Forum Replies Created
June 5, 2016 at 1:12 am #9482
@jkonigsberg Yes you’re right, but at what expense to tear our community down?
June 4, 2016 at 11:05 pm #9477
Ok feelings real quick here:
Glory Be.
June 4, 2016 at 8:58 pm #9467
So maybe spreading the word of Light is the message here, maybe it’s also to let people know that the OOA is everywhere. Sorry @thegilded if this isn’t the place to post this, but I thought it worked. Anyways, so… I’m up here in Utah now (Park City, but still close enough to Salt Lake), working on another film, doing the job thing, and I ask myself “Why can’t I kill two birds with one stone while I’m here?”
Benny O. Sampson, is an enemy of the OOA. I have stated publicly that I affirm myself with the OOA, and that makes him my enemy now. I ask of the OOA to use this happenstance of fate and use me as their messenger to deliver a statement to Mark that the OOA sees all and watches all. Maybe this has been part of my _path all along? @gatekeeper3 Since it would appear that you are calling the shots now, what say you?? Hope to deliver your message of Light and Wrath. Glory Be! -
June 4, 2016 at 4:00 pm #9372
@gatekeeper3 can you explain why you did not like this and why is @masterlock gone now?? What happened??
June 4, 2016 at 1:39 pm #9329
Aleister spoke to me earlier today and I asked him if there was truth to him being GK3? He told me, “That is untrue.”
Take it for what it is, but I think GK3 is someone else and not Aleister. -
June 3, 2016 at 2:45 pm #9129
To be precise, it’s at the Griffith Park Soccer Fields. So excited for whoever gets there first!!
June 3, 2016 at 2:31 pm #9126
The address is 3401 Riverside Dr. Griffith Park… GO!!!
June 3, 2016 at 2:26 pm #9123
Ok cool! New video and a gift is waiting for someone to go get it!! I love surprises!!
June 3, 2016 at 7:48 am #9064
Can’t tell what is in the pictures, but does it look like someone might have a mask or bag over their head in one of them?? Addison is a grown adult, even if things are being held over her head, there are always choices. Seems to me that she had an emotional event and solidified her resolve in going forward with the OOA, which will probably be asked of us at some certain point if we all wish to move forward with them as well.
June 3, 2016 at 7:43 am #9063
AHHH.. feels so good to be back and actually have the time to add to the forums. One thing that has been on my mind and I feel hasn’t been clarified, I have a question to why @thegilded was suddenly quiet at the event? He was talkative before he went into the event but during it, something changed for him? Was it the helmet? Was it something else? Can you explain yourself @thegilded ??
June 1, 2016 at 6:36 am #8732
Here’s some analysis from what I went thru and what I’ve read from others sharing somewhat the same experience.
The numbers on the name tags don’t correlate with when waivers were sent in. I didn’t turn mine in until Saturday noonish and had my name tag marked with a “3.”
Seems I wasn’t the only one to go tell 3 secrets by the man in the scarf, but I should mention that it was only he noticed my name tag was marked with an “X”.
Seems most people got their nametags “X’d” out after having interactions with the OOA members. I was “X’d” out by Addison.
@gatekeeper4 can you mail me one of the OOA posters? I was gonna take one, but without having permission, I didn’t want to get in trouble with you all.So there’s some notes, I have no idea how the nametags correlate but if we have all the markings from everyone that was there, it might spell something out for us.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
_Michael Gray.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
May 30, 2016 at 7:03 am #8567
What a fun and crazy day that was wasn’t it?! Good to see old friends and make new ones today. Message of the day was about community and good to see @rizzzoooooo back in the camp.
Here’s my not so quick run down of what I saw and who I talked to there:
We start the day with a location address for 1:30pm, doors open and we are ushered in and given name tags. The lady (Mary) who was giving us name tags was very up beat and happy to present us in. My nag tag had a number 3 marked in the lower corner, relevance unknown. Second to greet was Addison. She wasn’t too talkative and was definitely not trying to hold conversation. She gave me a yellow rose and I proceeded in. I meet the photographer lady (name unknown) and paused for her as she was taking photos of everyone coming in the door. After the photo, I see in the room various OOA posters hung up on the wall, books on the tables, coffee, and donuts!! I also notice quite a few in this room that are people clearly associated withe OOA. We got the cello player, which in interaction with her, she said she was only entertainment and continued staring into nothing. There was the security guard in the back of the room sitting, which was also the same security guard I saw when I came out of the 4/30 event. Good to see him again as well. I asked him at the end of the event if I could have a poster, he said probably not. Maybe next time..
