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April 10, 2016 at 11:24 am #5206
@electrichippo Haha! Yes, I am that old! 😉 As far as your theory goes… very interesting. Of course, I wondered about the number or sprocket holes (7 on each side. One frame of standard 35mm contains 4 perfs per frame – each side. So they are representing 1 2/3 frames… I doubt that is extremely significant, though.)
@mike WOW. Good catch, I did not even make the connection! My consultation was, indeed, supposed to begin at 1 PM. (They contacted me late, but that was my scheduled time.)
@coryphella Thanks for inverting me!
@mkarrett Yes, it seems I was having a “Huh???” moment when that picture was taken, wasn’t I?
April 10, 2016 at 9:21 am #5190
Good connection to make @mkarrett
Also, the “indentation” looking marks on the picture are an obvious attempt to make it look like they are sprocket holes found on the edge of 35mm film.
Since I am the one in the photo, I can verify it was taken during my actual consultation. The 001 WAIH does not have any personal significance that I can figure out. (And, I do believe it is WAIH… at first glance I thought that was a T but it seems to be an I.)
Also, the numbers and letters seem to be in different size fonts so they may not be used together if/when we discover how they are of use on our path. (I know I am stating the obvious, a bit. Just trying to work this out. I talk to myself, too, when I work. Haha!)
April 9, 2016 at 8:17 am #5131
Catching up on this thread, I want to throw out something I found while working on the puzzles. I had browser issues. Safari only loaded a potion of the first puzzle (involving the spinning “lens” things) and when I pulled it up in Firefox it worked fine. However, when I solved the “eye chart” puzzle, Firefox would not allow me to proceed. BUT, when I switched back to Safari… everything worked fine.
@dthezombie and @dsapir I wonder if that was part of what you guys might have been dealing with, as well. The most frustrating one was after the eye-chart… I had the correct answer and the Firefox browser was thwarting my efforts to proceed.
@amieexists I can relate to those dealing with the daily distractions of work that sometimes prevent us from exploring. Haha! And that’s coming from someone who enjoys his job!! 😉
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
April 9, 2016 at 7:17 am #5130
One thing specifically stated about the book being discussed is “How you use (the book) is up to you.”
I have stepped away from all this for a few days due to my work situation, now that I have returned, I am overwhelmed by all the new theories and comments and references I find being thrown around. I wish I had been logging stuff along the way!
In reference to emails, when I had issues submitting the questionnaire on the day it appeared, I did receive an email thanking me but I have not received any communication referencing anything in my specific answers. After reading some of what I have read in the latest threads from this week… I am both happy and slightly intimidated I answered the questions so honestly. Zoiks!!!
April 8, 2016 at 11:15 am #4992
I am afraid work is consuming me these days, so I seem to be unavailable schedule-wise, but would love to hear any afterthoughts to the meet ups. All the best to you guys!
April 2, 2016 at 9:33 am #4368
To follow up, I never did receive through the website any confirmation after I hit “Submit.” However, I did leave a voicemail message at the number given on the main page and later received notice that, indeed, my questionnaire had gone through. Not sure if others might encounter this oddity, but they did confirm they had received my answers even though it did not appear to be so after I submitted the form. I appreciate them letting me know, was wondering how I should proceed.
April 1, 2016 at 9:22 am #4245
April 1, 2016 at 9:13 am #4243
@diem Thanks! I did call the number already and got a prerecorded question… if you have not called it, I suggest you do. 😉 I left a message but it is unclear if that will be received since it seems to be set up as a response system to questions within the new recording.
Also, I know others have filled out the answers already, as well… I just wanted to draw people’s attention to the fact that they altered the form at some point.
@mike Each time I hit submit, nothing happened. I received no communication. (Except for the weird pop-up that happened AS I WAS ANSWERING and the “Submit” button was not even visible to me at that… and I had logged out and in as a safety.) Very odd. I just hope the final time I hit “Submit” on the longer form from this morning actually goes through to them.
March 28, 2016 at 12:20 pm #4113
@mike raises a good point, @electrichippo. Particularly the dsymorphia reference. As early as the consultation there have been some very pointed comments included in some of these proceedings… as if they are testing to see if a potential participant will agree with them when they indicate that participant may not be “worthy,” it is a simple form of emotional manipulation. As far as not relating to pop culture, that is a very wide net to throw out there. That can easily apply to a vast majority of any group of humans. We all find things in media coverage of our world or trends on the internet that we do not understand or cannot relate to on a personal level… it is such a generic statement.
I also find the fear of “silence” a bit of an odd reference. Fear of silence? I cannot relate to that statement and am not exactly sure what it means. As far as craving “distraction,” so far the OOA seems to be providing a fascinating distraction for those of us participating here.
March 23, 2016 at 11:31 am #4090
@endlesspictures I agree, I wish I could have picked up more details. Like @mike I was very distracted by the woman, trying to decipher what she was referring to in her rambling comments about her “high hopes” for me. For example, I do not even recall the “white house” at all.
March 23, 2016 at 9:07 am #4088
@mike Yeah, I think the flowers (seen in the picture you posted earlier) were partially in between me and the poster when I was seated, so I did not have a clear view of it at all times.
I believe there was a mention of meditation on that poster, wasn’t there? The descriptions I have heard of the “red room” have mentioned being asked to meditate at the start of that experience.
March 22, 2016 at 10:16 pm #4083
Also, does anyone else recall the poster on the far wall at the beginning of the consultation? (Not the area where the shelf was.) It was fairly dim on that side of the room and I could not read it clearly. It seemed to possibly be a short list of guidelines or rules.
March 19, 2016 at 6:08 pm #4047
April 10, 2016 at 9:01 pm #5271
@mike Interesting, but I don’t think so… to me it seems the crossed out word might be a comment on my expression. Someone else pointed out I look perplexed. But, it is from my consultation the way the other photos are, I am wondering more about the different visual treatment of mine that seems different from the others. I have not found anything actually hidden in the image itself, yet, but I am looking. Also, I might be completely barking up the wrong tree with that approach. Or… path. Hm.
April 10, 2016 at 12:32 pm #5215
@electrichippo Well, we cannot trust anything you say, now, obviously!! HAHAHAA! (Seriously, that was quite funny, thanks!)