@sabaki12 The activity page is much more manageable
@mike ah I see
Has anyone discovered whether or not there is anything in the file or filename of the image L2D posted here?
@coryphella We can only hope
I’ll be hoping then hah @thegilded
Should I assume that these consultations won’t involve people outside of LA?
Yeah, anything that can be shared would be greatly appreciated.
@amieexists Don’t worry, I could very well be wrong hah. I agree it’s a ton
@mike I just found that page hah, that was easy. So are the rest of the “clues” to be disregarded or is there more?
Perhaps L2D is one of the unnamed? @amieexists
@thegilded “Guernsey article”? What are you referring to?
@radicalnuggets I’m not going to give you the answer but if you message me, public or private, I’ll help you some.
@thegilded You mean you think he’s been disavowed?
@coryphella Nothing yet here.
@rizzzoooooo Now I’m more confused, what does the puzzle video have to do with the video @mike posted?
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