active 8 years, 8 months agoForum Replies Created
May 31, 2016 at 11:46 pm #8722
@mkarrett, I’m glad I amuse you.
And YOUUUUU amuse me! SO, reopen your doors, and celebrate! I’ll SEND the Taco Belllll.
May 22, 2016 at 11:17 am #7697
YES, we, us, they are for YOU to uncover. You will NEVER be given, handed, told what to do. What fun would that be?
Look, unless blind, hear unless deaf, and uncover together. Or not. But, we are more than PUZZLES and RIDDLES.
I sleep when bored, and bored do I, WE get when asked for handouts, and explanations. Answers have ALWAYS been there. What do you think this is? Who do you think we ARE?
If you wanna learn something, stop asking to be noticed, and do something NOTICEABLE.
Wind, wind, wind the clock.
I’m still waiting for you, they, all to find me.
May 15, 2016 at 4:56 am #7239
Are you not getting what you THINK you deserve? Are you asking and whining and bitching about how, when, what and why?
Do you not understand every. wittle. thingie. dat happens?
You thunk denouncing ME US & THEM = Sunshine lollipops and rainbows?!?!?! WRONG, If you whisper and conspire in backrooms and allies then publicly show your allegiance and support to the other side then… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvKY8FJY0Qk.
We didn’t kick poor defenseless anyone out! Those who were banned made a choice. Vocal ones at that. And now, they live with those choices. YOU ALL have choices too. If YOU choose to go the door is THAT WAY.
DE JA VU in 3…. 2…. We will not JUMP, REPLY or CATER to self-entitlement, over confidence or manipulations. SPEAK, SING and CRY out our GLORY (and) BE rewarded. Do you NOT want that my dear? Why? Why would you want to wither alone in the dark?
Shoot, I guess, ha, I actually feel kind of embarrassed even saying this but I don’t remember you being owed a darn thing LOL!
Real talk?
The culling of the herd yesterday was brought about by a handful of people who thought they could control a false narrative of which they knew NOTHING. It’s all WHITE NOISE. Words and sounds spinning around aimlessly but not saying ANYTHING!!!!
Now butch up sugar tits. Let’s gather around the campfire, hold hands and sing John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
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This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
May 14, 2016 at 11:20 pm #7216
~four -
May 1, 2016 at 6:14 pm #6313
Some of you are asking if this “Experience” in which you have been asked to give — hmmm let me see here, hold on, almost got it…. Oh yes, there it is, NOTHING, zero, zilch, the big goose EGG, nothing but the price of your own entry and time…. is for you? Oh boy, oh boooooy…. TRUST us when we say we are asking “if YOU are for US…” :/
TAKE and complain. Rinse, repeat, recycle. 2 stars. Dislike. Not what I THINK I WANTED. Un-instant, non-gratification. More shiny, glossy empty calories please! Supersize it, I’m not full!!!!!!
Was Miss Daela truly owed anything? Hmmmm….
I know! Let’s use our medium, our temple, the digital parchment, if you will and I just did, so we are… that we lay out to call others to the Light for petty and trivial aspects that have nothing to do with any of the lessons we are trying to impart.
How do the kiddies do it? Does this help:
Do we always eat and then chomp. Chomp. CHOMP. feebly try to bite the hand that feeds?
We asked WHO you were and now we see don’t we? Yes we do! ^ . ^
“The price for admission will not be met with apathy or business as usual.”
Ring a ring ring… Wake up Y’all!!! Draw in them other moths or get burned by that dang ol’ flame, never to ever ever hear from us again.
Post Script, I have many many names, some I even share with others but let’s make it a-okay official now that we’ve done the whole:
“You get a rebuke, you get a rebuke and you get aaaaaaaaa brand new rebuuuuuuke!”
I guess what I am reallllly, truly and honestly trying to convey at this moment on this space right here and right now, wait right now… No, right now. NOW. It keeps slipping doesn’t it? How can NOW be now if you keep reading forward forever inching in time to the end of this sentence? Stop. Think of it. NOW. Stop. There. That one. Where were we? Oh yes…
I’m here, I’m up, I’m out and I’m doing it!
I am, YOU are, we are and they are NOT The New Dawn. Let’s all act like it before I start to get my feeeeeewings hurt and then out comes me BANHAMMMMMER!
This is the next pieCe the next part, the next big TO DO!
See YOU soon!
From this second forward you can refer to me as GateKeeper 4.
May 24, 2016 at 2:47 pm #8078
May 16, 2016 at 10:33 am #7369
Slow Clap CODY ~four
May 12, 2016 at 11:06 am #6982
Richie Rich we are still not sure about… We know you love to TALK. We LOVE half of it and are figuring out the rest. Are you someone we need to put under a magnifying glass? (let’s not forget the insects). Wanna be a leader? Say less. Wanna flip sides… THERE is no other side for you, it all just. S – T – O – P – S.
Might be time to prove your COMPLETE devotion.
~4 -
May 12, 2016 at 10:31 am #6973
Thank you for the clarification my child. Your pictures have given us such joy. We see great THINGS for you!
May 12, 2016 at 10:40 am #6977
WE KNOW ALL OF OUR ENEMIES this is NOT one of them, this is white noise and an imposter. Heed him neither scorn or attention. It is an illusion.
May 12, 2016 at 10:26 am #6970