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  • #21678
    Profile photo of Taylor

    Welcome @izryn. Glad to have you join! Hope you can come back to us from Japan soon.

  • #21526
    Profile photo of Taylor

    Welcome, Haley! Glad to have you! If you’ve been listening to the My Haunt Life podcast then you definitely know more than most going through Ascension. Also, with Ascension being a standalone event, you really aren’t late at all! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Glory be!

  • #21518
    Profile photo of Taylor

    Here’s my summary of your video:

    Julie meets Samson and is brought into the compound. She enters a room with Addison and multiple handlers. Addison is in the center wearing the helmet. Julie approaches Addison and removed the helmet from her. Addison begins to talk to Julie and while doing so, resets multiple times. Julie continues to reassure Addison of her strength, but Samson orders the handlers to take Addison to processing. Julie is also removed to processing. As Julie is in the room, Samson grabs her and drags her to the side where the interviewer would go. Addison is seen in the center of the room. Julie and Samson talk, and as they are conversing someone else enters wearing a suit similar to Samson’s. He points at Samson and accuses him–“this is your fault, this is your fault, you did this!” This seems to be in regards to what has happened to Addison. He then approaches Julie and orders her to ask Addison who she is. “Who are you?” Julie asks. Then she looks at Julie and says “hi, I’m Sabrina Kern.” OSDM Man #2 is visibly upset by this answer and repeats “that’s the wrong answer!” As this conversation continued and Julie asks who Addison is, she drifted between Gatekeeper to Addison to Sabrina. This continued to frustrate OSDM Man #2. Then he wants to know at what point Addison broke and continued to ask Samson. He ends by saying that “Julie has been here three times. We processed her emotion and already processed her reactions. This is done.” Samson then gives her to the handlers and she is taken to Professor Applebee’s. The handlers tell her the overseer will be okay. They also tell her a van will pick her up and take her back. She returns to the van and went home.

    If I missed anything, please let me know, Julie!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Taylor Taylor.
  • #21513
    Profile photo of Taylor

    I’m watching you!

  • #21491
    Profile photo of Taylor

    These are just scare tactics to try and get us to not trust each other. We need to stand together and remain strong. Trust in each other and the OSDM loses any power they have over us.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Taylor Taylor.
  • #21372
    Profile photo of Taylor

    Welcome, Brad! Glad to have you in here. And I think a lot of people blame Julie Rei 😛

  • #21902
    Profile photo of Taylor

    I will agree with Larry. I think it is really hard to set anything as fact in this because things can be rewritten or changed in this universe. All facts should be taken with a grain of salt for this very reason.

  • #21711
    Profile photo of Taylor

    When I went the first time through (not the time in this post), I was taken back into the locker room while the rest were undergoing processing. An elder asked me of my interactions with Addison and if she mentioned her family at all and if she seemed forgetful at all. One attention to detail that I really enjoyed during this scene was that while the elder was talking, he was looking through pants pockets, removing phones and putting them in a jar of water. He then removed wallets and took out IDs and put them in his pocket. It was a very dedicated and cool way to show that your old life was over and your name was erased upon entering the compound.

  • #21710
    Profile photo of Taylor

    You did the right thing, Rizzo. And thank you for trusting me with your message. I hope to stand by your side with Sabrina in the upcoming future!

  • #21709
    Profile photo of Taylor

    Thank you for the kind comments, Bryan.

    I am glad I could provide some resolution, some closure to the thoughts that have haunted you. If my evening ended with Addison dawning the helmet once again, screaming out in pain, I would have been haunted as well. However, it ended on an empowered note and for that, I left so insanely happy, empowered, and excited for the future. I will say that I don’t think her strength came from me alone, but the fact that she is strong and she is backed by almost the entire group here. I told her Michael Rizzo’s choice and informed her that I would stand with her as well as many others. This strength in a community is a driving factor in what happened, I’m sure of it.

    The Suit even spoke of this in my final scene. He stated that “They came back for HER. Not the Overseer, not the OOA, but for her. They care about her.” He understands Sabrina’s importance. And I think they are going to be much more careful in the future, especially since they don’t have the control they once had.

  • #21707
    Profile photo of Taylor

    It definitely appeared that the effects of both the helmet and the words are not effective on Sabrina any longer. However, it does still seem that Samson and The Suit are in control and still have plans for her. I suspect this is building to something… something that we will see hit a climax at the end of next weekend. I eagerly await what will happen.

    As for the repetition of lines, there are multiple theories and interpretations. Some of the more popular ones that I’ve discussed with people are the time-lapse theory and the game vs reality theory:
    The time-lapse theory is that each show is partially in it’s own universe. Thus, if one character dies in a show, they may reappear as the show resets for the next night. This explains why Sadie died for Dan, but was alive again the next night as people came through again. Each of these is just a moment in time for us with larger plot points carrying across all timelines.
    The second theory is that each show is in fact that–a show. It is all a facade to gauge our reactions and our emotions. To what purpose? We don’t know what the OSDM is doing with that data? Maybe they are looking for others that are easily corruptible under the helmet. But no matter the reason, they set up this show to determine our reactions. So repeated lines, characters coming back to life, similar sequences all occur because they are scripted. When you go a second time, they allude to this pretty strongly. Samson telling me “isn’t it funny, she thinks this is real?” in regards to Addison. Addison showing us behind the curtain into the control room. They break the fourth wall heavily and acknowledge that it is a show. I’m leaning towards this theory being true.

  • #21693
    Profile photo of Taylor

    Yes, that was definitely Josh from Blackout. I can confirm that he had glasses on and writing on the back of his jumpsuit.

  • #21562
    Profile photo of Taylor


    I’m curious as to Samson’s role. If “The Suit” is an organizer beyond that of the game itself, then I wonder if Samson (or to be more clear, the actor ‘playing’ Samson) has a similar role. From the accounts of last night, it appears that Samson is clearly a character in the game. But what has my interest is the call that I received from a girl about a week ago. This call told me that Samson is not who he says he is, he is not apart of the OOA. To me, this means that there is more to Samson. I think that he is simply pretending to be the character of Samson but has the same role as The Suit. The argument that it’s his (Samson’s) fault seems to reinforce this. This is further supported by the fact that he knows the words to incapacitate Addison/Sabrina.

  • #21515
    Profile photo of Taylor

    That’s so funny that The Saw Man called you, Julie!

  • #21419
    Profile photo of Taylor

    That sounds like a wonderfully ambitious and helpful idea. It does seem like there is some fluidity in the names, especially with the handlers, but I think this would be a great start.

    I’d love to help out. Feel free to message me on the social media platform of choice!


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