other messages and teachings in order to further our progression. I know for me enlightenment is a word with deeply rooted origins and I keep asking myself, How can I do something noticeable now? I mean my goal in life the last couple years is to discover and master this formula for enlightening purposes but I am a long ways away from knowing enough to safely practice this form of alchemy. How can I become an increasingly better person? How do I become the Gatekeeper, the Oracle, the Wizard and the Puppetmaster. Im coming. I will find you but its going to take time and I want to do noticable things in the meantime. I will admit I get frustrated when I think Im not being noticed but its an integral part of my journey. Rarely does anyone ever take notice to those behind the curtain, its always about the actors! I’ve spent a considerable amount of time just studying different interpretations of enlightenment. I feel like a new chapter may be brewing here, if its a spiritual work out then things could get intense again. PREPARE YOURSELF’S. Let’s discover this Senex-Puer Dynamic.
May 22, 2016 at 10:46 am #7691
The Bosch Painting seems to share elements with some of Salvatore Dali’s fine work. Mr. Dali seems to have disguised some code into his work. I discovered the Dali Code a few years back as part of the Tranzit Experience. Maybe artwork has something to do with the enlightenment program. I wonder if its like the Da Vinci code? Also it seems that this artwork was a major part of the Age of Enlightenment. Just some random thinking.
May 22, 2016 at 10:33 am #7690
What if I can’t text? For those who can, will there be any hidden charges?
May 22, 2016 at 9:45 am #7688
That wierd the link I tried to post won’t. Instead I get a black Tension font message with the title of the article in it. The title is ‘Eudaimonia and the Power of Tension Between Opposites’
Did I find something?
This has never happened before^^
Is someone/something messing with me finally?
Yes, a little paranoia. -
May 22, 2016 at 9:39 am #7687
Wow here is an article that really struck a chord. It has it all, light and dark, enlightenment, tension, teachers and students…
“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You haven’t.”-Thomas EdisonOh that Gem, found that back at the end of October last year while searching for The Tension Experience. Hehe
I confess I have a stockpile of gems, I fight everyday with my dragon sense to hoard knowledge and use it selfishly.
Cody, do me a favor and read about the Age of Enlightenment if you can find some time. Let me know what you see.
http://fractalenlightenment.com/31811/life/eudaimonia-and-the-power-of-living-in-the-tension-between-opposites -
May 22, 2016 at 9:38 am #7686
Wow here is an article that really struck a chord. It has it all, light and dark, enlightenment, tension, teachers and students…
“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You haven’t.”-Thomas EdisonOh that Gem, found that back at the end of October last year while searching for The Tension Experience. Hehe
I confess I have a stockpile of gems, I fight everyday with my dragon sense to hoard knowledge and use it selfishly.
Cody, do me a favor and read about the Age of Enlightenment if you can find some time. Let me know what you see. -
May 19, 2016 at 9:58 pm #7595
Enjoy the reads, there is something much bigger than we know going on here. What does the O.O.A. really want? Well back to work and back to Watching, I will be back when I can. Until then, Glory Be. -
May 19, 2016 at 7:19 pm #7594
This is a great article from the Queen of gaming. If Tension is your first experience this could be a spoiler but mostly it should help show how these projects can be put together, how they evolve, and how participants form communities in order to uncover the storyline.
http://www.avantgame.com/McGonigal_WhyILoveBees_Feb2007.pdfThis is the future of entertainment. Once you begin to question whether or not this is real it means They are breaking the fourth barrier for you. This is how to get the most out of your experience. Once you begin to cross the forth barrier the experience can become hazardous to health and mind. I suggest some kind of “safe word” something you can tell yourself to remind your brain that it is all part of the experience. I used to crouch in a corner hugging my knees muttering “Its just a Game, Its just a game”. If you are still going mad you can always opt-out. Without the madness however, it can be difficult to fully free your mind.
May 19, 2016 at 7:02 pm #7592
This is incredibly interesting at first glance the artwork reminds me of The Divine Comedy. We all must take Dante’s journey if we wish to ascend. For some reason it made me think of Zork and the Z-Machine. Its quite peaceful to browse the forums on one device while listening to this story in headphones on another.
May 19, 2016 at 5:49 am #7573
Well so much for a day off with The Tension Experience, guess I`m going out roughnecking. Hope I can turn this off now. LOL
1.Alberta, Canada
2.Found this on unfiction forums while searching for the start of a new ARG
3.I joined in the middle of march
4. Watching the evolution of the experience from interactions of participants and characters on the forums
5. I dont consume any horror publications
6.talking to strangers and cryptic messages I find to be the best. -
May 19, 2016 at 5:35 am #7572
Thanks for editing the spoilers. I was shocked to see them but not really upset for some reason. They were helpful cause I didnt know how to solve them and didnt want to ask for help for fear of being considered weak. At least I think there were spoilers posted here. Maybe another test.