The photographer lady I tried to speak to a couple of times, but she avoided my handshakes and kept moving. There was ?Eddie? (I asked him his name after the joke), the smooth joke telling gentleman haha. He pulled me aside and told me this joke about Pastor Fuzz and him banging a girl on Lover’s Lane, eventually getting caught by the fuzz. He ended the joke and asked me if I got it…did anyone get this off beat joke?? hahaha
I admit I was kinda scared to talk to the other OOA members, especially Addison. I finally said fuck it and went to go ask her if she was indeed the same Addison that has been answering the phone calls for the OOA? I was told from her that she couldn’t tell me that. I apologized and said thank you if it was because I’ve talked to her quite a few times on the phone, would’ve been nice to put a face with a name. All of sudden at this, she pulls me to the side and asks me a question. She asks me to think abut and look at those people around me, to see their reactions and their emotions of when I tell people about what happens here today. To ask myself that when they make me feel like maybe I’m the crazy one, to ask maybe if they aren’t the crazy ones. At that I ask her if that is what happened to her and then she took out her sharpie and crossed out my name. HAHA I literally cried out “Ah fuck, what did I do?!” At that, ?Eddy? came up and pulled me to the side and asked me to leave her alone. I also attempted to talk to the scarf wearing older gentleman, he did happen to notice my x on my name tag and asked me if Addison did happen to ask me a question. I mentioned she did and he instructed me to go and tell 3 members of our community secrets nobody has ever heard before, and that he would have an answer for me next time I returned. HAHA thanks @kasch @monkeymuffin333 and Ben! I did that and then he was gone haha. When he came back, he started the proceedings on stage for us.
After that is was nice speeches from both the OOA and our Scribe about community, which was very relevant, considering the amount of people that came out today. We had the cello girl get up and play some darker weirder music, she rocked it by the way. We had @Rizzoooooo brought in front of us hooded and then stripped of his ego and shell. The group majority voted for him to be given a second chance and he was allowed to sit down with us and continue on with the proceedings.
The height of the event reached a big turning point in where Addison and the rest of the OOA came out in these orange robes and told us that Addison would now aerobe in front of us for her sins that she has committed. At that, yelling behind us and coming from a different room is ?Addison’s dad? He comes bursting out yelling at us and the OOA, telling us he’s taking his daughter back home. Ol’ boy gets tackled and put thru a wall by the security guard, and thrown outside into the back. We are apologized to by the OOA older gentleman, and that a relocation will be coming soon, that they will be in touch.
At that we were are left there wondering what the hell just happened and what went down. We looked around the room and tried to gather any info that we could to learn more from the OOA. A lady with the OOA that I had seen previously had come back in and handed @kasch a phone. He took off and we all wondered where and why…
@thegilded was very quiet after all of this and didn’t speak the rest of the night. Some people I heard actually saw the mysterious and lovely @gatekeeper4, were asked to put on some kinda helmet. A whole lot happened and although more questions still pose than questions answered, we did receive many answers today and one that was built upon our community. Glory Be! -
May 26, 2016 at 10:25 pm #8328
Same here @daela just waiting to see if I get an invite in my email. I honestly think it is just an oversight and they have their hands full. I still have my fingers crossed that they will send me my invite, they look so awesome!! I would really like to Hear what our Scribe has to say to our community. For everyone that got an invite, I’m super happy for you all, no more sitting behind a computer and messaging, we get to meet all in person and share stories and have fun!!
May 26, 2016 at 10:12 pm #8327
Lets do it!!
May 26, 2016 at 4:37 am #8291
Just a thought here, sorry I don’t have time to do it myself at the moment. So just throwing it out there…
There is what I feel an unsloved puzzle with a video that was released. It had the backslash of /what5youseek
Maybe one of these words that the runes stand for could be added to the /what5youseek/”insert word”
This puzzle has been getting me since I first saw it and I don’t think it’s a dead end. We just have to find what we’re seeking and make something of it. If it doesn’t lead to anything, sorry for those that put in the time to see if it is crack able.So the whole code would be”insert”