active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
August 11, 2016 at 4:57 pm #18190
I’ve been asked if Sentinel will be a part of Ascension. I have no way to say for certain, but I’d say the evidence is looking pretty strong. Starting at the 0:40 second mark of the Ascension trailer, BOS appears:
August 11, 2016 at 4:46 pm #18189
Maybe @atticus360 can shed some light here… What’s with the torn papers? Have pages been removed from the book?
August 11, 2016 at 4:43 pm #18188
Interesting mention of Addison’s mom, Margaret. When I met her face to face I’d have described her as being meek and timid. Prescription drug abuse wasn’t something I would have anticipated. On the other hand, Tom Barrow is described by Addison in a way that is not surprising at all. I met a man at the BOS event hotel who was intense, controlling, and angry. His wife cowered a bit in his presence. Not much of a stretch to find Addison describing her Daddy as hovering/over-protective.
August 11, 2016 at 4:33 pm #18186
the chair was back in the tiny kitchen, where it had always been
A chair can not move on it’s own. How did it move? Did she dream the whole incident? Did she move the chair while sleepwalking? Someone was in her apartment as she slept and moved it? Supernatural events? Mental health issues… this whole incident never actually happened?
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
Kimberly @ElectricHippo.
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August 9, 2016 at 3:31 pm #17993
@blondiecamps: Thank you for the very lovely videos, GreeneyBlue.
August 9, 2016 at 3:30 pm #17992
@atticus360: I’d be happy to help with a page or two, but please pass me by if someone else would like the pages that would have gone to me.
August 8, 2016 at 9:01 pm #17915
@atticus360: Congratulation on a successful quest. Sentinel has had concerns that if the journal got into the wrong hands, it would be destroyed. It’s nice to see you have other intentions. Addison’s story should be told. I’d like to hear her story, in her own words, regarding her life before OOA, and before she began calling herself @gatekeeper2.
August 8, 2016 at 7:37 pm #17900
For completeness sake I’ll drop this image here. It’s been posted elsewhere by Max/ReidV and I believe is currently in the possession of
@monkeymuffin333, or at least Susie is the one kind enough to let me snap this photo of the photo. -
August 8, 2016 at 1:45 pm #17814
Of course @jeffheimbuch and thank you for being so reasonable. A few things that come to mind off the top of my head: The FOUR murder didn’t occur on a periscope, Tom has appeared only 3 times (including ScareLA) thus far and that is all, it is pure assumption (and very likely incorrect) that the participants on stage didn’t know they’d be called on stage. These may seem nitpicky as none of these points matter a lot in the larger scheme of things. It’s just that journalism that doesn’t concern itself with fact checking worries me.
Again, thank you for being open to this dialogue.
August 8, 2016 at 1:23 pm #17805
@jeffheimbuch: I have a dilemma. One the one hand thank you for taking the time to write something about Tension. On the other hand, it is unnerving to read what you’ve wrote and see various factual details that are completely incorrect. We are all allowed our opinions, but facts aren’t really up for debate. I’d suggest a tad more due diligence next time. No disrespect intended.
August 11, 2016 at 5:17 pm #18193
@atticus360: Yes, various reasons, depending on who you ask. BOS is a democracy. Every person is allowed their own voice and their own choice.
August 10, 2016 at 12:19 pm #18100
@blondiecamps: Welcome. We are very glad to have you join us.
August 9, 2016 at 4:12 pm #18001
August 8, 2016 at 9:34 pm #17918
@jeffheimbuch: Tension has always felt to me like a passion project. Something a person or small group put together to push boundaries and see what is possible. If this is an experiment of sorts, then it is to be expected that things won’t always go smoothly, or as we planned, and that course corrections will be imminent. Maybe Tension didn’t want to do things the way others expect is the “smartest” way to sell the most possible tickets. I’m sure money is a goal, but perhaps pursuing creativity nudges ahead of the desire to make a profit. Whatever the truth may be, I am going to have faith that Tension can manage the business of Tension.
I’m glad you have had the pleasure and reward of being a part of similar communities to Tension. As you know you meet the most amazing people. You also meet a few nuts. Thankfully the nuts are the exception, not the rule, and communities get pretty good at self policing when things get too far out of hand.
August 8, 2016 at 7:09 pm #17893
@jeffheimbuch: Since others are addressing the matter of “keeping up” and “misunderstanding” I won’t go further there. As far as the infatuation many of us have for this Experience, yes, that is a very interesting topic and I really would encourage you to dig deeper. There might be as many reasons as there are supporters of this project. For me personally, my first and foremost reason has been the community that has been built. I have made good friends through this… people from all walks of life who share certain commonalities such as a love for theater, haunts, puzzle solving, etc. I’ve seen selfless acts of kindness that truly move me. It’s a bit of irony that a “game” about a cult grows it’s own subculture of like minds, but an irony I appreciate. This brings me to that thing that can appear as convoluted and obscure… THE Tension Experience. Yes, there might be a very steep learning curve here, but if you take it at it’s most basic concepts, it’s really not so complex. We have themes of loyalty, betrayal, faith, and distrust. We have blurry lines surrounded who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. There are some elements of horror, some of suspense, and a lot of mystery. One can study Tension, come up with theories, hunt for clues and use up many hours a day, or you can take a more casual approach, choosing what appeals to you most. Either way you can get something out of this if that is your goal. Tension really is what you make it. In this way, I do agree, we are the Experience. I hope this helps answer some of your concerns.