That does not look like Addison at all.
Congratulations Morgan! Beautiful, just beautiful.
I cannot explain why I am lead to this. I resonates with me as a read a similar such book decades ago by Rifkin:
Glory Be.
Fantastic!!! Congratulations to Sean and Melissa! And of course Mike!!!!
Thank you Overseer.
I want one!!!
I would love to go, but alas it is a school night.Thank you for the generous offer.
This is very generous of you Sean. I’d be delighted to come out.
That is not true at all Susie!!! You are even more alluring, beautiful, passionate and razor sharp witted in person. You magnificent shinning light you!!!!
So ready for the Glory!!! Today
I just want to dispense with all of the accusations and revel in the light.
Unknown roughly 5:30.
Thank you Sean. YOUARETHEBEST!!!
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