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November 1, 2016 at 1:48 pm #21311
:Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers:
**The only reason I am posting this, is most of us have already seen the scenes I am describing in the Verge’s video**
Prior to going through Ascension, when Addison was doing all of the periscopes, I finally stated that I pledged my loyalty to her. This was after we were to decide if we were OOA or BOS which I wouldnt choose either.
Going into Ascension I had this loyalty in mind. Like alot of you I wanted to see if I could some how get her out. I saw her in the room with the puzzles and I said “Hello Addison” she looked at me and smiled. In the White room she came to vist me again while I was sitting on a bench. Simon told me not to make small talk with anyone and this kinda worked in my favor (As far as my perception of the events to follow are concerned) Addison started talking to me, saying she remembered talking to me on the phone. I stayed silent, she would ask me other questions, every now and again it seemed like she would shudder or have a tick. I was giving one word answers due to Simon’s request or just being silent. I didnt want to break the rules. Then she would look at me, look at the TV. Look at me, Look at the tv, Look at me, Look at the tv. Some would say this was glitching. After what happened next, I dont think so. I think she was testing me. I think she was baiting me to try to Un-glitch her to try to fix her. But Simons no small talk request stopped me from trying, im glad it did. Next I got pulled back into the changing room. Now this is kinda strange considering it wasnt the man you all call Samson who was asking me these questions. It was someone else. He asked me if Addison was acting weird. (Remember, I am a Addison/Overseer Loyalist) I said no, he asked if she mentioned her family. I said no. He said are you sure Addison wasnt acting weird at all, kinda glitch maybe. I said no, she is in total control. He said she is in total control. I said yes, in total control. He said good to know. With that I was escorted out of the room. As I exited the room, who was walking around the corner looking at me with a smile. It was our Overseer. Now this may just be a gut feeling. But I think she was listening. I think she was seeing if I would call her out. I think this was a test. One of the few tests I feel I passed in my Ascension. Or, maybe she was just walking around the corner getting from one room to the other. I’ll never know. But I will know what my gut tells me. @masterlock is in control, and I am still a loyalist.
But here is a thought I have been having. If the do have the tech to be able to mind control people, couldnt they convince people that the mind control isnt controlling them.
October 25, 2016 at 8:45 pm #20960
I think @masterlock is in total fucking control. I don’t see any glitches, ticks, or tocks. or tocks. or tocks. Everything happens for a reason. Everything is a series of 1’s and 0’s. Everyone has a self serving motive. Even if it is to help someone else its a motive that you want to achieve. Self serving. In some situations you can show your motive in the light for everyone to see. Some motives are hidden in plain sight but nobody pays attention to the grey. @masterlock is the darkness. Her motive is not supposed to be seen. Not supposed to be seen. Seen. Glory Be @masterlock . I said it in Ascension, I know you were listening when I said it. When I was asked how you were doing. My response then hold true now. @masterlock is in total control… I didnt see any glitches. Any glitches… @masterlock is in total control.
October 17, 2016 at 12:15 pm #20578
Reminds me of the “Does anyone know you are here?” question
October 17, 2016 at 11:06 am #20566
IMHO no matter what side of the wall someone falls on or transitions to, all statements made should effect you the way it does when you read it. There is no reason to hold back. If someone insults you, take insult. If you feel talked down to, then feel that way, even if it wasn’t ment the way you took it. We are all players on this stage and we must remember that. Feel the way you feel, express how you feel, but dont take it to heart. Remember that we are all just playing our part. I believe if someone is “tone policed” then just as @halfbloodfangirl did, push your point further. I feel/hope the context of these conversations both @halfbloodfangirl and @electrichippo were in the right to say/feel the way they did. But in this world of masks, remember its ok to have an emotion towards a mask. But just remember that its the mask we like/dislike, and not the person beneath.
That is why we should peep @coryphella That is why we should push. To learn, to feel. Silence is boring. We will have enough “Silence” when this play/our play is over and the stage goes dark.
October 6, 2016 at 10:02 pm #20443
@daphnemir I have not had the pleasure of seeing either of those before. I am from Chicago and don’t travel much and am so happy I got to go to Ascension. From what I have been told, Sleep No More, while still immersive in the fact that you can choose where you want to go/see, the story is still set around the characters. If you go here you get this scene, or over there you get that scene. Ascension may be more linear as far as how you progress through. See in Sleep No More, you get a choice on a whim of where you want to go where as in Ascension, your choices and interactions dictate where you are lead, if that makes sense. In Sleep No More, you are still watching as a story unfolds with in the cast. In Ascension, you are the lead actor. You are the hero, the villain, the caring, the backstabber, the twisted, the corrupt, the manipulator, and the world reacts to how you act.
