active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
June 6, 2016 at 9:44 am #9627
I was sitting right by you @vincentvega I think a lot of us were in a bit of a fog that day and trying to wrap our heads around everything that was transpiring. I admit, I was thinking some of the same things @jkonigsberg was after the event. I too noticed your purse and phone. And, it wasn’t until after everything happened that I asked myself as well if you were planted there for us to say something about. I kept going back to one thing everyone has been repeating about anything being a clue, a puzzle, nothing is random or coincidence where the OOA is concerned.
Being new to all this myself, just as you were, I didn’t know what to think. I still feel out of my element but love it.
Now, what was said to you!?! Wow, I can’t imagine what you were thinking after that. I look forward to reading your blog post and hope you share the link for all of us to read.
June 6, 2016 at 9:10 am #9615
Agree 100%…
I never realized things like this existed. It’s brought me into a whole new world. A few years ago I found Blackout and it changed my life. Becoming a part of this, it’s introduced to so much more… immersive theater, escape rooms. It’s been life changing socially and mentally. I’m not a puzzle person. They throw me the fuck off. I can look at a puzzle 10x longer than some of you and still say “I don’t get it.” But, this whole thing is teaching me to think outside the box and look at everything as a clue.
But, I had the chance to meet a few of you. Being shy and introverted most of the time, the hours leading up mixer was very stressful for me. Everyone was so welcoming and nice even to a newbie and outsider like myself. The Tension Experience came at a perfect moment in my life from a personal standpoint. This last year has been tremendously trying, divorce does that to you, and it’s breathed new life in me.
I hope the future is bright for The Tension Experience and this is just the beginning.
Glory Be!
June 3, 2016 at 5:16 pm #9201
Good afternoon, III.
June 3, 2016 at 5:13 pm #9199
@jkonigsberg We are sailing in the same boat my friend 😉
June 3, 2016 at 12:35 pm #9087
@111error I promise you, and you know me, I’m not discounting her or the possibility that she could be in trouble. I truly am only asking questions, trying to find answers in order to make an informed decision and not a hasty one. I’m not saying that everything is all unicorns and rainbows.
I agree with @reaton, I don’t believe it’s too late to help her.
As of now, I feel I am on the outside of all of this. All the private conversations, the secrets, the “I don’t know what I should share…” I’ve said it before, I’ve had no individual interaction with Addison at all except for an email containing Sunday’s waiver and when she handed me a rose on Sunday. I have nothing to go on except what others have told me and what I’ve observed on Sunday and on Periscope.
This is all tearing at me and leaving me with more questions.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
Michelle. Reason: Added periscope as an observation
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June 3, 2016 at 10:07 am #9070
Finally catching up on the forum. Wow… so much has happened.
Are we seeing a divide amongst the community over Addison?
For now, I’m also in agreement with @mike and @monkeymuffin333. Without being privy to the whole picture, we honestly cannot draw true conclusions. We can assume. We interpret but we really don’t know the whole story. We were given a glimpse of a moment. I know I have not received or seen concrete evidence that tells me Addison was doing something against her will yesterday. Am I concerned for her after what I saw on Sunday, my interaction with the photographer, and the stories of what her father has claimed happened to her? Of course. But, also playing devil’s advocate, do we even know her father is being truthful? Parents can be blinded by their love for their children and not accept or hold them responsible for their actions. Could Addison have been only been nervous about what was supposed to happen on Sunday rather than it being about having to do something she didn’t want to do? I know @monkeymuffin333 and I discussed how our anxiety level rose when the elder spoke of an initiate being disrobed in front of everyone. At the time we didn’t know it was going to be Addison and had that brief “Oh God, could it be me!?!… Don’t let it be me!” What was going to happen, even by choice, would cause someone to look uneasy. The glimpse we were given last night, I don’t see any evidence that says she was against her will. On her kneees, crying, the crossing out of faces… it could mean anything. It could be a cleansing of her old self and the birth of her new self. We don’t know if she has been brainwashed or if she’s a phoenix rising out of the ashes after yesterday’s events.
I haven’t had any interaction with Addison except the small interaction on Sunday nor have I had any with any family members. I haven’t had any interaction with any of the OOA outside of Sunday. I’m only going on what others are sharing. I’m not trying to discount that she may be held against her will or forced to do things she doesn’t want to do. I’m asking questions. Her father could be in denial that this is her choice and her _path.
I ask this… @111error You wrote, “she deserves more support than we’re giving her.” What kind of support are you asking of us?
This is not said to add fuel to the flames. I hope that I am wrong. But, I’m sensing a division occurring among the community. It’s small but it’s happening. Maybe it’s the way I’m interpreting some of the things that are being said here. I sense this underlying tone from some that people aren’t doing enough… why aren’t you doing more… almost like finger pointing. Division will be all of our downfall.
June 2, 2016 at 4:00 pm #8967
Goodness. Who else saw that Periscope with Addison? I have to walk out the door but a quick run down… She was on her knees destroying photos. It was hard for me to see. I’m assuming they were her? Crossing out the faces on them. Then she placed them in an envelope and sealed it with a wax seal. A man picked it up and left with it. Is this her erasing who she was before joining the OOA?
edited to add…
Another Periscope… Was that her own blood on the envelope?-
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
June 2, 2016 at 3:48 pm #8965
Oh my… It didn’t even occur to me that it could be Addison they were referring to in that post. Poor girl. I do hope she is ok.
June 2, 2016 at 8:59 am #8899
The plot continues to thicken….
June 1, 2016 at 4:12 pm #8818
So now I’m more sure that Addison was the one who the photographer lady told me we were going to witness be tortured for 2 hours. Disrobed and punished in front of “strangers” would explain her behavior.
June 2, 2016 at 5:59 pm #9002
@lenize You’re right! I missed that the first time because I logged in a few seconds too late. But, thanks to @addisonborn, I was able to watch it again.
June 1, 2016 at 10:57 pm #8888
@addisonborn I agree. I felt the same way.. a deer in the headlights.
@sovereignskies As a few have said, everything happened so quickly. You mentioned about us blocking doors. The door they took Addison out of, there was no way any of us were going to be able to get to that door before they did. We were situated from the middle of the hall moving towards the back. As a group or even just a few could have possibly blocked the back door where her father was being thrown out. However, again, I think a lot of us were shocked. I know for me, I was one of the closest to the scuffle between her father and the man responsible for “security”. There was no way my 5’3″ frame was getting in the middle of them. @thegilded wasn’t joking when he said her father got a beat down. The hole in that wall was real.
I think everything went from 0-60 so quickly it was hard for a lot of us to react. I don’t know what the test was for us during all of that and if there was one. I do know I also wasn’t prepared to take a stand and demand answers or truths from the OOA in that moment. I also recall the elder saying how he wasn’t there to give us any answers and that the answers were to come from ourselves. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong on that.
June 1, 2016 at 10:44 pm #8887
@halfgreekgoddess @addisonborn In hindsight, it definitely makes sense.
June 1, 2016 at 8:01 am #8739
@kasch My tag was x-ed by the photographer after she spoke to me. If someone has said this, I apologize. I think the x-ing was a way from them to track who had been spoken to.
My tag was #9. I received my invite through FB messenger from Alister Gordon on Friday night. I returned my waiver within the hour. The email with the waiver is timestamped 7:42pm and my return email with the waiver attached is timestamped 8:27pm. Everything happened so quickly that night, I thought it was a lot later than that.
May 30, 2016 at 11:24 am #8575