active 8 years, 6 months agoForum Replies Created
August 2, 2016 at 6:16 pm #17217
Here is a rough transcript. I’m pretty sure the words are correct, the punctuation I guessed at from how she read.
Before reading:
I’m not like them.
The beginning was merely a spark.The one who could see realized that the spark should be a flame. He took it into his heart, he let it grow. He burned and consumed him until he no longer knew who he was.
Eventually he could hold it no longer, let it completely destroy him. With no other choice he opened his mouth and unleashed that spark, now a great and terrible flame unto the world. It burned with a glory that was previously unfathomable.The fire was knowledge and the fire was power. It engulfed nearly all of our realm, sending darkness back into the hearts of the weak small men as it elevated the potential of our very nature to a higher more perfect path.
We were so close, the precipice of the great dawn, but alas the darkness returned. It too had grown stronger with desire inside the hearts of lesser men, the first betrayers. They unleashed their darkness and began to blind all of those around them until men questioned whether the fire had existed at all.
What little fire that was left was taken for granted. It was hoarded and used as a weapon to control and manipulate, to cause fear and terror.
With no more to do he then left to return to where he had begun. He returned to the darkness, he gave up. He began to die.It was then that he heard it, the spark was yet still alive, stronger, and now a voice.
“The fire, you have returned” he said, but the voice called back from within and he spoke to himself. “No, that was then, for I am the light”
“Do you have a name for I do not recall my own”The spark once a flame and now the light indeed had a name.
But first he anointed himself.
“You are the first, the first counted, and the last from the final, and I, I am Anoch” -
August 2, 2016 at 5:43 pm #17208
Would love to get my hands on that book and give it a read!
August 2, 2016 at 5:42 pm #17205
Has any of the Tension people broken the 4th wall before that we know of? Very curious, unless he only wanted you to think he was breaking the wall! Very interested to go to that panel!
August 2, 2016 at 2:50 pm #17183
As much as I am a big believer in sharing all the info as a long time peanut gallery, popcorn eater (it really does get frustrating sometimes when people have or share info that those further away don’t have access to), I have to *reluctantly* agree with BoS on this one. If they have information that those that have not joined them don’t (that we will have soon in any case according to them) then that is part of their path. @electrichippo has seemed to have knowledge that we did not in the past as part of her role in all of this. That does not mean
I don’t agree with @111error on there only being two sides, I see many. Not choosing either of the sides as many have is also a valid choice. I am pretty much neutral when it comes to the OOA and BoS, I’m in the same camp as @blondiecamps as in I will not be here for Ascension and will be an ocean and a continent away, and it won’t really matter in the long run what I choose. (I have wondered what will happen to me as @blondiecamps was told she’d be the last one left or something. Maybe Africa is to far away for them to care about)
All this hostility is making me a little *Tense*! I just have to wonder (since this is a very sudden outburst of animosity), who stands the most to gain by creating a rift in the community, who gave this info to BoS, and does any of this relate to the box and what will happen tomorrow?
July 31, 2016 at 10:10 pm #16920
@electrichippo I think you could put me down as anti-III at the moment, that’s about all I’m really sure of right now!
July 31, 2016 at 8:39 am #16836
I’m not sure if I’m misreading something here, but it reads to me like she appointed Russel as the new Scribe (sorry @mike). Unless I am misunderstanding what is being said.
I am also not sure that I can trust yet after what happened with four, I do not understand the reason for it. I do however despise a certain new BoS defector a lot more and will therefore have to side with the enemy of my enemy for the moment. So I am willing to at least hear what you have to say @gatekeeper2.
Also, congrats and good luck @reaton!
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This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
July 30, 2016 at 8:46 am #16807
Yeay, now I have 2 things to look forward to on the 3rd! Hopefully I’ll be settled in and have internet when things go down!
August 2, 2016 at 5:57 pm #17213
I’ll give it a go, give me a few minutes!
July 31, 2016 at 10:16 pm #16922
Thanks for explaining the relationship with III @electrichippo, although ally is still too close for comfort for me. I truly hope the alliance does not backfire for BoS as I would not like to see any of those aligned with them getting hurt.
July 31, 2016 at 12:22 pm #16894
Sorry if I was unclear, I specifically meant Gatekeeper III. I really dislike the way he has treated people and cannot stand behind that. I don’t particularly like Gatekeeper 2 at this point either after what she has done, but GK III seems to enjoy being cruel and hurting others.
I have no problems with any of the apostals that have chosen to join BoS and respect their decisions
My beef is with III.
July 29, 2016 at 8:21 pm #16798
That was a very interesting and eventful day! I’m glad you were able to make it and experience it!
July 29, 2016 at 7:58 pm #16796
July 29, 2016 at 7:39 pm #16793
July 29, 2016 at 3:15 pm #16771
I’m in Upstate New York, right near the historic town of Hyde Park where President Roosevelt lived. (I swear, every town I drive through in this area has Welcome to the Historic Town of …. on their sign)
July 29, 2016 at 3:12 pm #16768
Those look yummy! I like sweet stuff