active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
June 27, 2016 at 5:20 pm #12323
Is there any way to find out if you can send Megan instead, @mumumusings?
June 27, 2016 at 11:30 am #12211
June 27, 2016 at 12:36 am #12196
Thank you OOA for the hospitality.
It was lovely to see all of you again. I look forward to next time. Glory be!
June 25, 2016 at 8:14 pm #12138
User name poisonivy0372
I have a lot of games. My son monopolizes it most of the time 😒 Assassins is my favorite game.
June 24, 2016 at 6:42 pm #12091
See you all on Sunday!
June 23, 2016 at 2:26 pm #11797
It saddens me to see @mike stripped of his position as Scribe. Following him here, having a very small interaction with him at the mixer, he has become one that I have so much respect for. I look to what he says in the forums because he speaks and thinks clearly. I believe you’re actions were too hasty and seem to be an emotional lashing out against someone you thought was undeniably on your side. He has been one of the loudest supporters of the OOA. We’ve seen a change within the OOA, within the community. The flock is getting restless. We’ve seen dates for events such as orientation come and go with nothing to be said of them. Many of us wait but what are we waiting for? A _path towards enlightenment is what we came for and yet there has been little guidance, teachings, towards our _paths.
@mike wasn’t wrong to question. When we as a community stop asking questions, that is when I fear we will be in trouble. There is no need for @mike to be forever stripped of his position as scribe. I hope you will reconsider and reinstate him. He has earned the respect of many of the people the OOA is trying to bring in. Stripping him of this title, isn’t good for the OOA. You thought people were questioning you and what you’ve done or haven’t done, I know people will be more vocal about their criticism of you and questions the OOA even more.
June 22, 2016 at 1:18 pm #11566
I think someone over the next 24 hours will receive some vital information regarding what happened to Benny/Mark. Until then, it is a waiting game where we are all watching the second hand on the clock anticipating.
June 22, 2016 at 11:12 am #11546
I’m going to chime in again.
First… We need to know for certain that there was a death. As @mkarrett said, we only have Tom’s word and that wasn’t even a definitive confirmation because he said Benny/Mark “suffered what may be a fatal injury.” It’s why I suggested trying to find a police report or some other type of evidence such as someone had suggested like a medical examiner’s report.
Second… I don’t believe that people are blind to what is possibly happening. Some are more cautious than others to make conclusions so quickly. This is a huge accusation made against anyone if indeed he is dead and it wasn’t suicide. We aren’t certain who’s hand Benny/Mark would have fallen to.
Third… I think it’s important that we work together not begin to choose sides. Asking questions is a good thing even if they are hard questions to ask or may sound insensitive. I don’t think anyone here takes what has happened lightly and condones violence against another human.
June 21, 2016 at 11:15 pm #11486
I’m going to also agree with @mike on this. I think it’s time to move on. Even if Addison is in need of help, she isn’t reaching out to you. She’s reaching out to others here on the forum who ARE trying to help her. Maybe she just found she wasn’t that into you anymore.
You also give people reason to pause… Her family doesn’t trust you. I don’t know if anyone does other than yourself in regards to Addison. You seem to be flying completely solo on your save Addison mission. Why is that?
Lastly, I take issue with people who talk in absolutes. Your final post in this thread… It places everyone on this forums in one single group. I think rather than being overtly emotional and defensive if you had been logical in your plea for help, you would have received a more positive response from more in the forum. I do believe there are some on here who are more than willing to help you, @lllerror, point blank told you to reach out for help to some of the people here if you need them. But, then, it seems you blast everyone here saying we’re vilifying you and you’ve misjudged the forums. Maybe I’m misinterpreting the “you” in your post. I took it to mean the members here.
If you want someone to see things in a different light or see them for what they really are, you need to present evidence. I can’t think of anyone who actually knows you and would trust you on your word alone.
June 20, 2016 at 6:26 pm #11103
The gauntlets have been thrown. Whose side will everyone stand on? What is III’s plan? Something maniacal I imagine. The ball is in Four’s corner now. I wonder what her next move will be… This is definitely getting good.
June 27, 2016 at 5:17 pm #12315
@mumumusings I imagine you must be stressed right now. We’re here to help you through this. This is what community is all about. Let us know how we can help you.
June 24, 2016 at 3:41 pm #12060
Hugs Buz. x That’s rough.
June 23, 2016 at 4:47 pm #11873
Yes. Thank you, @thegilded. As a newbie to puzzles and ciphers, it sometimes takes me hours and right now I just don’t have the time to go through and first figure out which one is being used and then crack it.
I think they’re cool and I certainly feel proud when I’ve cracked one but someone mentioned about the way we communicate on here and how it sometimes leaves other people out. Can you imagine how brand new people feel when they stumble upon a thread that’s written in code. Not everyone is fluent in it much less familiar.
*this is said out of love not to upset anyone
June 22, 2016 at 9:40 am #11525
Again, I’m in agreement with @mike. Something seems off. Why would Tom be the one who brings this news to us when, from my understanding, he didn’t trust Benny/Mark and blamed him for pulling Addison into all of this. All I know of Tom personally is him crashing into the mixer like a hurricane bent on destruction. I’ve not had the interactions that @111error and @reaton have had with him. You two know him better than any of us, I imagine.
I think it’s also important for us to find out the truth of what has happened to Benny/Mark. How we go about that, I’m not sure since everything is shrouded in so much secrecy. Are we able to get our hands on a police report? Every death would require one.
It’s definitely a sad day and this news is heartbreaking because a life was lost/taken. My thoughts are with his family.
June 20, 2016 at 6:30 pm #11104
I agree with what @kingkill33. I received a call today too that wasn’t what most were receiving regarding the questionnaire. I made the decision to share the information because people have shared much more than that one here. Plus, if this is about community, we must work together and solve the pieces of the puzzled together. Without sharing what is happening to us, we may be holding back a piece that is vital, that the OOA wants us to share.