active 8 years agoForum Replies Created
June 1, 2016 at 10:32 am #8772
I’ve spoken to Addison a couple times on the phone. She set up my first consultation. She was very pleasant.
She did seem a bit…bummed…on Sunday. I went to give her my rose because of her demeanor and try to cheer her up, but she refused and the joke man came up and told me I shouldn’t talk to her.
We’ve been constantly told that we all make choices and those choices can alter our path. Maybe she made choices that altered her path? Maybe she was in a bad mood? Maybe she was upset she had to work on a holiday weekend and couldn’t go out of town? Who knows.
June 1, 2016 at 8:24 am #8746
Or it’s possible the Volume numbers coincide with “their new dusk”. Remember Rosemary said that this was the 20th of their new dusk?
May 31, 2016 at 7:51 pm #8707
Also, I was wondering if you guys could help me with names of people we met this weekend. Including people from the Saturday event. I want to update the Reddit list of names, but didn’t catch many. This is a list of names I think are needed.
– name in the emails that went out inviting them
– driver’s name (Arson?)
– phone call in the car
– people in the hotel room/on the patioSunday
– the scarf man
– the joke man
– the photographer
– the very happy lady who greeted us (Mary? Attendant #?)
– the people upstairs (definitely at least one man and one woman (possibly 2, also think one was Gk4)
– the security guard
– Addison and Thomas BarrowAlso, I spoke to our Sentries about trying to change the time limit on editing so we can have all the info in the forums instead of having to come here, then go there, then come here, etc
May 31, 2016 at 7:40 pm #8703
@coryphella and @addisonborn – VERY well said and very good points. Scribe approved haha The thing is, just Slack was banned, not us from each other ya know? We can all still chat, just not in the same place. I know that doesn’t make what happened any better, but that’s the silver lining I guess
What @thegilded says makes a lot of sense too. I mean, if you look at the thread about Sunday, look at how everyone is jumping in with what they remembered, talked about their personal experiences, clues they may have found, etc. I don’t remember a thread like that after the last event.
May 31, 2016 at 3:20 pm #8671
A very special event to plan?? Ooooo rreaaalllyyyy??
May 30, 2016 at 6:43 pm #8608
Playing catch up. First, a huge thank you for the kind words about my speech. I was nervous as hell and my heart was racing due to what happened right before it.
Right before we started the ceremony. I was taken to the attic that @thegilded described. I got the hood and the helmet. I’m pretty sure it was @gatekeeper4 that started talking to me. She said something along the lines of me not knowing who she is, but she knows who I am and that she is the key to everything we do and don’t do. She also asks me for an offering and does the countdown as well. Unfortunately, I gave them something that was a gift to me and I feel horrible about it. After speaking with @reaton about his experience (don’t want to share until he does), I believe that they might have thought I had more information than I actually did. I’m basing this on a couple private messages @gatekeeper4 had sent me about something that “surely you know about”, but I didn’t and don’t know what she’s talking about. I’m wondering if I was supposed to get more information and that information was supposed to be the offering. I don’t know, just me overthinking and connecting the dots.
Anyway, that ends, I go back downstairs, sit down and they begin. A couple minutes later, I’m asked to give my speech and my nerves and heartbeat still haven’t recovered from what just happened. I’m sure you could hear it in my voice and see my hands shaking haha
May 28, 2016 at 2:24 pm #8516
Also, try clicking them to turn them rather than dragging them
May 27, 2016 at 8:25 pm #8497
The first thing I noticed are the SNL (Saturday Night Live perhaps? haha) but that also, those letters are in Sentinel. Also, the count of the letters/numbers are 8, there are 8 letters in Sentinel. If there are 2 S’s, maybe that could represent N, since there are 2 N’s in Sentinel? If it’s F, I have no idea.
Also, something interesting, from what I remember, when Neil asked Tension about it, I think they told him that it wasn’t them and they didn’t know what he was talking about….which would also lead to something Sentinel based. @nking can you confirm?
And just to mess with Neil some more….you can’t spell Sentinel without n-e-i-l 😉
May 27, 2016 at 10:42 am #8374
Thank you for this! This was something that was definitely needed.
June 1, 2016 at 9:07 am #8757
Once you see it…
May 31, 2016 at 7:43 pm #8704
This is awesome @daela! One thing jumped out at me “– Number all positions and list the qualifications for each”
Each of us had a number on our nametags. I don’t know if it was anything more than just numbering them, but it’s definitely interesting that one of the book mentions this.
May 31, 2016 at 10:18 am #8645
I wrote down all the tapes, books, and other random things on something that @maryellison911 had. Mary, can you chime in with what I wrote down?
May 30, 2016 at 6:34 pm #8606
Great read! Also, did you notice something? They were handing out ROSES and we had chatted about this image? Could be a coincidence, but “Nothing is random”
May 27, 2016 at 7:25 pm #8493
I feel like there’s something there. Since the actual link sends you to the activity feed, if you type thetensionexperience.com/39 it redirects you to a reply by @endlesspictures about the first consultation and what was on the table. That link is http://thetensionexperience.com/forums/reply/3900/
If you remove the “00”, it just reverts back to 3900.
Not sure what to make of it or if it’s anything, but it could go together based on the actual link of the underscore
May 27, 2016 at 10:59 am #8381