active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
May 19, 2016 at 5:28 am #7571
I almost forgot another pattern, everytime I play a new videogame or DLC I find GATEKEEPERS EVERYWHERE! Why is thisééé Damn I pushed something on my computer and now the question mark is É… Curse my computer illiteracyÉÉÉÉÉÉ how do I fix this É
May 19, 2016 at 5:19 am #7570
Hello I am a Watcher,
I think I should add to this thread as I wonder if our phone conversations have had listeners. I have been mostly MIA the last couple weeks due to work and a new chapter in my experience (thanks Cody for keeping me up to date). When I contribute it consumes alot of concentration and thinking power. I needed to crawl out of the rabbit hole while I worked, I had to create an on/off switch (just as the synchronicity and coincidences were kicking into high gear). Either that or risk losing fingers and toes on the job. I was so bad one day I searched the forums all morning without realizing the time. I ended up going to work without eating breakfast or making a lunch… Lesson learned now I have a day off lets see where it goes.
I believe we have been involved in another version of this back in 2013 there are alot of simularities right down to the start date. I also agree with the Alchemist theory. I think the O.O.A. Institute has the formula for turning people/minds into gold. Ive also found it to be The Hero’s Journey, The Writers Journey, Tranzit, Shaman Training, or my favorite The 10000 Step Easter Egg. They most likely are simply taking orders themselves from someone behind an unknown curtain. Just like you’ve mentioned this is simply a continuation of something much larger and much more ancient, yet modernized. I do feel some paranoia, as I too am convinced that we are the tension experience. So I ask myself am I too paranoid? Have I figured this out to a point that its a real challenge for the Institute to engage with me? I ponder this only because I wish to enhance the results and data for the experiment. How do you use my personal data when most of it is out of date from a life I’ve left behind? Does it become more or less difficult when I don’t have a cellphone, don’t use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other form of social media? Gatekeepers, do you know me/us from before? Do you have anything to do with Group 935? Have we all been drawn here because of who we are? Or because of who you want us to become? I dont think I’m looking for enlightenment, I believe enlightenment was the prize from the last time I played. This time I want to know what I should do with this enlightenment. Why do I refer to this has a game? Well I first found this sponsored in a game by certain Studios and companies located in the same area? I only found The Tension Experience because I’ve been searching for another version since a certain game was released in fall 2015. Mmmm BRAAIIINS.Oh and Im still convinced you’re trying to steal my ideas but its just part of the game, right?
Lets see Sight…check
Sound…check ( I hear you loud and clear. The radio last night had a theme of light and darkness songs… wierd coincidence right? Or Year Zero?)
I Smell…a trapAt the end I always approach the “Influencing Machine” and meditate on whether science has come far enough that enlightenment can be pre-packeged or if this is Divine Intervention bringing enlightened people together as part of some religious ritual done every few thousand years to refresh the minds/souls of humanity.
Who knows maybe companies are getting prepared to pick up the pieces when the major religions and their old ways finally disintegrate. Very few people drive progress the rest just follow. Enjoy the Power. I`ll be back to get what I put in, hopefully.
(unrehearsed typing) -
May 6, 2016 at 10:02 am #6549
Well this looks interesting. I have to honest Ive never experienced a haunt or an escape room but I want to start checking all your guys’ work out. Ive read some of the pages a bit, time to see what else you scary organizations do. Thanks Mike.
How do I go frame by frame? Im guessing pause and play wont be good enough. -
May 5, 2016 at 3:20 pm #6546
Ive been formulating part of a theory between the early puzzle with the amulets and some questions from the questionnaire. Two questions in particular stick out in this pattern. Do you constantly hear ringing/buzzing in your ears? What is your least favorite sense and why? Now that Ive seen the ear cross-section image and ear dissection video Im thinking there mighty be something to this theory.
I constantly hear this ringing and buzzing. I have suffered in silence for years because of conspiracy. Before reading this I thought it was either caused by HAARP signals or a side effect of being around flowing electric current all the time (lol, right?). The reality is almost as frightening, 90% is supposedly caused by simple noise pollution or to be more precise ‘technology’. Complacency with loud music, guns, loud machinery, and constant exposure to noise has reduced/damaged my sense of hearing. Lets expand that thought and analyze the next question. Whats your least favorite sense? I answered, sense of smell because I work with H2S sour gas. Working with sour gas slowly eats away at a persons sense of smell in low concentrations and its nasty, so I figured this was my weakest sense and therefore the one I could do without. But after thinking about it I realize a large portion of the animal kingdom rely on their sense of smell. Again my own complacency has taken a part of one of my senses. I also am slightly near-sighted due to complacency and being close to screens all the time ( could be genetic though). Salt, growth horomones, preservatives and chemicals in my food have taken my sense of taste. Addiction to games,drugs/alcohol, internet, and social media have taken my sense of touch/feeling with people and the world around me. Since everything we EXPERIENCE in life is a product of how our brain catalogs the way we sense the universe around us we should be aware of how the world we live in affects us. For example, we know that cell phones dont work right if they get wet so we protect them and keep them away from water at all costs. Maybe we should apply this to our senses. To sum up, we are all being exposed to a technological infliction that is causing
EAR POLLUTION-or noise pollution caused by loud music, sirens, machinery. Mostly caused by technology
EYE POLLUTION-or light pollution caused by any light producing screen/object. Mostly caused by technology. (I can barely see the stars anymore)
TASTE POLLUTION-salts, artificial spices, preservative, growth horomones all dull/burn the sense of taste until nothing tastes good. Mostly caused by technology. (If you stop using salt for awhile food begins to have more flavor)
NOSE POLLUTION-cars, garbage, sewage, industry, colognes, detergents and soaps all cover, inhibit and destroy our natural ability to pick up natural scents in the air like the animals possibly taking our ability to perceive danger. Mostly caused by technology.
