active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
October 17, 2016 at 1:37 pm #20588
I’m not entirely sure what went down at the OOA with @electrichippo but all I know is she’s capable of making her own decisions and staying true. I don’t believe she has ever wanted harm to anyone, I mean her whole point of joining BOS was to help us all along with BOS’s main target at the time, Addy. I do find it hard to believe she has left us other BOS… left her brothers and sisters for the institute. But I know she wants addy safe and I can only hope that she stays true to her self on that. I just hope she stays safe.
I’ll be back in the mad house the 22nd… We’ll see what goes down in there that’s making so many brothers turn their back on what they believe.
October 3, 2016 at 1:50 pm #20355
Have you received any strange emails asking about someone or anything that relates to that call?
September 29, 2016 at 12:01 pm #20271
A lot went into securing and sending those page scans out… I really want you to read them and be familiar with them before ascension. You need to know what the OOA does to people, they lie and make you feel like you’re worth a million bucks only to pull the rug from under you and use you for whatever “mystical” bullshit they practice. Just remember, the OOA is not who they say they are…
And Graham, I want you to remember that nothing you see in there will be any kind of supernatural trash. They don’t have power like that, don’t let them make you belive they do.Good luck at the instute, We want you to be safe and come home… They don’t.
September 29, 2016 at 11:45 am #20268
It’s funny you guys bring up all this activity from tension… just this morning Tom Donovan went active on FB and added me as a friend. Very strange that particular account went live, as I see almost no reason for them to ever use it again?
September 29, 2016 at 11:43 am #20266
@reaton do you have an idea oh who she was in ascension? Maybe one of the younger women who were acting as your guides in a way?
September 26, 2016 at 5:28 pm #20223
Absolutely agree, I want to see more tension and other original stuff. I would love to see SNM and such, but I also think it’s special when you’re seeing something in its earliest form and being their fornits evolution. The article was very well written and enjoyed it quite a bit!
September 21, 2016 at 5:23 pm #20201
I agree with all this^^
Another great place to read reviews of ascension that are very much non-spoilers is the yelp page! Pretty much all the reviews on there are from members on the community, it is somewhat new so there’s only a few in there (so if you attended, write up a review for others on the fence!)
September 17, 2016 at 11:51 am #20112
The last we heard of bob jones was (I believe) in the green newsletter from four (the one with her writing all over). There was a picture of bob jones with the following lines blacked out,
“Due to the diligence and hard work of those apostles of the beginning, the true identity of Robert Jones has been uncovered. His disloyalty and lies will be delt with extreme prejudice. We encourage you to place be vigilant in reporting all people who pry you from the light to the Omega Counncil.”
There is also a hangman that, when solved reads “Bob Jones”. From this new info and re-reading the past newsletter, maybe it’s not too crazy to belive he did just go underground for the time being, as @blondiecamps said? However, it seems something happened recently that caused him to actually go missing…
Whatever happened to you bob, stay strong.
October 3, 2016 at 2:04 pm #20358
Ah, yea I would put money down this wasn’t tension… maybe it was a prank or something? (Hopefully?)
September 29, 2016 at 11:35 pm #20332
Could you give an idea of what you sent to her as a reply, @sweeneyskip?
September 29, 2016 at 1:28 pm #20289
We were all just like you, we committed 100% to the OOA, but we broke off and now are part of the BOS, our purpose is simple: To end the OOA and their harmful tactics, and to help protect as many people as we can from the institute. We are not against anoch or the teachings people belive they gain from him… but what we are against are the practices of the OOA.
We will link you up to said documents, but a quick rundown of the ones I recall off the top of my head are as follows:
-The diary
-Leaked emails from OSDM (the management branch of the OOA, their focus is to make sure it all runs smoothly) that detail stock markets and their predicted growth
-Leaked emails from OSDM that comment of getting Addison back and attempting to “reprogram her”
-Leaked emails from OSDM that comment on the dangers of “reprogramming” and that past subjects have been turned into vegetables.
-Robert Jone’s investigation into the OOA, there have been past cities where the OOA has popped up. They gain followers, make them sign insurance papers, only to find them dead in house fires directly following insurance papers.There is much more and as I said, we will link them.
Robert jones was a PI that was hired to look into the OOA. He contacted many people but went missing when the OOA announced they knew who he was and that they would punish him. He went underground for the time being until his emailed YOU and few others, claiming he has legit gone missing. We have many reasons to belive the OOA was the cause.
That is all we ask, be careful about them. We are not the OOA, we will not make you do anything. The choice is entirely yours, but we just want you to know more about them and to really question their motives before giving them your everything.
September 29, 2016 at 1:01 pm #20282
That man was @reaton
As for the diary, she shows signs of mental problems when the OOA enters her life. You have to understand, The OOA are here only to manipulate and change the world for their own greed. They have no interest in you or your feelings or how that poor girl felt. They don’t care for anoch or enlightenment.
The OOA only exist to use you.
@sweeneyskip Just be careful, there’s always more than meets the eye brother -
September 29, 2016 at 12:09 pm #20272
I would very much be content with purely funsies… but what if it’s not! Oh man tension getting us all worked up today haha
September 22, 2016 at 10:00 am #20208
I agree, I think it’s safe to say once ascension is done we can talk spoilers and story about it… and I don’t believe there will be much story moved on until after ascension as I’m sure the creators have their hands full. But you can pm any of us who went through and I’m sure anyone would be happy to give you the lowdown on what happened in there @letitrain !
September 17, 2016 at 2:20 pm #20117
There is another gatekeeper… those of us at the one event!