As for Then She Fell. I would Love Love Love to see that show sometime. I have a slight obsession with Alice In Wonderland.
October 6, 2016 at 9:48 pm #20442
@nerdyredhead welcome. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. The forums are a little quiet right now that Ascension is going on, but there are quite a few people people on here that are very knowledgeable and everyone for the most part is always willing to help out.
October 6, 2016 at 9:33 pm #20439
@daphnemir Welcome back. Glory Be. As @atticus360 mentioned you don’t need to know anything going in. I do feel that if you know the people that we have interacted with on the forum, it will make the experience better. It doesnt matter if you go first or second, neither of you will be able to discuss it with the other until you both are out. A couple tips that I had prior to going in, (Which I really wish I would have stuck to, but when you are in you are so in the moment you forget), Pay attention. Be in the now. If you are told something odd. Remember it. Use it later if you can. If you are told to look around. look around. Be interactive, not passive. Communicate as much as you are allowed. Its an easy trap to sit back and just listen to people. Be you when you do it. Make choices that you feel you would make in a situation. Not just choices you think you should make. Be decisive. Hesitation only results in lost time, awkwardness and possible missed opportunities. Be aware of your surroundings. If something looks off, question why it is off and react. But as I said, I had all of this advice given to me, yet in the moment its very difficult to keep it in your head.
October 6, 2016 at 7:52 am #20426
@blondiecamps no I haven’t.
October 5, 2016 at 1:17 pm #20406
@joemarblez Hey Joe, Im from the Plainfield area. I was just out in LA a couple weeks ago for Ascension. If you go to LA Joe I cant urge you enough to do this. There is nothing like it back home. We need something like this back home. I’ll say this and it’s with all honesty, after doing Ascension I have found myself almost every day since thinking about it. What did I do right, I did so many things wrong. Why the hell didnt I talk to that person. What would have happened if I would have said this. No joke I have had more dreams that I can physically remember then I have had for a long time and they were all Tension based. I know this sounds kinda hokey but it was that damn cool and yes I have become a little obsessed. Ok more than a little. As far as being nervous. Thats a good thing. You should be nervous! I will say though, as long as you are comfortable with you, you will do just fine.
September 29, 2016 at 6:04 pm #20320
See I don’t trust the OSDM, The OOA (which I think is just a front used to conceal and facilitate and take the fall for the OSDM dirty deeds) I don’t trust BOS. I don’t trust Hypno-Addison or New Age Addison. Yet I am still team Addison.
I am team Addison as we first saw her. Quiet, meek, and intimidated Addison. The one we were told not to talk to. The one who needed a place to stay when she came out to LA. The same Addison we saw at the revealing of “the one” not during the ceremony, but post @reaton giving her the stuffed cat and pre reprograming.
I am pro all the people scared and shaking in the OOA. I am pro anti agenda. And I still have faith in glitchy souls.
September 29, 2016 at 12:56 pm #20280
@sweeneyskip Good Luck tomorrow! You are in for one wild ride. Its been near a week out for me and it still wont get out of my head. Had some crazy awesome dreams about it last night even.
October 19, 2016 at 12:23 pm #20642
@electrichippo in my head, (I may be completely wrong) I believe I understand where you are coming from, and even without knowing what happened to you in there, my mind can find scenarios in which I would make the exact same choices as you. I don’t believe either side is good or evil. Like everyone, we are all shades of grey. Thats why it was so hard to pick a side for me when we were asked to. Thats why I said Wyld Stallions “Be excellent to each other.” But I digress. @mike we have seen a flip like this but not exactly like this. I am talking out my arse and not knowing what im really talking about, but if what is in my thoughts is correct. The last flip was done out of hate. I think this flip may be a polar opposite. All actions are intended to have a specific reaction. One acts one way to obtain a specific goal. And while I have no clue if my thoughts are correct, if they are, @electrichippo its not much but you have my full support.
October 17, 2016 at 11:15 am #20568
Wish I would have. Didn’t know tensions were flying that strong at that point in time. Plus this scenario just brought out those thoughts.
October 5, 2016 at 7:36 pm #20417
Small world, I used to live on Hemlock by Vito Martinez.
September 29, 2016 at 12:59 pm #20281