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  • #22872
    Profile photo of Amie

    This isn’t the first time this has happened. It’s probably best to ignore and not respond. That’s what we were asked to do last time. I’m sure they’ll get rid of the account when they get some time and maybe after a well deserved holiday break. 😉

  • #22825
    Profile photo of Amie

    @addisonborn I just logged on because of this! @bcbishop This was awesome, thank you!

    And Nefarious?! Yes please.

  • #22758
    Profile photo of Amie

    @mike and @reaton we are lucky to have had your words guiding us along with The Tension Experience and it’s been a pleasure listening to you guys talk about everything else in between. As long as you keep doing it I’ll keep listening, thank you so much for sharing yourselves with us. Still team Snickers.

  • #22753
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m a little behind but sometimes life does that. I wanted to thank @thecreators for inviting me to The End. It hurt me that I was unable to attend. I did watch the periscope and I have to say I didn’t expect any of that. I can only imagine what it felt like walking through the compound, because it was quite shocking seeing it live. Mostly I hope Sabrina is ok out there. Some wrap up thoughts…

    @mike – calling that Tom wasn’t Addison’s father seemed so crazy but once we knew she was Sabrina I figured this was the case. Good call though!

    @aleocotillo – hearing that Michelle used Addy/Overseer’s drop command when Samson couldn’t is interesting. It makes me wonder if they’ll try to find her and use her again.

    That little cat/bear…We saw the effect on it had. I’m curious about this now. Tom gave this to @reaton to help Addison remember but Tom was OSDM so this was something else programmed into her but for what purpose? Just to collect data on our reactions to this? Also what happened with Addison’s “mom” in this whole thing. We can assume she was OSDM as well, I imagine.

    At this point we’re about wrapped up it seems and I’m not sure any of these things matter but there is certainly a lot of questions still rattling around in my head.

    Did anyone see the Oracles among the dead? Or at least the one that some of us saw off of the tool room?

    It’s been quite an amazing experience. Looking forward to seeing where Lust takes us.

    • #22759
      Profile photo of Amie

      I’ll have to go back and watch again, I didn’t realize there were participants among the dead as well. Thank you for pointing that out.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Amie Amie.
  • #21950
    Profile photo of Amie

    @masterlock has so much support. No matter what happens I know she must know this.

    I hope that helmet gets destroyed, or at the very least protected by someone who wouldn’t use it.

  • #21939
    Profile photo of Amie

    It’s been quite a journey. You are all amazing and I’m glad to have shared this with everyone. So many feelings!!

  • #21935
    Profile photo of Amie

    The look on her face as Samson put his hand on her shoulder was difficult to see. I’m not sure what Sunday will bring but I don’t hold out hope for any happy endings.

  • #21934
    Profile photo of Amie

    Some of us received an email with information to get a periscope today. Those of us that were emailed were invited to an event on Sunday. In Her words…we will no longer be Apostles of the Beginning but we will represent the end.

  • #21741
    Profile photo of Amie

    Last I heard she didn’t remember him but this should be interesting. I’m still confused by who he actually is to her since we know now she’s not only Addison and Overseer. The questions continue to pile up.

  • #22795
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m just picturing the amount of dirty jokes leading up to Lust and I’m laughing.

  • #22767
    Profile photo of Amie

    Don’t make me cry now, I’m sensitive. 😉 <3

  • #22043
    Profile photo of Amie

    @mike you are a lovely scribe. :)

  • #21703
    Profile photo of Amie

    I think at this point many things are possible. I agree we’ll probably see more in the coming weeks.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Amie Amie.
  • #21698
    Profile photo of Amie

    On my first go I never had anything written on me. I checked because I realized that’s what it was used for but I ended up having to open bags to find my stuff. 😉

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