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July 23, 2016 at 9:36 pm #16260
From what I’ve seen, their power comes from their title, and less from any sort of innate abilites, supernatural or otherwise. Basically it boils down to someone declaring themselves all-powerful and then for all extents and purposes they are treated as all-powerful. That is, until something like the events of last night happens. With the assassination of ~four, I am starting to doubt that the Gatekeepers really have any power at all.
July 23, 2016 at 1:42 pm #16240
For a moment we should back away from conjecture and focus on what we know for a fact happened.
To start, Addison is the only person who has been confirmed beyond a doubt as a murderer.
-We’ve seen it with our own eyes, unlike the supposed evidence of III’s crimes.
Someone showed up, but it is still unknown if it was III or not.
Addison killed 4 after walking outside.
-Whether she interacted with the person who arrived or not is unclear, although judging from the time gap between her going out and coming back it seems likely.
Addison has proclaimed herself as @gatekeeper2.
-That username is still unactivated, meaning it still is not official.
@electrichippo was present, and has yet to have been heard from since the events of the video. She made mention of the meeting being delayed before she left for it.
III is still alive, and has stated that he was late.
-This does not mean that he was the one who triggered Addison’s attack, however. -
July 23, 2016 at 11:49 am #16225
@gatekeeper3 has confirmed he is alive. That eliminates double homicide, and from the sound of it, he didn’t influence Addison either. The plot thickens…
July 23, 2016 at 11:47 am #16222
It’s good to hear from you, @gatekeeper3. That addresses many of our concerns.
July 23, 2016 at 11:44 am #16220
I live in Idaho and have yet to have any direct interaction, but the Periscopes, puzzles, and forums alone have given me plenty of distraction. However, due to the pretty major events that are unfolding currently, the focus is definitely going to be on the in-person events and major players who have been participating for a long time. There is also the membership increase lately caused by more articles being released about Tension to consider. Just remember, as your letter states, “You only get what you put in.”
July 22, 2016 at 11:57 pm #16149
I would also like to add that her discussion of “true freedom” with Cody now makes far more sense. For one must feel truly completely free when they throw off the chains of a cruel master, a freedom which cannot be felt by those of us never kept in captivity.
July 22, 2016 at 11:52 pm #16141
So does this mean that Addison, err, 2, is working with III? If so, things are looking rather dark for our lightbringers, the OOA.
July 19, 2016 at 5:20 pm #15867
My money’s on ~four. She seems the more capable and powerful of the two, at least from what I’ve seen of her and III. The OP on this thread specifically is a prime example of III’s weakness. He seems to be grasping at straws, making a hullabaloo, but with little to back it up other than the members of someone else’s army that considers him a disposable tool. However, I would love it if the chaotic influence of III proved me wrong.
July 19, 2016 at 4:49 pm #15860
~four has made her intentions clear; Friday, ladies and gentlemen, the dance begins…
July 17, 2016 at 7:05 pm #15610
Tell me, III, what is it that makes you different from the followers of Anoch? Your pattern of behaviour seems to follow that of those who you claim to detest so much. You lie, manipulate, murder, just like them. You come here asking for declarations of loyalty under threat, but as I recall, the followers of Anoch made much the same claim. You say that you offer salvation and light, but those words ring hollow in my ears, now deafened by the fake promises of those who came before you, offering the same.
July 23, 2016 at 9:33 pm #16259
I am also in this camp. I understand on an intellectual level that these events are important, but I don’t really care about the OOA or BoS because I haven’t even seen them. By the time I began participating in Tension, from what I have seen the OOA is pretty much in shambles, the Gatekeepers are running amok, and the BoS are encouraging the chaos of the Gatekeepers’ petty squabbles because it damages the OOA. Rather than getting the sense of a shadowy organization manipulating events and working toward some form of twisted enlightenment all I see are the clashings of the egos of these powerful individuals.
I guess really what it boils down to is that I started reading the book halfway through, where everything’s gone to shit and we’re on the cusp of the climax. I’m sure to someone who’s been here since the start it is extremely meaningful, but as a new participant the connection to events is lost.
July 23, 2016 at 12:28 am #16162
That’s precisely my concern. If Addison is succumbing to someone else’s coercion, then the balance of power could be in a very dangerous place. At this point, she is unstable, and if what she has said is true, an unstable person now has control over a large amount of power. I don’t think the fact that someone else arrived, triggering ~four sending Addison out has really been properly addressed. We still have no idea who was there- it may not even have been III- nor do we know what has happened to @electrichippo. If she is capable and willing, shedding some light on the events of and following the video from another perspective would be most helpful in gauging the ramifications of this event.
July 23, 2016 at 12:11 am #16155
Now we re-assess the situation, determine Addison’s motives and goals. As @daela pointed out, this act seemed far from calculated. We need to be wary of Addison, as she is far less stable than either III or ~four, in large part due to ~four’s influence.
July 22, 2016 at 11:49 pm #16136
That’s… new. I guess it wasn’t Addison’s blood on her after all. Holy shit. Anyone catch the David and Goliath on the table? A funny little piece of foreshadowing, eh?
July 22, 2016 at 9:18 pm #16118
Sorrow is less when divided amongst many. We’ll do what we can to assist, as @aleocotillo has stated.