SOCIAL POLLUTION-videogames, social media, online dating, and artificial environments have taken our need to interact on the physical plane. I can move from my house, to my vehicle, to my office and barely feel the natural wind or the heat. I can find everything I need online and have it delivered to me without ever having to touch or feel anything natural. Mostly caused by technology.
So does all this pollute the experience of life? Does the O.O.A. need us to clean up our senses so we dont pollute the enlightenment they wish to bestow?
May 5, 2016 at 2:11 pm #6545
Thanks Mike, the experience definately has helped me in life and I hoped sharing it might help others see the importance of the O.O.A. message as I have.
Strange, the one thing I figured Im decent at here is searching google. I never came across that, kinda why I asked if maybe it was thrown together as a joke.
May 5, 2016 at 6:30 am #6539
Mike that is hilarious. At first I thought, what the… how did I miss this… Maybe this is a dumb question, so feel free to laugh I really have no clue when it comes to computer science. Did you make that site?
Sometimes I dont know what to think, then I read a bit of these forums and I find a whole new outlook to focus on.
Complacency is so dangerous! I have been trained since I entered the workforce how costly complacency is and how people are killed everyday from it. Simply from noticing something and not speaking up causes a ripple of problems that affect us all. Nobody has ever come up with such a fitting slogan “Silence is Complacency”
Never before has that word meant so much to me. My father was killed by complacency, and Ive almost directly caused the deaths of 4 people due to my own complacency (Im not counting behind the wheel).
Thank you O.O.A for helping me see clearly with something so simple!
Have a wonderful day. -
May 5, 2016 at 6:09 am #6538
I agree these tactics are being/have been used to create “buzz” and make this a successful endeavor for the Institute. But my main point which I should have maybe stated better is that WE should adopt some of these tactics ourselves on other sites to bring others to feed the The Tension Experience. i think we are being persuaded and rewarded for these actions. (If done correctly!)
Back to Human Systems-Tension, I forgot that the article is a four piece release. I wonder if part 2 as anything good?
May 5, 2016 at 6:05 am #6537
I agree these tactics are being/have been used to create “buzz” and make this a successful endeavor for the Institute. But my main point which I should have maybe stated better is that WE should adopt some of these tactics ourselves on other sites to bring others to feed the The Tension Experience. i think we are being persuaded and rewarded for these actions. (If done correctly!)
Back to Human Systems-Tension, I forgot that the article is a four piece timed release. Part 2 should be out soon.
May 1, 2016 at 7:45 am #6258
uhh? Keymaker? What puzzlry is this? Do you mean Keymaster? I guess Ill be careful opening the fridge, now I need to worry about other dimensions and horrifying mutated leftover monsters!
April 29, 2016 at 9:42 am #6226
Since this is mostly philisophical speculation I will just continue here. I know its contradicts other posts Ive made but Im just reporting my thoughts and connections as they come to me. Im trying to keep an open mind so I may post things that I agree less/more with as my journey progresses. My mind is ripe for indoctrination or maybe I have multiple personalities… so lets change the term ‘witchhunt’ to something more friendly sounding for a moment like “was it Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick?”
To continue the Detractor, Imposter, Injustices topic Id like to make a connection with the 04/25/16 video
The article (thanks for the post by @ElecticHippo) The Atlantic: People’s Deepest, Darkest Google Searches Are Being Used Against Them”
In the article it talks about lead generators using personal data to plant specific advertising and information. I began to wonder if maybe the O.O.A is referring to something not specific to The Tension Experience but something more general that plagues the internet. The terms “shilling” and “astroturfing” have come to light.
