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  • #22860
    Profile photo of Graham

    Yeah I received it too, and since the grammar was so bad it felt like it was probably spam. Granted, due to the nature of this whole thing you never know! But yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s spam.

  • #22172
    Profile photo of Graham

    I think Michelle just gave a big “go fuck yourself” to the OSDM before going on the run. As for December, Horace also mentions it is “the autumn of sacrifice,” and then asks “whose will it be?” That’s my question: who is getting sacrificed?

    Also it seems like whatever experiments Michelle was leading were indeed a part of this social experiment, and with Sabrina/Addison coming out of her hypnosis or whatever Horace is speeding up the timeline?

    Finally, I wonder: where does Sabrina/Addison fit into all of this? Was she Michelle’s puppet? Horace’s? Is she now a true wild card for both of these factions? And if so, what do the Clockmakers intend to do to her?

  • #22134
    Profile photo of Graham

    I’m kinda close, driving over

    EDIT: Someone already got it

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Graham Graham.
  • #21586
    Profile photo of Graham

    The best advice I’ve received throughout this whole experience has been the same, from participants AND those within the OOA: Nothing is what it seems. Trust no one.

    Except for Anoch. We may trust in Anoch.

  • #21577
    Profile photo of Graham

    I mis-tagged @masterlock. My apologies, Overseer.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Graham Graham.
  • #21004
    Profile photo of Graham

    I have only been through once so far (I return on the 3rd), but something about my time in the OOA was shocking to me: I was afraid of the Overseer. I went in hoping to talk to Addison, but there was something about the way she looked at me that shut me up. Made me want to join.


    But then I saw the true nature of the OOA. I went through the process of removing my senses. I fully believe there is a deity at the heart of the OOA that is using Addison/Overseer as its mouthpiece, but whatever it is is truly evil.

    Can Addison be saved? Is there a way to call Tom to the Institute itself? Could there be some other trigger point for her that could snap her out that we haven’t discovered yet? A favorite childhood song, maybe? Some other memento from her past?

    And if there isn’t a way to snap her out, what then? I’m afraid to wait too long because whatever is coming after her I believe will be truly destructive.

  • #20998
    Profile photo of Graham

    It’s been a loooong time since I took French, but I believe the first part is: “Je suis plus fort maintenant,” which means “I am stronger now.” The second part of that sentence I can’t make out. It’s “et je suis…[unintelligible]…le nouveau role.” which would be “…and I am…[something]…the new role.” But it’s hard to understand it totally.

    The second chunk is (I think) “Je me rappelle tout ce qui et fait” which is something like “I remember all that I have done.” or “I remember all that has been done to me.” Something like that.

    Is it possible these other languages are her asking for help, whereas the English at the end “I am in fucking control” is the party line of the OOA? There has to be a deeper meaning here.

  • #20335
    Profile photo of Graham

    @electrichippo The wording of it is indeed important I suppose, as she referenced the fact that I am an actor (which is my real life profession) and told me to “act like I believed her.”

  • #20333
    Profile photo of Graham

    @rizzzoooooo I had told her that I was committed to the OOA but was curious to hear her story. And after this email I told her that clearly the web of complexity goes deep and that if she wants my help she needs to tell me how.

  • #20331
    Profile photo of Graham

    I GOT AN EMAIL BACK FROM GAYLE. She knew who I was and told me to “pretend that I believed her” if I wanted to live. Any ideas about what that could mean?

  • #20327
    Profile photo of Graham

    I received the same email and also emailed Gayle back – I have yet to hear anything.

  • #20309
    Profile photo of Graham

    All of you, thank you for all of this helpful input. There is clearly a lot at stake here, and both the OOA and BOS have their hands in far-reaching places.

    I do not know where my path will lead me, but like @mike said, I have to pay attention not just to what I perceive, but also what feels true to me.

    @addisonborn and @rizzzoooooo I thank you as well for sharing your stories with me. They are not going unheard. If the BOS were to contact me, I would listen with an open mind.

    @atticus360 – I’ve heard others mention this ODSM. Should I be wary of them as well?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa. Reason: fixing the tag
  • #20285
    Profile photo of Graham

    @addisonborn @rizzzoooooo You…make a compelling case. I’ve always prided myself on being open minded and when I learned of the OOA I wanted to dive in headfirst with full commitment, as I do with everything. I’m curious, what exactly are they after? Where is this documented evidence you speak of? I’m curious to read it.

    I’ll add one thing: a woman named Gayle emailed me just now, the wife of a man named Robert Jones. She says her husband disappeared after trying to investigate the institute. Have you ever heard about him?

    Maybe you guys are right. I don’t want my dedication to waiver, but perhaps in questioning the truth, it will simply make the OOA’s work that much more impactful on me.

    I am open, willing to listen, but skeptical of outside forces attempting to corrupt my path…

  • #22196
    Profile photo of Graham

    Personally, I think Anoch is 100% a real supernatural being that is older than any of this, and the Clockmakers are bringing him/her/it back in December. No wonder the OSDM is terrified. This is not what they bargained for.

  • #20319
    Profile photo of Graham

    @ReidV Thank you. Yes, it seems suspicion is a common theme in all of these organizations…

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