active 8 years agoForum Replies Created
November 12, 2016 at 2:36 pm #22440
I’m overseas and I wake up to this… What a way to start the day!
November 10, 2016 at 3:06 pm #22176
I’m curious not about the time stamps on the email exchange itself, but rather the timestamp on the top of the second page. It’s for today, but at 3:17 pm… which isn’t here yet.
What does this say about the origin of the drop? Maybe made by someone in a different time zone…?
November 8, 2016 at 8:52 pm #21944
Addison, not Sabrina. Samson’s presence. The final event none of the invited can miss. What if it’s a trap? Worried for you guys…
November 7, 2016 at 6:17 pm #21884
We know that at least some of the people within the OOA compound are actors.
We know that Darren Lynn Bousman is himself a “character” in this story, and is helping direct Ascension (some participants have encountered him in the control room during Ascension, and also the script from the 11/3 “Crumbling Walls” periscope)
We know that the OSDM isn’t happy when Sabrina is Sabrina, and they want her to be “Addison” instead.
November 7, 2016 at 6:01 pm #21877
We don’t know how or why Sabrina got involved with the OOA/OSDM, or why they need her to inhabit the Addison personality.
November 11, 2016 at 7:19 pm #22395
Please report back with all the (spoiler-tagged? Are those even needed anymore?) details!!
November 11, 2016 at 4:05 pm #22368
If the fingerprints are intended to be used against @sadako and @hoopthespian21 they’ve got the broadcasts they made as solid video evidence to create reasonable doubt. I hope they’ll be ok.
November 11, 2016 at 4:00 pm #22359
That does sound really bad, but it doesn’t quite add up with the hints we are getting that Ascension is just a fiction, a show, played by actors and run by directors. There’s something more to the fingerprints we haven’t even scratched the surface of.
November 10, 2016 at 7:22 pm #22233
Has anyone ever heard Samson call The Suit “sir?”
November 10, 2016 at 3:14 pm #22184
We’ve had mention before of the whole Ascension show being just that, a show with directors and actors and producers. Maybe that’s what Michelle’s experiment is referring to.
Regarding Sabrina/Addison, the clockmaker is upset that her real name was revealed. It seems that reveal was never intended to happen, lending support to the idea that it’s the Ascension show that’s going out of control.
November 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm #21931
I did a Ctrl+F for “Addison” or “Addy” in the journal transcript. Here are all of the times her name appears.
The title page of the journal says “This Journal belongs to Addison Barrow, actress.”
When Mark gives her the cell phone, he says “‘Open it, Addison.'” On the same page, he says “‘They do know you, Addy. They know you inside.'”
Mark calls her to give her the Sadie’s message at Starbucks: “‘Absolutely totally fine, Addy'” and “‘Addy,’ he said, ‘I am so sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but Sadie just didn’t know what to say…'” The next couple pages are dialogue between Addison and Mark, and Mark uses her name frequently.
The first time the journal body refers to its subject by name is when Addison is already within the OOA: “Gatekeeper 5 also told me that, if I was going to
stay with the OOA I wouldn’t need to use the name Addison anymore.”When Mark tries to get her our: “My father says, ‘You don’t konw.’ ‘YOU don’t know, Addy.’ Like I’m a child.” Some of the following dialogue also uses her name.
Those were all the references I found, but that still doesn’t tell us where Sabrina ends and Addison begins. If I were the OOA/OSDM trying to brainwash one person into thinking they were another via a diary, you bet I would include as much of their former life as possible to blur those lines. Memory manipulation is easy, and has been researched extensively (the author of this article is a professor from the university I graduated from). So once again, even after looking at the clues, we know nothing.
November 8, 2016 at 1:34 am #21903
Fair enough. I guess I spoke too soon…
November 6, 2016 at 3:02 pm #21782
Looking at this from an OOG perspective, a common theme has been “everything you see is part of the world.” This includes bts things like the MHL podcast interview Mike and Russell did, Darren Bousman and company revealing themselves, and now, the fact that the Ascension show is indeed just that, a show. I will be very surprised if it turns out that the story isn’t moving in that direction.
November 6, 2016 at 4:59 am #21764
@electrichippo I haven’t seen in person a lot of what is being discussed with respect to Ascension, so I’m a little lost. Could you fill me in on Tom being Bobby K? How did you find this out?
November 6, 2016 at 4:51 am #21763
Thank you for your wonderful account. As someone unable to attend Ascension due to living abroad, yours and other’s accounts let me experience it vicariously!
Now my thoughts:
Samson and Suit being unhappy with Tom is consistent with the working hypothesis that he isn’t really Sabrina’s father. Now, what about Tom himself? Did he seem to you like a genuine, concerned father who was in danger of losing his child? Or did he seem like his only concern was convincing “Addison” alone?Sadie says The Suit is Samson’s boss, but there’s a little bit of doubt in my mind as to whether we can take that at face value. Could it be that, just as she’s been conditioned to think Tom is “Addison’s” father, thinking that Suit is Samson’s boss is part of the conditioning? IDK, it’s a possibility.
It -would- be much simpler, though, if what Sadie says about Suit is true. Suit and Samson, ODSM members orchestrating Ascension as part of their true motives, perform the same lines about “it’s all Samson’s fault” as part of the play. Occam’s Razor and all that. But that doesn’t explain why Samson and Suit would tell us about their data-collecting plans as part of their show. So I’m confused again.