active 8 years agoForum Replies Created
November 11, 2016 at 4:02 pm #22362
Pretty much everything is on the Periscopes, but I’ll add what happened in the car.
I got in the car and she angrily told me to turn the periscope off and wouldn’t leave until I did. As soon as I turned it off, she asked me if I smoked. I said No. At that point she signals to the driver and off we go. She seemed pretty antsy on the phone with Jack. She kept telling him they’re trying to drag her back in, but she was had no intention of going back. She then told Jack to listen to her closely and how he needed him to pull the trigger. I got the sense that Jack had someone with him that Michelle needed him to kill/shoot… which scares me about the next part…
As this conversation occurred, she pulled something out of this box that was between us. Then she grabs my hand and puts it around the item. At that point I felt clearly it was silly putty and she was taking my fingerprints. She was very deliberate about it. Making sure she had either my middle/index and my thumb. In hindsight, those are the fingers I would hold a gun with…
She hung up on Jack after telling him to pull the trigger. Then it got awkward. She looked at me again and said “You smoke, right?”. I told her I didn’t and she said it was a shame. I asked her if she was Michelle. She didn’t give me a direct answer, but she gave me this light chuckle when I asked. Then as we were pulling back into the park she got back on the phone with Jack and told him something like “You know how much you mean to me, don’t you?”. Like she was calm now… Maybe Jack pulled the trigger and she was reassuring him?
Anyway, at that point we were back at the park and she told me to get out and off she went.
I wonder if Jack is “The Suit”/”OSDM #2”. There was a blurry picture of “The Suit” on Facebook earlier.
I have a sense of foreboding regarding what’s going to happen on Sunday…
November 11, 2016 at 12:51 pm #22272
Samson will be “rectifying his mistake” on Sunday? Is that a threat towards @masterlock?
Oh @samson… you have no idea the power you’re dealing with…
November 10, 2016 at 7:20 pm #22232
Could Horace be the one we’ve referred to as “The Suit”?
A few of us have been given the indication he’s higher in rank than Samson and Clockmaker is above OSDM.
November 9, 2016 at 8:17 pm #22010
The only thing getting me through this week is knowing we will all stand together with @masterlock once more on Sunday.
Whatever her choice, I know it is the one that will lead us to salvation.
Glory Be!
November 6, 2016 at 3:48 pm #21783
November 5, 2016 at 11:55 pm #21751
This reeks of desperation.
@samson, we know you’re neither in charge nor in control.
It’s not too late to stand with us on the side of @masterlock.
November 5, 2016 at 7:48 pm #21721
Why do you keep trying to save @masterlock? Hasn’t she shown us through her actions that she is more than strong enough to save herself?
She’s found at least one new Oracle and is actively resisting @samson and the rest of the OSDM through our faith in her.
Actions like the ones you took today achieve nothing.
What we should be doing is standing with her and waiting for the moment she asks of us what she needs.
We are not her salvation. She is our salvation.
Glory Be!
November 5, 2016 at 4:07 pm #21702
Is it possible @masterlock is starting to share with us the knowledge she’s gained from our new Oracle?
November 5, 2016 at 5:12 am #21655
November 4, 2016 at 4:26 pm #21591
Mary Lynn is not only one of the sweetest people within the OOA, I also believe she has stronger faith in Anoch and the Overseer than most within those walls.
During the ritual this past Saturday, she held mine and @amieexists hand throughout the entire ritual and was the first I embraced when the Overseer declared Ascension succeeded and we have a new Oracle, which had the entire chapel erupt in celebration.
That being said, I know she’s not immune to the same fear and subservience to @samson and the OSDM as I witnessed last night.
I have a feeling she’s going to be a strong ally to us as we continue this journey.
November 4, 2016 at 12:24 am #21535
I went down to the OOA for my 3rd processing today. Earlier in the day I’d received a call from the OOA saying “Julie, I don’t know why they’re doing this, but you chose this”. The gist of it is my time was originally 11:00pm and they needed to switch me to 9:00pm because she needed to speak with me.
I got to the parking lot and all felt “normal”. But before the van got there, I noticed another car drive up. I looked over and was pretty sure I recognized Samson in the car. He drove to the other side of the lot, turned off his lights and waited there. The van arrives and they go through everyone. My name was not on the paperwork, so I was given a blank form. Odd thing is, when the security guy called our names to get in line, he called my name even though he didn’t have it. I got in the van and was hooded. The van starts to move and stops abruptly. I can hear the security guy saying “Are you sure? Copy that.”. He then jumps out, opens the door, grabs me and yells “Julie, get out! Stay here” and then the van drives off.
