active 8 years, 4 months agoForum Replies Created
June 23, 2016 at 3:08 pm #11829
June 23, 2016 at 3:05 pm #11827
Welcome back @gatekeeper4 – I was curious as to what @gatekeeper3 could bring to the table and unfortunately it was not the progression we all have been seeking. While you were in charge, progress happened. We were getting closer to our enlightenment. Since III has taken over things have gone to short poetic sentiments geared towards Megan and the progress of our _path has pretty much seized. Get us back on track please. We missed you!
June 23, 2016 at 11:15 am #11680
@electrichippo – this is really important information. I know you are on the opposite side of The OOA but I feel like you may be sitting on a lot of other important information in understanding the past and how we ended up here.
As for my thought – If Ellis is being used a symbol and Aleister is the original Ellis, then he is the one pulling all the strings. His exile was his idea so maybe he isn’t really exiled. He has everything carefully planned. This is very interesting and I am curious as to how this story will play out.
June 22, 2016 at 7:12 am #11501
That is a bit intense. Suicide is never anything to take lightly. Although many of us here on the forums questioned his motives in trying to find Addison and “harassed” him – he did threaten our way of life and that is not okay either. We just asked for more explanation. I honestly do not think this is our doing.
Mark did reach out on the forums and III did see that letter. We are well aware of the things III can do.
So Addy’s Daddy called you guys? What details were specifically given? How do they know it was self inflicted? The O.O.A. watch these forums, I am sure they saw his post and handled it accordingly. But then again, we are not sure even if Addison and IV are on the side of The O.O.A. or even where Mark fits into all this. We need more information.
Rough night indeed for you guys and sorry to question in this time of tragedy and pain for y’all but we need details to determine what is actually happening.
June 21, 2016 at 5:27 pm #11397
June 21, 2016 at 7:51 am #11150
Thank you, intriguing as it is – the answers still remained unknown. I think we all have our suspicions but you may be the closest. All of my suspicions have been debunked so I am back to the not knowing who is behind this at all and I am okay with that.
I did have an email refer to me as a nickname that maybe one or two people know. It may just have been a word choice coincidence but even so, it was weird. I know those people who know that nickname for me is not involved with this at all so that is why I write it off to coincidence but really who knows?!
June 20, 2016 at 6:15 pm #11096
@gatekeeper3 – why do they not smile anymore?
Couldn’t have said it better myself @mike.
I still say let’s call up Vince McMahon and get this in a Steel Cage. I’d pay good money to see that!
June 20, 2016 at 9:18 am #10971
That letter is phenomenal. The part that sticks out to me is her knowledge of how she instilled the anger and since III has taken over that seems to have disappeared. She created the fire that pushed things along and kept us on the path. III has been apathetic and sleepy causing all of us to mild out a bit. She states about dates being missed. That has to do with the apathy. If 4 were to come back into our lives we may possibly be able to move forward again, otherwise this is the calm before the storm. I feel the storm a brewing.
June 19, 2016 at 1:43 pm #10907
Hey Mustafa,
You are more than welcome to quote any of the articles on http://www.weareindiehorror.com from me.
As for the answer to number 1. The OOA is offering me a chance to open my mind to the rest of the world with a community of like-minded individuals through puzzles and life lessons in companionship.
Best of luck on your article friend.
June 24, 2016 at 9:00 am #11942
Yeah Susie (Sorry don’t know your handle here) visited and came up with nothing.
June 21, 2016 at 9:15 am #11167
Oh yeah that is crazy! I didn’t even catch the subtle hint ahaha. Sometimes I am oblivious but I know I have to be close attention to everything here. They watch the forums which has me intrigued about what they watch for.
June 21, 2016 at 8:58 am #11160
What do you mean you mentioned me @nosnevets, and yeah a few people here know about that nickname thing because honestly I think it was a word choice. When I approached the two people who know me by this name and not even a name I go by… more of an inside joke kind of thing… they had no idea what I was talking about so I wrote it off as word choice coincidence but they do know a lot. I am surprised a few things haven’t popped up yet but I am sure within time a few things from my past will appear one way or the other be it an old short film or a friend’s name from the past but something will come up. I have it seen it with too many of you here that I am just waiting for it. Regardless of expecting it I know the moment it pops up I will be surprised and freaked out and if they grab the right source of information I will be incredibly impressed.
June 20, 2016 at 4:53 pm #11059
@JoeKaye, do you think thats a threat from the BoS?
June 20, 2016 at 4:32 pm #11051
I’m really happy it came through while we were recording and just finished a 35 minute conversation on it. It was great timing and kept us on the Tension Experience topic. Everyone check out We Are Indie Horror (www.weareindiehorror.com)’s official podcast Tea Time Of Terror (www.teatimeofterror.com). The episode will go out on Friday.
June 20, 2016 at 4:30 pm #11049
All the calls this afternoon – how intriguing. What are we building for? What is the purpose here.