active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
November 15, 2016 at 11:12 am #22641
What is the true story of Aleister Gordon? Was Aleister just another actor hired via audition to play a part? Was he someone with OSDM (unlikely(?) but anything is possible I suppose)? Is he still lurking around using an alias?
November 15, 2016 at 10:57 am #22637
On Saturday, November 12th, five members of BOS arrived at the OOA parking lot in time to have a brief face to face meeting with the woman we are supposing is named Michelle.
This is an exact transcript of what “Michelle” said as soon as the periscope went dark:
“Now, this isn’t as bad as it looks. This isn’t a trap, but before we begin 3 things: 1) Keep your phones in your pockets, 2) You are now in radio silence. You will not speak about this moment, you will not tweet about this moment, you will not write about this moment until after tomorrow night. Are we understood? And, you will not speak unless I ask you to. You will not breathe unless I ask you to, ok? Now…
We have ourselves a little bad news, good news situation.
Bad news, remember the last time you believed in Santa Claus, it’s kind of like that. So why are you guys BOS? What is it to you?
(One by one we listed our reasons for joining BOS. Michelle was pleased with our responses.)
All of you are completely correct and nothing changes for you, but the bad news is, the original BOS was an invention, created by an organization that I work for, to help us track detractors and test a new variable. Yes, it was a giant rabbit hole that you all fell into beautifully. But the good news, the GREAT news, is that you, every single one of you blew that rabbit hole right the fuck up, and you crawled out through the rubble, yes? and you made the B.O.S. 100% real. An actual free thinking, no bullshit taking resistance. Be Proud! I have never seen them as terrified as they are right now. You call yourselves B.O.S., yes? Own it. Keep doing it. Keep doing your work. It’s yours now. No one else’s.
So now you might ask. What do we do? We scratch each others’ backs and send a message. (mocking voice) … Be present. Technology is a distraction. Isn’t it? A coincidence that their very belief system is intended to isolate their followers from the outside world. So tomorrow, for those of you who were invited, I want you to walk through those doors and you will document every god damned thing you see. You will tweet it, you will snapchat, you will stream it, fuck, you can myspace it, share it with the entire world. Get it out live and bring them the fuck down.”
November 10, 2016 at 6:55 pm #22227
π β€οΈ π Addy + @rizzzoooooo π β€οΈ π
November 8, 2016 at 7:58 pm #21936
Transcript of the Periscope:
Overseer begins by singing Amazing Grace. A deep voiced man off camera can be heard singing along.
Overseer begins to speak to the camera…
It matters not who says the words as long as the light is delivered by those whom the people can hear best.
Only the active move forward.
Those 5 words have been repeated to guide you, to move you forward.
If you are watching this right now you have been engaged.
Thank you.
Some of you have been with us since the very beginning, long before I took power and those few of you will continue the story long after i’ll be gone.
… (audio breaks ups) …
This Sunday, November 13th, I will open my door one last time for you. You will no longer be Apostles of the Beginning, but you will represent the end, only the ones who have received the initial email will be allowed inside 7pm.
(Samson’s face appears from the darkness behind Overseer, His hand on her right shoulder)
Samson says: Turn it off.
November 5, 2016 at 11:29 pm #21749
Tom Barrow, or the actor/stuntman named Bobby K., or someone else entirely. Endlessly blurry lines.
November 15, 2016 at 10:46 am #22636
@mike, thank you for this message. You know I’ll always keep it real. Your forum shenanigans have occasionally made me roll my eyes, but I promise you I’ve never once viewed you as my enemy. You’ve fully committed and supported this experience. I respect that immensely. I respect you. And now I will go look up what the Hell you’re talking about… Clayface and Batman… ???
November 15, 2016 at 10:40 am #22633
@blacklotustriad: Please, let’s all try to do our best to refrain from assumptions. I will confirm @taysavestheday statement… The people in the masks were not BOS.
November 11, 2016 at 11:24 pm #22411
Yes, @lmsmedley. Just because I became one thing, doesn’t mean I ever gave up the convictions of other. The two were never at odds. For many months Sentinel told me our goal was to destroy the corruption and abuse. He never had a negative word to say about The Book of Anoch. He also gave me certain names of people to trust, stand with, and look after. The most currently notable being Addison / Sabrina / @masterlock. These things are the things I continue to do and believe.
On the matter of Truth… this is what I seek. It’s a tricky business when everyday a new piece of the puzzle is put on the table (OSDM shenanigans?). If one day I find the things I believe are lies, I reserve the right to own my mistake and adjust my course. If BOS/Sentinel turn out to have kept secrets from me all along for a greater good, that’s forgivable. If they’ve used me, probably not forgivable. Same holds true for any person or organization, not just BOS. I’m not in this for ego. I’m in this for a community that is worth fighting for. I don’t just mean those of us here in this forum space, but also many within the OOA compound, as well as ones hiding in a getaway van or somewhere else in the world. Anyone who has touched our lives in a positive and meaningful way is worth standing by.
November 11, 2016 at 8:03 pm #22404
Thank you, Michelle. @halfbloodfangirl
November 11, 2016 at 7:58 pm #22403
Because he never was dead? Probably not even injured? Maybe not even a “Sentinel?” Who the Hell knows? First time I saw him at Ascension he sure looked dead after being beaten with a baseball bat. Last I saw him at Ascension he appeared very beaten up, but not dead. Others visiting OOA have seen him walking the halls fine as can be. Trin, the Oracle plant, told me he’s an actor, an a pretty odd duck at that. One day I’ll know the truth. Maybe he’d like to give me the truth.
November 11, 2016 at 6:57 pm #22389
@rizzzoooooo: Too dreamy. He needs to stop. Shouldn’t you be strategizing instead of staring deeply into those hideous blue eyes? I’m not sure who is still with BOS, or hmm…
November 8, 2016 at 9:51 pm #21947
I agree, Michelle. Whatever happens, may she feel our strength, and be comforted knowing she has always been loved. And, with any luck @samson will find himself the newest member of the helmet club. I’d be more than happy to put it on him myself… and crank it all the way up.
November 8, 2016 at 8:16 pm #21943
@halfbloodfangirl: Are you concerned that she is suggesting she will be gone or is your concern to do with others continuing the story? Or both?
I’m trying to prepare myself for what I feel is inevitable. I don’t want to see @masterlock go, but if she must I can only hope it’s of her own free will.
November 8, 2016 at 8:11 pm #21941
She also called me. She asked if I knew who this was. I said ‘Sabrina??” She said no and identified herself as Addison. Her voice was small and sweet. She apologized that she and I didn’t have a chance to get to know each other better. She asked me if I’d be there Sunday to stand by her. I told her of course… Of course I’ll be there. She fumbled the phone a little bit, returned, then said she had to go now. I hung up with a sense of dread for what is to come.
November 5, 2016 at 3:03 pm #21690
@amieexists: I wonder if the B O S on his jumpsuit was actually an inside joke notating Josh’s affiliation to Blackout (BO+S) rather than The Brotherhood of Seraph. Not that I don’t think Josh Randall would make a fascinating and dynamic addition to BOS!