For a second I didn’t know what to do, but then the car on the other side of the lot starts flashing it’s lights. I go over and Samson is there. He asks me if I know who he is. I answered yes. He told me to get in the car. At first I said a lot like “I saw your periscope earlier.” “Are you trying to divide us?” “What are you trying to tell us?”. It was obvious he wasn’t going to say anything. He just kept looking over at me. At one point he said “Let’s go back to the experience.” Also, I was probably visibly nervous. It was more of an actor tic than actual nerves. My body over-physicalized what I was thinking I should feel. I know Samson noticed because he asked “What’s wrong?”.
So we arrive at the OOA and Samson tells me to get out. I comply and he opens the door. I immediately notice people in the reception, waiting room and even Ellis and his assistant in the changing room start facing the wall as Samson takes me through. We went through quite a bit until finally he stops and looks in a corner and tells me “You cam to see her, didn’t you? There she is.” At that point I saw who he was talking about. Addison had the red helmet on and was surrounded by at least 6 handler girls. I walk up to her and I could tell Addison was suffering, but I didn’t want to cross a line, so I looked at one of the handler girls and asked if I could take the hood off. She nodded yes, so I did. Addison looks at me and says “Hi, my name is Addison” and then starts breaking down in tears. She went to hug me and I embraced her knowing she was in pain and needed my consolation. I told her I still believed in her and had faith in her. I told her she was more powerful than he (Samson) is. And then finally I had to say “I don’t know if this helps, but… Carlos”. She pulled back and said “Hi, I’m Addison”. Finally, I heard Samson say “Take here to processing” twice. Once referring to Addison and once referring to me… I couldn’t tell when he left, but when the Handler girls grabbed me to go to processing, Samson was gone.
I was taken to the Processing room and for a second I thought I was about to go through again as Simon came up to me and said “Oh, you’re back are you?” But then before I could say anything, he yells “All of you face the wall!”. That’s when I noticed Samson was in the room. He grabs me and takes me to the other side of the Processing room and I now see Addison is sitting in the “Interviewee” chair. Samson sits me in the “Interviewer” chair opposite Addison. I tried to smile at her… Make her feel at ease… Tell her I believed in her and had faith in her… but then…
Someone else enters the room. I can only describe him as OSDM #2. He was dressed similar to Samson. At first from across the room I thought he might be Tom Barrow, but he was much younger. He looks at Samson and says “This is your fault!”. Then comes over to me and tells me to ask Addison who she is. I did and she responds “Hi, I’m Sabrina Kern.” Then he asks Addison how she knows me. She says something like “I’m here for an audition, right?”. Then I could tell OSDM #2 was angry. He banged his hand against the desk and grabbed Addison by the jaw. Then asked her again who she was. She said “Addison”. When she was asked how she knows me, she said “Didn’t I meet you at one of Mark’s parties?”. Fist slam from OSDM #2 again and another semblance of who are you, but this time the response was “Well, I just became a Gatekeeper a few days ago”. Slam again. “I am Overseer”. How does she know me. “Didn’t I meet you on set. You were crew or extra or something.”
He then says to Samson something like “She’s been here 3 times (referring to me). We’ve measured her reactions. We’ve measured her emotions. She is done.” Then OSDM #2 comes up to my face, points in my face and says “This is your fault! You did this!”. He then says the same right back to Samson. He then points at Addison angrily and tells Samson “Find out when she broke”.
I’m then grabbed by Samson who takes me to the other side of the room. I yell at Addison again “I still believe in you. We still have faith. We remain united!”. As he gives me to two Handler girls he looks back at Addison and says “Moriur Invictus”. Addison falls to the floor and I’m led out. The Handler girls take me to Professor Applebee’s classroom and sit me down. They look at me and say “The Overseer is fine. She’ll be ok.” I look between them and said things like “I believe in her. Please take care of her.”
Finally one of them says “A van will be with you shortly”. Another Handler girl comes in, grabs me and takes me out to the van area where I’m sent back with the (I think 7:00pm) group. I was visibly shaken. I think some of the people in the van thought I was an actor. I did ask them if their Ascension was successful and they said the candidate died.
That’s about it. From there I was taken back to the parking lot and returned home…
November 3, 2016 at 11:12 pm #21523
Also, as I was leaving processing, Samson made Overseer pass out by saying… “Warius Invictus”?
November 4, 2016 at 1:20 pm #21571
November 4, 2016 at 1:14 pm #21570
@electrichippo – Yes. It was definitely “Morior Invictus”. I’ve heard it twice now.
November 3, 2016 at 10:57 pm #21522
@amieexists @kasch – Still writing this up, but I have heard of no other successful Ascensions other than the one we witnessed. I even asked the group I was leaving the compound with and they said their Ascension failed. Still only 2 Oracles…