This is basically how I imagine III reacted to the letter.
@rizzzoooooo they are so maybe it’s organizational wear but look at those hands from the garage video, they’re more beefier. The “happier” Addison video the driver has more delicate hands IMHO.
I’m going to feel REAL bad if I mis-identify the gender but I’m going out on a limb that it’s a male.
I wonder if that was Aleister in the car with Addison? There is indication that he’s on the run….
God damn ~four has dem lady balls. I love it.
Ohhhhhhh I keep forgetting we have youngin’s. No problem, Wurstkusch has that patio area. We’ll figure it out, I’m sure.
For June 26th gathering I was thinking EightyTwo or XLanes in little Tokyo.
However, I’m holding off on solidifying the meet up place until I figure out where VesCorp is doing their event that evening.
I am going to crack up if this winds up on the next Tension Experience video.
@cmota21, I recommend starting off here and here.
Sounds good, we’ll see you this Sunday! TBA location
Hi Alyse! Welcome back. If anybody dislikes you from whatever happened last time, eff them. AmIright? Do what you can to further your _Path!
Credit to @111error who got the screencap!
Orange is the New Black
Dude I love it @monkeymuffin333 @prufrock5150
F.Y = 6.25
that’s fucking brilliant!
Clearly @thebuz is Mr. July with dem patriotic undies
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