active 8 years agoForum Replies Created
October 25, 2016 at 5:28 pm #20907
If the links between him and the OSDM are true, he has more control and power than any of the OOA members seen at Ascension.
The OSDM are a powerful branch of the OOA that ostensibly controls the data management side of the OOA but, judging from the aftermath of III’s rampage, III targeting them specifically, and the OSDM’s hand in Addison’s metamorphosis into the Overseer, it would be fair to say that Samson is something akin to “The Man pulling the strings of Ascension”.
If anyone in the OOA were capable of either causing a freak “accident” to any of us or causing a forced metamorphosis of our own, he’d be the one to do it.
As a final note, I’ll admit that I met the man at my second run through of Ascension. He’s fascinating. Bored, in the way that a lion in a room filled with warring ants would be bored. I should hope very much to meet him or others of his organization one day.
October 22, 2016 at 8:09 pm #20717
I’m not crying, you’re crying
October 17, 2016 at 11:53 am #20575
Already have my ticket for this upcoming weekend. I expect to be making a similar post. But as far as I know, the post and the contents have so far gone unanalyzed. Is this a secret post you are not at liberty to discuss? Time sensitive? Is it something that can be talked about at any point or is this the equivalent of the secret pass phrase used by those that have gone through Ascension more than once?
October 17, 2016 at 11:27 am #20569
Conflict is inevitable, here especially. Many people, myself included (possibly myself more than others) are guilty of “tone-policing” others’ opinions. Some do it as an attempt to stymie aggressiveness before it snowballs into the shit shows we’ve seen before. Some do it because they don’t agree with someone, and this is how they deal with it. Others still think that offenders are out of line and need to be corrected. I argue that all of this, both “offending” statements and those that attempt to correct it are good. Conflict creates tension, no pun intended, and tension makes us stronger. Tone, content, and presentation should all be tested and disputed by those that do not agree, and any point that cannot be defended should be retracted.
With that out of the way, @mike hits on a very large point here. First time we saw a switch like this, we had a choking. Then we had sides decided and lines drawn, and a man took a baseball bat across the brow. Perhaps this time it will be a rope?
Alliance declaration and side-switching seems to be a death knell around here, I doubt very much that this is an issue of IF this turn of events will lead to someone’s death, but rather who, when, and how.
October 16, 2016 at 1:11 pm #20529
This all fits with what we’ve been told repeatedly, especially towards the end of Indoctrination. Sears, Bousman, even Ascension itself are all meant to be distractions and tools from what’s really going on.
With any luck, we’ll catch a better glimpse in the third act
October 28, 2016 at 1:12 pm #21083
Tension has so far been in two phases:
1. Indoctrination – This was the heavily online component that featured dead drops and in person events in the LA area and phone calls, puzzles and media to be decrypted that wasn’t bound by location. Indoctrination officially ended when Ascension started in early September, but has recently been making a bit of a resurgence with the Overseer vs Samson conflict.
2. Ascension – This was the ticketed in-person event in LA. It is currently still running until at least mid November. If you are in the area you can still attend this and in fact I think we would all recommend you do so.
There is talk of later in-person phases including Lust, and Adrenaline and we’ve had fan theories about whether there will be Indoctrination-like online phases to join them.
In short, Ascension is still going strong right now and Indoctrination still has some activity, although the current focus is on Ascension
October 28, 2016 at 1:06 pm #21074
In the newbie forum or the forum in general? Discussions are generally ongoing throughout the day but this forum specifically normally only spikes up with topics when new kids join up
October 26, 2016 at 3:19 pm #21009
No problem, it was information not associated with Ascension but rather with Indoctrination that’s happened over the past ~8 months. Indoctrination was essentially lead by the Gatekeepers, each numbered. We met the stoic 5, the fiery ~four, the volatile III, the once innocent 2 who we once knew as Addison but now know as Overseer and then The One, which is another topic entirely.
This countdown of Gatekeepers was chronicled in the Book of Anoch, starting from a gatekeeper from an extraordinarily long time ago. He was what the rituals in Ascension pay homage to. He was First of the Counted and Last from the End, Gatekeeper 242. 241 came after him and so on and so fourth. This countdown ended as Ascension began
October 26, 2016 at 3:06 pm #21007
*Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post*
I’m afraid I have to disagree with both @lmsmedley and @sweeneyskip to a degree. Multiple people including both III and the Overseer have confirmed that Anoch has not spoken to the Gatekeepers in some time. Think back to your Ascension experiences, specifically the end. Ascension as a whole is set up as a desperate attempt to find the next Oracle, the next Ascendant that will be able to allow once more the agents of the OOA to hear the word of Anoch that they have lost.
The process is a hard one, and often unsuccessful, but the process itself is a search. That is why I believe Samson, the OSDM, and the Overseer are all so focused on this event, and the Countdown of the 242 lead to this moment, this hunt for the next Oracle. Whoever the next is and whoever has the Oracle in their care essentially controls the only known link to Anoch.
October 22, 2016 at 4:06 pm #20698
I believe you’re still looking at this the wrong way. Whatever Addison planned is not important. Addison is no longer. The woman we loved and wanted to save is the Overseer now, and any effort spent to save the woman she was is one both wasted and foolish.
Her endgame is another topic entirely, I think.
October 19, 2016 at 4:34 pm #20669
@blondiecamps – In fairness, this was during a rather manic point in the night. I am not certain whether she legitimately wanted to leave the OOA or just needed to be away from the scenario that we were in at that moment, and thought that we were the fastest way to get her out of the room. Those fighting us may well have had her best interests at heart, as at that point she was acting near deranged. The closer freedom got the more she seemed to almost fight us. I don’t fault her for that, we had all seen something traumatic moments before.
I’m not trying to be an apologist for the OOA here, it’s extremely likely that she was being brainwashed, wanted out, and simply didn’t know how to process it. But it is not out of the realm of possibility that this woman was just scared, and that fear manifested in a way that seems like she wanted out of the organization when she really just wanted out of the buidling.
October 19, 2016 at 3:37 pm #20656
Oh man we’re all going to be embarrassed when it turns out that the OOA as a whole was just a lead-up to an advertisement for the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive
October 19, 2016 at 3:30 pm #20652
You have no idea how much I want an OOA themed party.
It’s all cake and punch and music until an uninvited guest shows up partway through, gets body slammed through a wall, and then we all have to suddenly leave.
October 19, 2016 at 1:14 pm #20648
@lmsmedley – We have no reason to believe that anyone in the OOA is physically being kept there against their will. Several people seem genuinely excited to be there, emphatically so. I have no doubt that a number of people in there would give their lives up for their cause and would do so entirely of their own will.
However, we know that some are being kept there as a matter of extortion or coercion. As I know @thebuz can attest to, there was at least one person begging us to take them with us when we left. We tried, but we were fought.
Best that you go in without preconceived notions and you see what goes on there for yourself. When it comes to the OOA, the idea of what is for or against someone’s will is not so cut and dry as you may think.
October 18, 2016 at 2:03 pm #20621
I second that. I have a couple people who are really hoping for at least a couple November weekends, as they can’t make October.