(cut and paste definition from wiki for quick convenience)
A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing or other business areas.Shill typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that they are an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom they are secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns. “Plant” and “stooge” more commonly refer to any person who is secretly in league with another person or organization while pretending to be neutral or actually a part of the organization he is planted in, such as a magician’s audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization (see double agent).[citation needed]
Shilling is illegal in many circumstances and in many jurisdictions[1] because of the potential for fraud and damage; however, if a shill does not place uninformed parties at a risk of loss, but merely generates “buzz,” the shill’s actions may be legal. For example, a person planted in an audience to laugh and applaud when desired (see claque), or to participate in on-stage activities as a “random member of the audience,” is a type of legal shill.[citation needed]
Shill can also be used pejoratively to describe a critic who appears either all-too-eager to heap glowing praise upon mediocre offerings, or who acts as an apologist for glaring flaws. In this sense, such a critic would be an indirect shill for the industry at large, because said critic’s income is tied to the prosperity of the industry.
(cut and paste definition from wiki for quick convenience)
Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by a grassroots participant(s). It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source’s financial connection. The term astroturfing is derived from AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to resemble natural grass, as a play on the word “grassroots.” The implication behind the use of the term is that there are no “true” or “natural” grassroots, but rather “fake” or “artificial” support, although some astroturfing operatives defend the practice
In political science, it is defined as the process of seeking electoral victory or legislative relief for grievances by helping political actors find and mobilize a sympathetic public, and is designed to create the image of public consensus where there is none.[1][2] Astroturfing is the use of fake grassroots efforts that primarily focus on influencing public opinion and typically are funded by corporations and governmental entities to form opinions.[3] On the Internet, astroturfers use software to mask their identity. Sometimes one individual operates through many personas to give the impression of widespread support for their client’s agenda.[4][5] Some studies suggest astroturfing can alter public viewpoints and create enough doubt to inhibit action.http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Internet-shill
https://corporatewatch.org/magazine/52/springsummer-2012/online-astroturfingAlright if you made it this far I have a couple trains of thought. Some applications of this could be harmless and progressive but without awareness it can be difficult to tell the difference. With the growth of Immersive Entertainment and the nature of The Tension Experience in particular these tactics could become a problem. With the influx of fake users, potential spambots, inactive members, and multiple profiles being started we could be in for some challenges inside the forums but outside the O.O.A..
It could also mean that the Institute is concerned about a member/members who’s sole purpose is to participate and post spoilers for recognition or even money.
There is also the possibility of imposters who lure members with puzzles that lead to other organizations or events.
Ive also tossed around the idea that we are all imposters because we are unknowingly distracting each other from enlightenment simply because we dont know the endgame. The reason I think this is because it seems like those who have ascended or are ascending have strict posting rules as though they are being trained and tested in order to help with ettiquette and regulations for the uninitiated.After this post Ill have to check myself that im not attempting to direct forum topics in my own direction. In my defence I never know where is most appropriate to post, I can usually narrow it down to two or three topics but here we are. Have a good day. I still have one more project for this video Ill put together later. Thanks for your time.
April 27, 2016 at 7:45 pm #6158
Hey @dthezombie, I found a new path I call coping with Tension jealosy and it can be tough. I should apologize and say dont get discouraged. I received an email from the institute on the 7th of April regarding my questionnaire. I forget to check my email regularly and didnt think much of it at the time but since you mentioned that you have not received anything, I decided it could be important. I kind of assumed everybody received something similar cause it was mostly regarding clarification of some of my registration answers. Here is most of the email…again sorry for dismissing this and I hope I didnt miss a dedicated section for this.
Congratulations on completing the first part of the registration process. Your questionnaire is currently under review. At a glance however, we are appreciative of your honesty in the face of some very personal questions.
While our encounters are just beginning, we are delighted to see the interest you have in our Organization. However, you must continue to let go of your past self as you are re-awaken in the Light. We are watching and pleased with you thus far. If you continue to recruit others, bring them out of the darkness and into our arms… rest assured, you will be our highest priority and rewarded as such.
We would like more insight regarding the following question below… Please describe this process.
I will add that in response to this email and my own journey I was able to get “two birds” I made some amends and let a part of my past-life go. At the same time I recruited and fellow seeker of the light to help in the cause. Thank you.
Have fun on Saturday everyone. Im saving my vacation money just in case some hunches are right and we can buy tickets to an event at the end. It would be a really amazing experience to explore this for months and then meet everybody at the end!
April 27, 2016 at 7:21 pm #6157
@rusty Thanks for calling me out on that. Its been bugging me all week that I posted such a contradictory statement. I was a little unsure what to think of those who compromised the site and possibly obtained information from my questionnaire. I should of thought twice.
@thegilded, I must say I like your words and I think I will adopt some of those ideas into my own path. Thanks. -
April 21, 2016 at 9:36 am #5797
I also found it funny that the cult watch article you posted is pretty much the first thing that pops up on a google search. Did you even read it or just copy and paste? Some more informative research would be to look up the BITE acronym.
April 21, 2016 at 9:30 am #5796
I know this is dark thinking but if I was to try and start a cult or brainwash a bunch of dedicated people… I would want to cover my ass, my actions, as well as my intentions…(interesting word in-tension) what better way to hide than behind the words “For Entertainment Purposes Only”
April 21, 2016 at 9:24 am #5795
I agree definately resonated with me and my curiousity. I posted under the letter.