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October 25, 2016 at 10:33 am #20848
Since people are putting their experiences on the table, here’s what happened for me in Round 2…
*SPOILERS*As soon as I walked through the doors, I was greeted by a beautiful handler…one who I had engaged with during my first time (she gave me a rose pedal and expressed incredible worry for me). She asked me why I was back and gave me a big hug. That’s when the receptionist eagerly pulled me inside and dragged me into the bathroom for more questions and intense flirtation (I occasionally saw her throughout the night, somewhere in the compound smiling at me).
Overseer appeared and hustled me past the lobby and into a back room where she gave me a speech on the importance of what she’s doing here and warned me: “Stay the fuck out of my way!”
She led me into the processing room alone where Simon greeted me with a cheery smile. He asked me what I was doing back. I told him to experience everything the OOA has to offer…and that I was curious why Kim and the BOS were suddenly sitting at Addison’s right hand. That’s when his expression changed. He went into an epic rant about the BOS and how he was powerless to do anything about it. To put it mildly, he is NOT happy about this turn of events.
“Did you meet Sentinel last time?” he asked me. I told him yes.
“What did you think of him,” he asked.
“I thought he was fucking crazy,” I said. And with that, he smiled.I was instructed to strip in the middle of the room, and all the women at the desks formed a semi-circle around me as I took my clothes off. They began feeling me up as Simon gave a speech about the importance of paying attention and not getting distracted (what a helluva way to learn that!). I was then processed again, this time in my boxers and by the woman wearing the arm cast. A TON of sexual questions. Sean Decker, who was also there for his second time eventually came in and was given the same treatment. Eventually he was whisked into the side room and Simon screamed at the handler (the one who greeted me) to take me into the room. Decker sat at a desk and told me he had to complete my processing. I was asked a lot of other questions and instructed to face the handler and look into her eyes. She seemed desperate and in a lot of pain. I was asked if I was her type and when I said “yes,” had to tell her the sexual things I would do to her (God, that was EXTREMELY uncomfortable). Just when I couldn’t take anymore, the OSDM briefcase man (I think his name was Samson) came into the room. He forced everyone to leave but me. He pulled out a cellphone and told me to call my wife and tell her that I was going to be late tonight…and to my horror, I didn’t remember her number. I don’t remember any phone numbers anymore thanks to technology. He chewed me out on the spot (“What if there was an emergency?!?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!”) then pulled out a laptop and asked me to log into Facebook. That’s where I posted the “So upset…” status update that many of you have seen.
The OSDM guy led me out, through the compound (still in my boxers) and threw me into Professor Applebee’s classroom with Sean Decker (“This one couldn’t remember his wife’s phone number!”). We went through a few tests and then had to pass judgement on the two handlers for their “sins.” We failed and both handlers were punished (thinking back, I now know what the right answer was…still kicking myself over that one). We were given jumpsuits (thank God!) and sent to the clock room where that familiar scene was played out.
Afterwards, we were met outside by the two handlers who had just been punished. The one who spoke to me said, “I’m trying to figure out a way to forgive you.” I apologized profusely and she eventually gave me a consoling hug. Afterwards, we were led to the prayer room and just as the five senses were about the commence, Overseer’s voice calls out “Stop!” and she enters. Offered us the choice to proceed or come with her. We chose her and bags were place over our heads.
When the bag came off, I was standing in the red room…with damn near EVERY member of the OOA (fuuuuuuck was that terrifying). Overseer approached me and said “I understand there is a lot of concern in the community over Kim being my right hand,” she said, “I need everyone with me for what’s to come.” I won’t say what happened next, but when Overseer/Addison started telling me too much, something was used against her. I won’t divulge what is was, but I definitely have it committed to memory because it’s a very powerful thing. I was led outside to OSDM guy who said Overseer/Addison wasn’t “feeling herself lately.” After a minute of waiting, Overseer re-emerged from the room…and that’s when she gave me the behind-the-scenes tour of the Institute. I watched the various candidates go through the various rooms and trials we had previously. At one point, someone addressed Overseer/Addison differently…and she was NOT pleased (again, I won’t divulge what this was).
I wound up in Overseer’s office where we discussed her journal. I told her Tom had gotten in touch with me and wished to pass along that he misses her.
“Do you think you know Tom? Do you think you know me?” she retorted. “You wanna save me?”
She said she was well aware of the things that were done to her by the OOA…the helmet…the mind control… but that this was a cause she truly believed in.
I thanked her for saving our lives from Gatekeeper 4.
At one point she started speaking German and told me she didn’t remember how she learned the language.When it came time to play “Inquisitor” and speak to the candidates, the question I decided to use was “Is it okay to take a human life?”
One guy responded with, “Yes, if they were trying to kill me.” One girl said “Yes, if they were a threat to others.” I chose the girl for Ascension and when Overseer asked why, I said “Because she would do it for the good of the community. She is selfless.” Overseer was VERY pleased by that response.I was led into the interview room, past the tubs (WTF?!?!?!) and while we were waiting for the interview to commence, the handler in the room started making strange conversation (“You know this a glorified haunted house, right?…Do you really think this is real?…Did you know the handlers sleep here at night?”). Afterwards was the Ascension ceremony, where Sean and I received a huge applause from the Institute for everything we’d done. But when the tools of salvation were given to the handler…the one who I had shared all those moments with…she turned around, looked me right in the eyes with a final desperate look, and drove the scalpel into her neck. She stared at me the entire time as she died…and that’s something that still really, truly haunts me. Needless to say, the ceremony was botched again and Overseer/Addy was so distressed as she escorted us out…
Honestly, the events of that night rattled me for days afterwards. Had trouble sleeping. It was a very, very intense evening. I came away armed with knowledge about Overseer/OSDM that I can use should things spiral out of control.
