active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
July 11, 2016 at 8:09 am #14476
I’m agreeing with @kasch all over the place today.
I too think this whole thing is going to backfire. Too many what ifs. I’m sure a lot of them, if not all of them, are on repeat for you @daela. Goodness, what a way to be thrown into the storyline for you! I don’t think it’s going to backfire though because of you. I think that is the way the powers that be will want it to play out.
You could hand the package over to @electrichippo and she could choose to not do a damn thing with it and keep it for herself, throw it in the trash, use it for her own purposes rather than Four’s… this list could go on and on. And, I’m only playing devil’s advocate. Because, the package could get into her hands, she could go to meet III and carry out what we think may be an assassination and it backfires on her. We also don’t know the contents of the package. Maybe it’s not even items needed to take III out. Maybe the contents are something else entirely. Once it’s in Kimberly’s hands, it then becomes her choice if she opens it and reveals what’s inside to the community.
I also agree with whom I see as the voice of reason, @mike, the choice is yours and yours alone. This is your path. I know… not a whole lot of help or insight from me.
Yes, @blondiecamps, apparently III has been active. I’m sure he’s well aware of what has gone down over the last 24 hours. If he hasn’t seen the boards himself, there is someone here who’s informed him. I don’t believe III is a man with absolutely no alliances or followers.
July 7, 2016 at 6:45 pm #14023
I’ve got questions. Trying to figure out how to word them though. Some are speculating that this could be an assassination attempt on III. I know I said it during the Periscope feed. Could the one who meets with III be asked to carry it out? That would be quite a request of one of us. I’m not sure there are many who would carry it out. So, if the pill is indeed poison, would it be safer to assume that someone on the inside would be carrying it out? I don’t know if the “best” was a reference to @mike as much as if Four were to poison III successfully. That would be her best move against him. Checkmate. Game over.
I’m not sure I made any sense just now. Writing this on the fly.
*Edited Ok… So I posted and hadn’t read your post @mkarrett. That is completely plausible as well.
July 7, 2016 at 6:40 pm #14022
I’ve got questions. Trying to figure out how to word them though. Some are speculating that this could be an assassination attempt on III. I know I said it during the Periscope feed. Could the one who meets with III be asked to carry it out? That would be quite a request of one of us. I’m not sure there are many who would carry it out. So, if the pill is indeed poison, would it be safer to assume that someone on the inside would be carrying it out? I don’t know if the “best” was a reference to @mike as much as if Four were to poison III successfully. That would be her best move against him. Checkmate. Game over.
I’m not sure I made any sense just now. Writing this on the fly.
July 6, 2016 at 3:03 pm #13839
What time did your call come? I received a phone call around 1pm but was heading into an appointment. I handed the phone to my daughter because it said “No Caller ID.” She said that they asked when I would be available. She answered about 2 hours (which is now) and asked if they would like to leave a message. Of course, they didn’t want to. Lol But, damn, I was literally walking into the office when the call came. I have no idea if it was them or not. 😒
July 5, 2016 at 10:24 pm #13740
@Coryphella I finally checked my mail from this weekend. Thank you for the lovely artwork. I’m still trying to figure out how to post a photo here. 😒 Will post it tomorrow but wanted to be sure to say thank you!
June 30, 2016 at 4:58 pm #13232
Awesome Megan! You’ve given me a reason to be excited for the mail. Thank you!
July 11, 2016 at 12:09 pm #14503
Wow! I didn’t see anything heated at all occur. I hope some of the other attendees can chime in now because this is getting a lot like fucking high school. I thought we were all having civil conversations regarding what should be done with the package and people were having their own interpretations of what @daela said happened to her. It could have been ANYONE who went with them last night and, right now, I’m thinking thank fuck it wasn’t me. I think there’s a lot of telephone going on and a lot of shit stirring to be honest. I thought it was awesome listening to what people thought and what their theories were.
No matter what way you slice it, there wasn’t going to be a unanimous decision what to do with the package because the instructions given were vague and when @daela asked for clarification she wasn’t given any.
Am I wrong @electrichippo that you’re saying @kasch was disrespectful to her, badgered her, or was hostile? I think people who were there last night need to step up and say something because seriously it’s making the rounds with people outside of who was there that there was a lot of disrespect thrown towards @daela. I was there and I’m truly at a loss. I’ve tried to get confirmation on what was done to her that was hostile and rude and am being met with silence (but who I’ve asked has also not gotten back to me just yet).
I knew that she wasn’t going to open the package which is her choice. I ever told her that it was ultimately her decision. I respected whatever she chose to do. I also did play devil’s advocate a little. I asked questions, offered theories just like most everyone else did. She said she was going to bring it to the boards for discussion, we were all cool with that. Discussing isn’t badgering. But, I do believe discussing it also involves bringing forward all possibilities including the ones that may not be favorable or way out there, it involves allowing everyone to speak their mind.
For the record, I’m not trying to start anything. I’m just really at a loss as to why people are saying this about the way she was treated. And, @daela, I’m so sorry if you felt badgered or felt you were being treated with hostility. You are an awesome, sweet person. I personally think you were a perfect choice because I don’t know if I could have held my ground the way you did. I most likely would have caved.
July 11, 2016 at 7:23 am #14469
@electrichippo I guess I missed something then. I know there were a lot of people who wanted to open the package. All of people were asking questions and discussing it for the rest of the evening. I personally never heard anyone being rude/disrespectful to her about it nor did I overhear hear or have anyone say anything directly to me that was rude or disrespectful about her and her decision.
As an observation, @111error, I think a lot of us had a moment of paranoia when @daela received the calls. Was there a mole inside the party? Was there a microphone? Was it @Rizzo? lol These were the questions people were throwing out there. Somehow Tension knew there was discussion regarding the package.
July 10, 2016 at 11:45 pm #14444
I don’t think there was anyone at today’s gathering that showed her any disrespect, @electrichippo. There may have been some who wanted the package to be opened for one reason or another but everyone told @daela that the decision would ultimately be hers. People expressed their concerns for not opening the packaging and many of those concerns were valid. She listened to everyone. I think the discussion was a healthy one.
July 10, 2016 at 11:37 pm #14441
Yes! Big thanks to Derek!
July 7, 2016 at 7:53 pm #14039
I just noticed that @jeromy isn’t here too. @sovereignskies Whoa. Did he defect or was he banned? I can’t imagine he was banned for anything he said. He was expressing an opinion. My guess is that he left. This whole thing doesn’t seem to be a good fit for him, IMO.
July 7, 2016 at 7:47 pm #14036
Did I take it to this completely dark place? Lol
July 7, 2016 at 10:26 am #13910
@astro4545 @sovereignskies.. Yep that would be around the time I was walking into the doctor’s office with the nurse. I threw my phone at my daughter and told her to tell them to call back. No call back. Maybe today. Keeping fingers crossed.
July 6, 2016 at 3:14 pm #13844
Definitely drank the beer too. I mean, it was free beer!
July 6, 2016 at 8:22 am #13754
Yes, received the same result this morning and went to other methods to present myself. Hopefully, those of us who were unable to avoid the limitations of mailbox capacity will still be considered.