active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
November 5, 2016 at 11:54 am #21673
Thank you, so so much. I honestly have been thinking non stop about my decision since she asked me to make one on my last visit, and I’m so glad it has made its way back to her. I was questioning myself if I was doing the right thing or if I was making a mistake… I know for a fact now that I made the right choice 100%.
I’ll be seeing you Sabrina 🙏 -
November 4, 2016 at 5:40 pm #21604
Hola @hazelcloud!
Just curious, what did the BOS member look like? Long hair? -
November 3, 2016 at 7:52 pm #21493
Over and over we were told this was all just a smokescreen to cover the truth. I had received a call a while back before ascension from a man telling me it’s not a game, it’s all just smoke and mirrors. He told me they will put shiny objects in front of us to keep us from looking deeper… at the time we all believed THEM to be the OOA, but now I’m thinking the group mentioned was OSDM.For whatever reason, it seems Samson is revealing the truth piece by piece… I doubt he’s showing this just for the sake of helping us…
Be careful everyone.“See? She really believes this stuff.”
“This isn’t real. None of this is real. You’re all delusional.
October 25, 2016 at 5:54 pm #20913
I had mentioned it in the ascension spoilers, but it seems this is better location…
While @addisonborn and I were outside after ascension ended, a man ran up to us. The man in black with the briefcase: Samson.
“Rizzo! Addison! You guys haven’t even begun to scratch the surface… I’ll be seeing you two a lot more from here on out.”
And with a smile he walked away and it honestly gave us shivers. -
October 24, 2016 at 1:04 pm #20787
Ok so I’m going to have round 2 stuff in here as well I suppose, but I’ll try not to be as detailed about the round 2 stuff as I am round 1. When it came to the decision from Overseer about where I stand, I was not given a choice to make at that second. It seems most returnees were asked to make the choice right there, however I was not. She told me I was a young man and a leader and that she wanted me, but did not want me to make this choice while being there so I wouldn’t feel pressured to side with her. Her words were something as follows: “This is usually the part of the night where I ask you to leave BOS and come with me. But I am not doing that tonight…”. But from everything I saw in there,I do not believe Addison is fully in charge of the Institute as everyone believes her to be. She told me that THEY put all this info in her head, THEY made her forget. So I must call bs on anyone who believes she is embracing the Overseer title, anyone that truly believes this is what she wants. I spoke with Overseer a good amount of time in there, but I also spoke to Addy at times. Her words at one point were, “You think I want this? I don’t want this, I don’t want to hurt anyone”. And yet within five minutes of me being there she had me kneel in front of my brother who was barely breathing covered in blood telling me how weak he was. That was not Addison. People say she’s fighting the memories back, no. It’s whatever happened to her that’s fighting them back. When I brought up the email tom sent me, she wanted to know everything about it, ADDY wanted to know about her father, not overseer. And when I asked quietly if it was OSDM, she whispered “yes”. There is more that I feel must be known but I’m waiting for more info before I jump to any conclusions. I am not sure where I stand in this at the moment, but I will when I hear some info in waiting on.
One more thing, While Addison born and I were outside after it ended, a man ran up to us. The man in black with the briefcase. “Rizzo! Addison! You guys haven’t even begun to scratch the surface… I’ll be seeing you two a lot more from here on out.” And with a smile he walked away.
October 24, 2016 at 12:33 pm #20780
Are we doing only round one Tension spoilers? Or is this thread for both rounds?
October 22, 2016 at 7:23 pm #20711
October 21, 2016 at 9:59 pm #20694
I’m heading back to ascension tomorrow for round 2, tonight I received the Thomas Barrow email. I read through it again and totally forgot that the link from the diary pics. Found it funny that Mr. Barrow was being blocked and putting time into send me the pics that I took, so he must not have known that it was I was one of the “people out there that discovered my daughter’s diary”.
I sent him an email back telling him as such, not really expecting a response. Well he responded.
“We need to talk”.
I cannot describe how excited I got to see a response, it’s been so long since we really got to interact with a character outside of ascension, it’s amazing to know they’re still out there waiting for us. It’s nothing crazy but thought it was something to share with the community!
November 5, 2016 at 5:56 pm #21712
This makes me so incredibly happy.
Tension events always seem to end with everyone in a not so great position. I’m sure it won’t last long but it’s nice to have a night where things actually start looking good. Of course, she’s still in there along with however many other “actors” and OSDM is still using them to manipulate and gain power.
Theres a lot I don’t know yet, but at least I know now who I stand for.
November 5, 2016 at 3:11 pm #21696
Yes sir! I believe it was there way of keeping track of us? Haha I remember the number on my hand being the same one on the garbage bag we got at the end with our street clothes in it.
November 3, 2016 at 8:20 pm #21502
I could imagine this being something along those lines for sure… or maybe even a sort of signal for them to commence with the next step of a plan for something?
October 24, 2016 at 8:34 pm #20823
Yaaaasssss what matters is your hear for what comes next 😉😉 @taysavestheday
October 24, 2016 at 6:03 pm #20813
I do not agree with you on the idea that this is a BOS specific event at all. The only thing that made BOS specific is because the big thing you’ve read on here is that BOS people are flipping. By now it should be obvious that everyone’s path is there own and tailored to them, so obviously a BOS member’s return would include the fact they are BOS and their conceptions of the OOA. But if you were to go back I’m sure it would be very much different than mine.
Addy’s reason for everyone to come back, if I were to generalize it, is to make sure you still feel good about standing with her. You honestly just answered your own question: “why was I betrayed”
If that is what you are going in there with in your head, then that’s your motive!Nobody is asking you to go back, it’s your path to choose. If you want someone to honestly answer that question, you’re best bet is to just go ask her yourself.
October 24, 2016 at 5:18 pm #20809
Yea, I have to agree with @addisonborn 100%… I just had to get closer to the truth and learn anything more I could. Like many people here I just wanted to know everything, and obviously that isn’t happening anytime soon but if I can learn even one new piece of truth, I would be there.
As for a reason of why a BOS member would return, the reasons are endless. How does the institute honestly run, why we’re so many BOS members turning around going back into the OOA, Who is the man wth the briefcase. How is addy holding up and dealing with everything. I can go on and on… and maybe I wanted to know if I was sure I was on the right side of this fence, I knew I believed in what the BOS stood for but there was still that small piece of me that wondered if the OOA had anything I could honestly gain from them… could they honestly make me a better person?
I came out with so so so many answers… but again like Addison born said, I left with that many more questions. I’m not sure what I think anymore, having gone back and going over everything that happened in there my mind is still reeling with ideas and theory’s and possible truths. All I can do is keep looking and hope I can make any kind of sense of what I saw in there.
From a BOS member to an OOA loyalist… I promise you, you will be glad you went back into their halls.
October 24, 2016 at 3:27 pm #20795
@kasch I agree 100% that the man with the briefcase has some kind of control over her… the same with future plans. Someone else had reached out for a meeting of sorts to me as well (however I don’t believe our two contacts to be the same)