I really care for our Overseer…but I worry about what she’s capable of doing. I worry about the OSDM and what they’re doing to the OOA. I worry about the allegiances that seem to be made in haste and the conflict that is going on within our community and the OOA’s walls. And I worry about what lurks beneath this entire facade that we haven’t seen yet.
The first thing I did when I got home? Memorized my wife’s number.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Andrew Kasch.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
October 24, 2016 at 7:12 pm #20817
I have spoken at length about and to the creators about how much I love what they’ve done. Tension has made the last ten months of my life ridiculously exciting and opened up a lot for me personally. I’ve made new friends and shared in an unforgettable journey, and even discovered things about myself. It’s a ride I don’t want to end.
One thing I really have to give props to is this cast. Their skill and dedication is beyond anything I’ve ever seen in the entertainment industry. Not only are each and every one of them terrific performers, but what blows me away is how invested they are. Somehow they know and keep track of not only this incredibly dense mythology, but us as individuals. Some of them even know what we’ve done and what our relationships are like with other members of the community. I can go into the OOA Institute and talk to anybody there about anything that’s transpired, and they’re completely in the know. Not a false note from anyone. That’s some Herculean shit right there.
October 24, 2016 at 7:01 pm #20816
My original motive for going back was the experience more of the OOA…more rooms…more characters…and strengthen my own path in this story. When Kim suddenly changed sides, I had a new motive…to find out why. And I was definitely confronted about it.
I can’t pretend I understand why or how decisions are made…I will just engage as much as possible and go wherever it leads me. That’s all any of us can really do.
October 23, 2016 at 12:44 pm #20744
Interesting. I have never encountered her before.
October 23, 2016 at 12:12 pm #20740
One of these handlers?
October 23, 2016 at 12:06 pm #20735
According to her journal, Sadie was Overseer’s (formerly Addison) first friend and roommate… The one who this all started with.
You can read all about her here.
If I met her, she didn’t give me her name. Can you describe her?
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Andrew Kasch.
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October 22, 2016 at 4:54 pm #20700
I too was totally taken aback by the Overseer. She is very well aware who she is, what the OOA did to her and what she has become. She is very headstrong.
That said, do I think she is in total control?
No I don’t. Everyone answers to someone.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Andrew Kasch.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Andrew Kasch.
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October 22, 2016 at 4:49 pm #20699
Simon is a trip, that’s for sure. And everyone’s encounter with him seems to be different.
He’s always treated me with respect, even when he’s keeping me in line. I think part of it was because I didn’t act intimidated by him when we met. Gotta say, I really like the guy and find that we agree a lot in regards to the OOA.
October 24, 2016 at 3:11 pm #20794
I care about Addison/Overseer. I care about the OOA. I want to experience everything they have to offer. But I also can’t turn a blind eye to what I’m seeing.
When I pushed about the recent BOS conversions, Addison told me she wants to unite everyone…that she needs all of us working together for what’s to come. I admire her sentiment, cause Anoch knows there’s been so much division within the community… but I also think that idealism can make you vulnerable. I fear she is rushing into something without having fully thought it through.
I also cannot shake the face of the handler I saw kill herself in front of me. It still haunts me.
Some of what I learned and saw, I will keep to myself. But I can confirm one thing with absolute certainty: The OSDM man (Samson?) has control over Addison. Maybe of everyone. And he’s someone to be feared.
Interesting how Rizzo and Born were approached by the OSDM man about staying in contact. A certain someone from my past reached out about a meeting before I went to Ascension II. Serious plans are in motion. I’m on edge wondering what it could be.
October 23, 2016 at 12:10 pm #20737
Anochspeed, @blondiecamps! I’m so thrilled you got this opportunity!
October 20, 2016 at 2:39 pm #20678
Whatever his name is, he seems to hold power over the entire OOA. And is someone you don’t want to cross.
October 19, 2016 at 10:28 pm #20676
@electrichippo To clarify, I understand the Overseer’s reasoning for bringing you in. I just don’t know how she convinced you or what was said.
October 19, 2016 at 3:44 pm #20660
The OOA is revealed to be the “Ovaltine Order of America.” Be sure to drink more, kids!
Not for nothing, Sean… but I would totally buy a VR version of Ascension.
October 19, 2016 at 3:40 pm #20657
@electrichippo If my memory serves me correct – and I could be mistaken because I was trying to absorb every piece of information I could that night – the OSDM man with the briefcase introduced himself as Samson. He seems to be the most powerful figure we’ve encountered thus far.
He intimidates the ever-living fuck out of me (and this is coming from someone who got along with Simon).
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Andrew Kasch.
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October 19, 2016 at 3:35 pm #20655
Instead of a bouncy castle, there would just be the helmet. Addison will telepathically project images of fun party activities into your mind. You wouldn’t know the difference.