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May 4, 2016 at 10:26 am #6488
More to this video and a theory I hope may be true. In this video we have the same initials being used as our own Apostle, @dsapir
I hope that this video is a message to him that he will be utilized by the OOA in our “hearing” the Light, and be able to help continue to spread the word. He might not be able to attend the events, so maybe he will be asked to assist with other Apostles _paths by audio messages. Just my thoughts…. -
May 4, 2016 at 12:20 am #6464
I was wondering, for those of you that attended Saturday’s event, did anyone ask what the OOA stands for to anyone with the OOA? What was their response if you did? I didn’t ask and I was telling myself to do it before I went, of course in my excitement, I forgot to ask haha.
May 4, 2016 at 12:10 am #6463
I was in attendance at Saturday’s event and I had no quarrels with handing my phone over. I think with my excitement at being there, I was not hesitant at all to hand over my phone. I kinda figured they’d have us leave them behind in case anyone was recording audio. I didn’t question what they wanted my phone for, except that maybe they didn’t trust us to have them. I have nothing to hide on my phone and I know that in order to get into my financial apps, they need my password. I was quite ecstatic when I had my phone back, only to find a picture of myself, hood and all haha. Thank you OOA
May 2, 2016 at 4:41 pm #6403
@erin I can only assume it was OOA related because as I stopped hearing it, that was when I was escorted out from where I was put. I know that I was underground but yet I sounded like it was down the hall, muffled. I place all my money on the fact that it was on purpose. Was I the only one to hear this? I know that it was there because the desire to walk towards it was almost to much, who knows what would’ve happened if I started looking for this with my hood on though.
@rizzzoooooo It happened and I’m still questioning why? I guess only time will tell. -
May 2, 2016 at 2:21 pm #6393
Ok, sorry that I took a couple of days before I shared my experience from Saturday. Let me start by saying that I had a blast and felt very vulnerable after it was all done. The day started off with meeting up with my fellow brothers and sisters for this experience. We all sat around and one by one left to go meet up with the OOA. I, along with others, had received a phone call and were told that an unruly applicant has caused problems and that our times are getting pushed back. I was so giddy to hear from them on the phone haha. Ok skip forward to when I’m outside the location, I was a little early and was hiding on the opposite side of the street. “Not a minute early, not a minute late” So yea, I’m just trying to do as directed and trying to not be seen that I was a little early. Next thing I know, my phone is ringing, it’s them!
I am told to go under the yellow building and wait there with my right hand up, I was so caught up in what was going on that I never realized I was holding my left hand up the whole time haha. Thank you @reaton for pointing that out to me haha. So I got my hand up and then I see @reaton coming down the street towards me, I’m trying not to make eye contact because once again I’m just trying to do as directed and not screw up. Next thing I know, I got @reaton staring at me in my eyes, freaking me out, and I have no idea what to do. He walked away after 10 seconds and left me there puzzled. Next thing I know, my hand is getting pulled and I’m being led down the street by this younger woman. I ask her her name and she replies “Tahlia.” I actually got to meet someone from the OOA, Glory Be. I was so excited and yet scared about what I was going to be going thru. I signed the waiver and was asked if I trusted the OOA. I said yes and was asked to put a red velvet hood over my head. Leap of Faith here I come…
So I get led inside and we go down in an elevator, as I exit the elevator, I am left all by myself and alone for what seemed like a couple of minutes. The cool thing was that I heard this church procession in the distance. A man was preaching and I heard the congregation. I was standing there for quite awhile, that I contemplated on searching out this preaching man by sound and touch. I didn’t though and figured I should just stay where I am at. The church procession stopped and next thing I know, I’m being led away to somewhere else. I’m standing now in front of the mirror, I just don’t know it yet. Questions are asked, I get yelled at by the older gentleman to speak up. Now I really hate these introspective questions and confronting one self, but in this case I answered honestly and felt somewhat healed when it was all done with. Not to skip ahead though because the real mind fuck was that the old man called out one of our own. I was answering questions about trust and I truly wish I remembered what my answer was (I was shaking and excited and scared haha), but as I answered this question the older gentleman yelled at me, “Kind of like NEIL KING!!” WTF?!? I did not expect for his name to be dropped and that threw me for a loop. My mind split between all these things happening and what it means. I still don’t know why @nking was brought up in my experience, but I am highly curious and will patiently wait for the OOA to show their reasons behind their actions. So I finish answering the questions that the lady is asking me. I am asked to put my hood back on and I am ushered back out. As this is happening, I believe it was the older man, I hear this whisper in my ear, “We are not who you think we are.” Holy Fuck! Freaky!!! I am led back up in an elevator and directed by Thalia to remove my hood. She’s so nicehaha. Anyways, she asks me if I received instructions, I hadn’t. Thalia then gives me those instructions and I leave the building, looking for my other brother/sister in Light holding their hand up. I see them and share my feelings and experience with them thru my eyes for a good 10 seconds before I leave and trip out on how much of a mind fuck this all was. Don’t get me wrong, it was awesome!! The only questions that I walked away with and still am asking myself… What was the church procession? Can I be a part of that? And why the fuck NEIL KING??
