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  • #20858
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m skipping over a lot of posts to try to avoid spoilers as well as the whole Spoiler thread right now but just going off of my first visit…some of the interactions (all of them??) I had were very moving and everyone did such an amazing job. I almost cried in the Social area listening to one of the Handler’s stories and when I asked if I could hug her everything about that moment felt like I was consoling someone that very much needed it. From the @creator’s to the actors to everyone in-between, just an amazing experience. Reprocessing is coming and I’m ready.

  • #20857
    Profile photo of Amie

    @atticus360 I hope you do find a motivation to return to the Institute. I think it will be worth your time but you certainly have to make that decision for yourself. I am returning this Saturday. There were things inside I saw that I hope to learn more about. That’s my motivation. (Maybe other things too… 😉 )

  • #20710
    Profile photo of Amie

    @irishalliwell120 I’m glad to have a twin in you. Even more to have a friend in you. ❤️ We are all so lucky that we ended up with so much more than an amazing experience.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Amie Amie.
  • #20576
    Profile photo of Amie

    Damn, I knew that was familiar to me when I saw Jake’s post but I couldn’t place why. Nice find!

  • #20377
    Profile photo of Amie

    There is so much I’d like to say in response to a lot of comments on here but I can’t because of Ascension spoilers. I know some of you have yet to attend or will not be able to attend Ascension so that leaves you in a place where you can only go off of what you know from Indoctrination and possibly relayed stories. I don’t know who has control of the OOA or ODSM or if they are the same or one is running the other. I don’t know anything for certain except for what I saw at Ascension. I know what I saw in that room that no one else in my group saw and it won’t leave my memory anytime soon. After everything that happened there…I just don’t know.

  • #20295
    Profile photo of Amie

    I agree @mike. She sounded very concerned though, and actually sorry. If I figure out a way to upload the audio I’ll do that later.

  • #20115
    Profile photo of Amie

    For the email I can’t get all of it but what I am seeing is http://truthconspiracy___________/OOA/OOAInstitute

    It looks like the word Church could be in there but I’m not sure.

    It’s interesting to hear some of the things in this email. Especially Addison’s roll. He’s saying she’s Overseer and that it seems she runs the place. Gatekeeper3 came in and got rid of Overseer quite quickly. Is the OOA changing their structure? Is there another Gatekeeper?

    I’m now wondering about something I saw inside as well but I can’t spoil.

  • #20084
    Profile photo of Amie

    I love this! And that guy in the corner judging super hard (@jason) had a pretty good laugh at this. I loved spending time with you all. I wish I could have made it to see everyone after but I’ll be seeing you guys again and for that I am thankful. I’ll see if I can add to this thread later. 😉

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of Amie Amie.
  • #20859
    Profile photo of Amie

    @electrichippo good job on the twisting! 😉 @taysavestheday It’s good to see you here! Round two is waiting for you…

  • #20724
    Profile photo of Amie


  • #20380
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m trying to play catch up and I don’t know if I responded to this. I don’t think I did. I agree you have the message correct, someone had posted something possibly in August and I don’t remember if it was here or not but it mentioned something to do with the King James Version and I found the message you found. For some reason though, maybe it’s the fact I’m not knowledgeable on religion at all, but I wasn’t seeing Gospel of Matthew when I looked. I didn’t bring it to the forum because I didn’t feel it held the same relevance. I should give you a background of this message though because I don’t believe this message is a warning about the OOA. I believe this was a warning about our very own community. 😉 This message came after the BoS hack when we had Benny on the forums and Sentinel on Facebook. The conversation had to do with that and I think I posted this when I originally posted the clue but along with the K/J/V…was the message beware the friends that lead you astray. I also lean to that because when @electrichippo publicly aligned with BoS and we were posting back and forth on Facebook I received another message from Aleister telling me to “stay the course, trust us, do not falter, this is a test.”

    I believe this was early enough (May) that Aleister was still doing the OOA’s work. Hopefully that shed’s a little more light on this, but I think we have it completely figured out. Thanks @mkarrett for putting some work on this! My only regret with this is that I wasn’t aware of what we should share when this was given to me and I think it was something that really was meant for that time frame.

  • #20378
    Profile photo of Amie

    I ended up with more questions. :)

    I don’t think it’s wrong to look at it as a continuation but I never expected to have questions answered while I was in there. Obviously for someone not familiar with Indoctrination this event can still make sense without the back story but for those of us that have been through, I feel very much like it continued the story. Considering we had the periscope of Addison being forced into the shower and her red dress hung up and waiting for her the day before Ascension started. I agree though, overall it wasn’t meant to be a place for answers but I suspect there are some hidden around in there.

  • #20088
    Profile photo of Amie

    Yes, I can’t wait to get mine too! Love this! You are missed ~Four.

  • #19993
    Profile photo of Amie

    I forgot that was mentioned in the journal @aleocotillo, thanks for the reminder! Maybe if we are the One and they knew that, their fear was from the knowledge that we weren’t ready to know this. Just when we think we might know something, back to theories. :)

  • #19992
    Profile photo of Amie

    I am also a big fan of Sentinel’s choice of wording there and I hope to see this phrase around more. :)

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