Of all the things that have happened over the last few days, this one threw me for he biggest loop. What is the ever loving f**k is happening? Is everyone defecting now?! Defecting party!!!!
I’d also like to take a moment to thank Derek for having all of us over today! It was extremely fun and exciting and hope we can all do something again soon!!
@111_error I don’t think that’s fair considering you weren’t there. I know those of us who disagreed with her decision told her we respect her whatever she decides regardless if we agreed or not. I just figured I’d bring whatever I said today in person to the forums and as usual I feel like I should’ve just kept my mouth shut. Thanks.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by JoeKaye.
I guess I’ve been convinced that the unopened package should get to @electrichippo. I’m right there with Andrew though, being way uncomfortable with such a big piece of potential information getting away from us. Oh well, it’s sadly not my path.