active 8 years agoForum Replies Created
October 28, 2016 at 1:50 pm #21096
I suppose that’s one way to look at it, if you’re viewing the Indoctrination phase as the only thing worthwhile here, a statement that, having gone through both, I can say with some certainty it is incorrect. Indoctrination was fun. It was a good lead in to Ascension. It was also nearly a standalone. The two were linked but one was not required to enjoy the other.
“Any other haunted house” implies a certain level of normalcy, doesn’t it? Moving along a path with a group of other people while spooky skeletons and scary men in masks jump out at you before quietly returning to the dark corners they emerged from while you move to the next place and they repeat the process for the next.
Ascension is not that. People interact with you personally. They use things from your life. Make references to fears you have, either because you said them or they found information about you that you didn’t expect them to have. You engage with members of the OOA in ways that no “normal Haunted House” would ever. You don’t need to have the background information that Indoctrination provided in order to appreciate these. Being immersed comes not from having the background option. While it helps, being immersed will come because Ascension is an event that you are going through. That is happening to and with you, rather than something spooky that you’re viewing on a predetermined path.
The event itself is unique. It is nothing like a normal haunted house. It is an immersive experience on its own.
October 28, 2016 at 1:21 pm #21088
I’m afraid you’re misunderstanding the point of the phases. Ascension is now and always was the point of Tension. You can go into it knowing nothing about Indoctrination, having had no interaction with anyone or anything and you can have a full experience.
Indoctrination was a way for us to find out background information. Who is Addison. Why do we care for her. Who are the Gatekeepers. Who is Anoch. We toiled to find these answers and it made our Ascensions make more sense for knowing this information that others would consider background information.
If you do not know any of this you would likely not even notice that you’re missing anything. Ascension does not require Indoctrination even in the slightest. It was only an optional introduction.
November 2, 2016 at 4:10 pm #21387
While possible, I do not believe that we currently have any reason to suspect as much. Pre-Overseer Addison and her journal are what we have to go off of, as well has first hand meetings that some members had with Mr. and Mrs. Barrow to use as character references.
All strongly suggest a loving family who wanted their little girl back.
November 2, 2016 at 3:32 pm #21383
Assuming that we accept that there actually are/were Oracles that were found during the Ascension process, that implies that there is now a/some direct link(s) to Anoch. Although I cannot stress enough that I’m still not sure about a true Oracle having been found.
If Samson is afraid of Mr. Barrow, it seems likely that he is because Thomas represents a link to Addison’s past, where Samson only wants the Overseer to focus on her future. Thomas may possibly represent a way to undermine Samson’s plan with the Overseer. Thomas Barrow is Addison Barrow’s father. No matter what else, I would doubt very much that he presents an objective threat to her, as he only wants her back.
November 2, 2016 at 2:54 pm #21381
Before the Overseer, before Samson, before the OSDM, we the Aspirants and Disciples were led by figureheads that the OOA referred to as the Gatekeepers. They taught us the teachings of the OOA, and guided us on our journey.
The first Gatekeeper was Gatekeeper 5 or GK5 for short. He was a stoic, emotionless near father figure. Next we had GK4, who was a passionate woman who took a woman who was at the time a shy Attendant One, Addison, under her wing. Addison later went on to kill GK4. We then had GK3 who was… intense. Buz had the duty and honor of killing him, leaving us with GK2, a newly raised Addison. She stepped down from that post in order to become the Overseer.
The BoS is an organization comprised of rebels, ex-OOA members, and people who believe the OOA to be corrupt. Short for the Brothers of Seraph, arguably the most famous member went by the name Sentinel. The BoS maintains an active community of members that are on this board even now.
November 2, 2016 at 10:11 am #21365
I suspect that you’re right. The journal heavily references the fact that people are stripped of their names when they enter the OOA, and the fact that suddenly some people were given back their names for what seems like our benefit is highly suspect.
Just be careful. I do not doubt your connection to this woman, whatever her name was, nor do I doubt your fury and conviction. Just keep in mind that the OOA has been playing people against themselves for longer than any of us have been around, and they may be pulling at your strings by manipulating this connection you felt
October 31, 2016 at 11:40 am #21249
October 31, 2016 at 9:46 am #21228
Presumably they clean house.
I suspect that includes both facilities and staff.
October 28, 2016 at 3:37 pm #21139
certainly seems like you’ve found most of the links I would have pointed you towards.
For in-depth talks that go as far back as the beginning of Indoctrination, The My Haunt Life podcast is one of the best go-to’s. Headed up by our very own @mike and @reaton, they’re the best way to get the details of Indoctrination as it follows their, and by extension our, experience as it happened.
For a more general look at what’s happened, the Official Timeline is a good resource to get generalized ideas of what’s happened and when. There is a more detailed timeline compiled by @coryphella but last I heard it was being moved or re-uploaded. You’d have to ask her for that, but it is another good resource.
Other than that, the New Aspirants forum often has people asking for catch up resources so many of the posts there are good to read through.
As far as I know, there is not currently any sort of soundtrack to Tension
October 28, 2016 at 2:22 pm #21118
We aren’t really privy to how they operate, so I’m afraid we can’t really answer that. However, simply being here means that you’re on their radar.
October 28, 2016 at 2:16 pm #21115
I cannot tell you how much that I am hoping both for a continuation of the ongoing component and for a chance for you to do just that. With this level of spirit, I have no doubt that you’d make a powerful ally to whichever faction snaps you up.
October 28, 2016 at 2:10 pm #21111
I’m afraid I’m unsure what you’re implying we should do. Indoctrination was us being able to get an insight into who and what the OOA is. Without them providing more clues or avenues, we cannot continue.
All hope is not lost, two prominent OOA members were here and contacting people only two days ago. This may be hinting at a resurgence of ongoing activity. But we don’t know what the OOA is planning or what they will do
October 28, 2016 at 2:05 pm #21105
Ah. That’s fair. That may have been a miscommunication. The event was originally meant as an end cap and a standalone to the ongoing experience. However, recent events have suggested that this may not be the case and that it may be continuing.
None of us are certain whether or not the ongoing portion is already over or may be continuing. I wish I had a better answer than that, but none of us know yet.
October 28, 2016 at 2:01 pm #21103
I have so many things that I want to tell you and reassure you about but cannot until you are done.
For now, please just take it on faith. They so far only asked you one question. That’s a small price to pay, no? You so far seem to (rightfully) want all the answers, but you are not meant to have them yet.
October 28, 2016 at 1:18 pm #21086
Much of Indoctrination is over, but none of us can say for sure if that means that it is officially completely over or if another phase like it won’t take its place after Ascension.
Suffice it to say that it would be best to focus on your Ascension for now. We’ll be here when you return with the questions that it raises. Many people that return have been answered by OOA members in ways that are very reminiscent of Indoctrination methods and styles.