OOA, I graciously thank you for all that you have done and allowing me to be a part of your Enlightenment. I look forward to continuing my _path with you. Glory Be
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
_Michael Gray.
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May 1, 2016 at 10:41 pm #6337
I’m sorry I haven’t posted about my experience yet, I honestly haven’t had the time to fully explain what a mind fuck I went through. I loved it and can’t wait to share it all with you. I just need longer than 5 minutes to put thoughts to words. OOA, thank you dearly for including me in your event. I am delighted in taking my first steps to find the Light. Glory Be.
April 29, 2016 at 8:30 pm #6239
I also plan on being there around one pm. It’ll give me just enough time to get home from work and get a few hours of sleep. I can’t wait to see you all again and meet some of you for the first time. Glory Be.
April 29, 2016 at 8:25 pm #6238
And who might you be Mr. @masterlock ?? Any relation to Gatekeeper 5?
April 27, 2016 at 3:16 pm #6136
I am available for both, but as my invite isn’t until 6. I might have a better chance at meeting people at the pre event meetup. I am always down to have a beer, and saying it’s gonna be a much needed weekend off, I won’t say no to possibly having two haha. Plus there’s a chance that we will be told not to talk about it afterwards anyways. We’re just gonna be staring at each other at the post meetup and sunday, without saying anything about what we saw haha.
April 27, 2016 at 3:09 pm #6135
First off, I’d like to say thank you to the OOA for extending an invitation to me for this Saturday’s event. I gladly accept your offer and will make myself available. To all of my brothers and sisters in Light, I received an email stating that I have been invited to attend Saturdays event. They asked me if I was available to be around the Downtown area around 6pm. Hell Yea I Am!! Super stoked, but one thing seemed weird. They seem to have no record of me doing the questionnaire, (I’ve done it twice already), so they kinda in a roundabout way asked me to do it again? Has anyone else had this happen to you? I’m gonna do it again once I get home from working nights now. Why do they even have to film at night? lol
April 26, 2016 at 2:06 am #6014
@randomguy1979 First of all, welcome to the first step on your _path to Ascension and to have you a part of this wonderful community. Here is where you should start in your forums , they provide many details on how to get started and familiar with what The Tension Experience is about. Also check out the sub reddit /r/thetensionexperience for even more content. One more… Listen to the My Haunt Life podcasts for an even more detailed understanding of what this is all about, here at,
These are what I have used when I want to stay updated and educated on the happenings of this Experience. I wish you well on your _path and enjoy what the OOA has to offer you. Glory Be. -
April 26, 2016 at 1:55 am #6013
@reaton I had similar thoughts to that we might be hearing about Gatekeeper 4. It did mention about “her” and Gatekeeper 5 told us to expect “her” as well. I agree with you on this theory and can’t wait to find out. Glory Be.
April 25, 2016 at 3:42 pm #5952
@coryphella To answer your question about who is circled in that picture, it is I. For what reason, I do not know. I only assume that OOA has singled me out for a reason and I must trust that reason is for my betterment. I have not strayed from the _path and have helped others on their own _path. I haven’t done anything differently from most of us on these forums, so why I was cicled, I do not know. I can only wait patiently for OOA’s next message and continue my _path to Ascension. Glory Be.
April 25, 2016 at 3:22 pm #5942
@thecatnipper Thanks for the tag, I totally thought I had done this already. My bad… Ok so here we go.
1. Where am I located? North Hollywood
2. How did you hear about The Tension Experience? I saw a post on reddit about a new scary game that was happening in LA. /r/losangeles
3. When did you join our community? I joined mid March.
4. What do you like most about this Experience? I enjoy the community aspect of it and the making of new friends. I also very much enjoy the cryptic puzzles.
5. How much do you consume Horror publications? B. Extensively. I read multiple horror websites and horror film related articles daily.
5a. If you answered A-C on question 5, how likely would an ad on your favorite horror publication have sparked your interest in something like The Tension Experience? B. Some. My interest would have piqued, but it depends on how the ad was targeted for and marketed as.
6. Which of the following would have been likely to spark your interest in The Tension Experience? A. Endorsement by publication I trust. I read tons of articles throughout the day and would probably be more curious if I read about it, than if I saw an ad or got a recommendation from a friend.All I can say is I’m glad and humbled to be a part of this community and wish everyone well on their _path. Glory Be.
April 20, 2016 at 8:08 pm #5783
Glory Be!! Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow!