active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
October 16, 2016 at 9:16 pm #20548
@halfbloodfangirl: “My Overseer” is a phrase I am using as endearment and respect. Anything else you read into it is your business, not mine. When you begin speaking to me in a tone that suggests an open mind, I will consider answering the rest of your questions. Regardless, of any differences we have, I am very sorry for the pain and sacrifice you and your daughter have experienced. I have a daughter, too. She is probably around the same age as yours, shy a few years perhaps. I honestly do understand.
October 16, 2016 at 6:53 pm #20543
@amieexists: Thank you for believing in me. You are a true friend.
@mumumusings: I very much respect your beliefs and your theories. For me, you are very close to the perfect mix of heart and mind.
The other concerns will sort themselves out in time. Those of us who remain here through thick and thin tend to be a determined lot, with opinions, beliefs, and positions that could look frightening to outsiders as well as to the newly indoctrinated. Some of us hold fast and dig our heels in. Others change their mind on a dime. I’m neither of those things. I believe being adaptable is the best way to thrive.
I don’t mind what you say about me. Truly, it bothers me very little.
She might care what you say about her, but I have witnessed that she possesses an uncommon strength in the face of all that has happened. Thankfully she has also maintained her ability to forgive. Let’s just hope for her sake and ours that she is never pushed beyond her limit.
Almost forget, @kasch, good luck tonight. I hope you get the answers you seek.
October 9, 2016 at 12:08 am #20459
Just a harmless little cult, I mean club. No need to worry @emilyann27.
October 8, 2016 at 2:49 pm #20455
@bcbishop: You’re right! I checked and it does seem one link in the puzzle chain is broken. I am able to skip that step and jump ahead to the final solve. Unfortunately, without the missing piece, it is virtually unsolvable. Let me send you a private message…
@nerdyredhead: FYI ^
October 7, 2016 at 9:48 pm #20451
@hopisen2: I’m probably not the right person to ask about seeking ascension. I tend to think that is nothing but a myth, but I digress. We are in a bit of a lull post-Indoctrination and mid-Ascension, but many of us hold out hope that there is much more to come. This would be a good time to get up to speed with all that has happened. Stick around. We’re glad to have you!
October 7, 2016 at 9:43 pm #20450
@nerdyredhead: There might not be anything to *click* on the eye-chart but there is something to *see.* Once you see it, it’ll be pretty obvious what you should do with it. I’d recommend looking at the eye chart on a larger screen, rather than a smaller device. If you still have trouble feel free to PM me for more help.
October 4, 2016 at 3:53 pm #20384
Welcome, @joemarblez. That’s terrific. I believe you made a good choice. If you have any non-spoilery questions about Ascension or would like help understanding Indoctrination just ask. I’m sure one of us will provide you with a reply. Good luck!
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Kimberly @ElectricHippo.
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September 30, 2016 at 6:18 pm #20342
Welcome to the forum @bcbishop. Glad to have you with us! Don’t be surprised if things around here are more quiet than usual, but trust we are still here watching and waiting. Something is coming. I do believe this.
September 30, 2016 at 12:00 am #20334
@sweeneyskip Without reading the exact wording of the exchange I’m not fully confident in my interpretation, but it seems as if Gayle would want you to maybe fake it til you make it? As in, believe her, because she feels she has the truth that could keep you from stepping right into harm’s way?
October 18, 2016 at 11:21 pm #20632
@timsmyname: It was a pleasure to meet you at our second Ascensions, and it was a true shock to see you led away when you refused Overseer’s offer. At first chance I asked @masterlock where you were taken. I was assured no harm would come to you, and I am very happy to see this was indeed true. I respect the choices you made that night, but I do want to clarify one thing. I understand why you might think I walked in that evening with “an agenda.” I very honestly did not though. The only commitment I made to myself or anyone else prior to re-Ascension was to maintain an open mind and make choices in the moment, as they were presented.
I think you might believe I was an ally to Addison Barrow when I walked through those doors that night, and I was. I have always wanted peace for her, regardless of what name she goes by. As far as my past and current affiliations go, this is a painful topic for me. I can not denounce BOS as a wholly evil enterprise, the same as I never could denounce OOA as one. Good people have always existed in both organizations and I’ve never claimed otherwise.
I wish you well on this journey, Tim.
October 18, 2016 at 7:55 am #20610
@masterlock: It’s good to see you’ve made your way back to the forum, if only briefly. I think of you and the others often. I hope you’re as well as can be expected considering all you must endure. I hope the girls find comfort in the bonds they’ve built and in the knowledge that you are there for them. I even hope Simon can stop yelling for a little bit. It must be very rough on one’s throat to be so shouty π All of you… be well.
October 16, 2016 at 8:39 pm #20545
Thank you @shinobi. I’ve never lied to you and I don’t foresee a day that this will change. I understand your unique perspective on things such as The OOA Institute, and those considered to be zealots. Your knowledge is valuable. I’m sure you’ll find a productive way to use it to the advantage of many.
October 4, 2016 at 7:48 pm #20396
@summoningdark: I also encountered what I suspect is the real Addy Barrow. She seemed to like getting right in my space, but it was never threatening. She knew me, and she said things that would make sense to say to a person *like me.* I would imagine she said similar things to you.
September 30, 2016 at 12:34 pm #20338
Yes @kasch, I have gotten myself into a very unique position. My relationship with my organization has always been cooperative and I’ve been treated with respect. I don’t always agree with the actions of BOS and I’ve stated as such without sanction. I question, express opinion and offer suggestions and will continue to do so. I’m not sure which recent events you are thinking of, but the ones that most readily come to my mind do nothing but make my bond with BOS stronger. Vengeance has become a word that fascinates me. Everyone has a breaking point.
September 29, 2016 at 9:47 pm #20329
@kasch: You’re right. Thus far I do believe my motives have been primarily noble, and one day I could realize I’ve been duped by those I’ve trusted and given my unfaltering loyalty. If that day ever comes, shame on me, and more importantly shame on them. I would not take this level of betrayal lightly or passively.