active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
October 27, 2016 at 10:53 pm #21057
@sadako: I’m extremely loyal but I don’t follow blindly. I have reason to hope (and believe?) @masterlock appreciates these things about me. I may not agree with everything you say, but I do respect you and your convictions.
@kasch: I don’t expect you to debate things you find unworthy of debate. By all means, sit this one out. As far as what happened those two hours, who said a change occurred in two hours? For that matter, who said a significant change occurred at all? Look in the gray areas. That’s where the truth often exists. Have you forgotten, or maybe you were never aware, other than a couple moments of frustration, I have always been cooperative and supportive of this woman we now know as @masterlock. She invited me and my brothers and sisters of Seraph to her final meeting and called us all The One. Sentinel never once expressed an ill word towards this woman who was born Addison Barrow. Maybe you also noticed, The BOS never took a stand against The Book of Anoch. Considering these things (and I could list many more) is the current circumstance really so impossible to believe?
On the topic of my husband… He trusts me. We exchanged brief words in the deprivation circle room when no one could hear. This action WE took was as much his choice as it was mine. He did not walk to that stage unaware of what was to occur. Beyond what has been said on this matter already, I’m not at liberty to explain. my silences are to honor Overseer as well as my husband.
October 27, 2016 at 10:25 pm #21055
Yes, @somekindofabstraction. I can say no more except, yes, I know and I believe. I won’t turn my back on her.
October 27, 2016 at 1:42 pm #21049
Seems I’ve been misunderstood in regards to my husband and the Oracle ceremony. I would also like to discuss for a moment the concept of innocence versus guilt and honor versus punishment. Let me elaborate…
……SPOILERS ASCENSION 1 AND 2…… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Although I selected him and he was sat on stage and prepared for the ceremony, he did not die. There are two chairs on that stage and two people to be tested as the new Oracle. My husband was second to be tested. The first girl is the one who appeared to have died or at least been horribly injured. When this happened @masterlock called the ceremony to a halt and had me assist her in releasing my husband from his bindings. It took a bit to wake him from the effects of the chloroform. The very tall man in the vest even had to slap him a bit to have him come to. Once he was aware and steady, he left the ceremony hall with the rest of the new initiates.
I’d like to play devil’s advocate for a moment. Recall moments in history where persons were guilty until proven innocent? There are various. I’m sure you are all aware, so I’ll refrain from listing them. In modern times we have worked very hard to ensure all first world citizens are afforded fair and just treatment before punishment is carried out.
Some of you have stated you do feel that being tested as an Oracle is an honor and one you would approach willingly. In this cases the Oracle test is not viewed as a punishment, but is there a flip side? Could this test be viewed as unlawful punishment? Murder even?
I’m not making a judgement call here. I am merely attempting to open a dialogue.
October 25, 2016 at 10:25 pm #20981
One of @samson‘s primary tasks appears to be keeping tabs on @overseer. He questions us on what she’s said and done in regards to topics pertaining to her past. He has a foreign language phrase he uses to make her drop to the floor, seemingly unconscious, at will. Now he sees fit to extend control over these forums.
You watch us, Samson, but I am also watching you.
October 25, 2016 at 7:40 pm #20949
Thank you everyone for the translations. I concur in regards to the French. I’m fairly useless with the other languages.
@masterlock, Thank you for taking a moment to speak to us. These are trying times, but you are strong and you still have the support of a community. Perhaps not this entire community, but a community nonetheless. Whatever others might say about me is no matter… I can take it and you know this. It is likely one of the reasons you chose me to stand with you. What’s truly important now is that you remember that I believe in you. I am committed to supporting you in pursuing a just cause and working with anyone else who seeks similar, regardless of their affiliation or non-affiliation. I would not turn my back on the girl you once were, and I will not abandon you and the leader you have become. Until we speak again, please be safe and be well.
October 24, 2016 at 10:18 pm #20831
A couple things come to mind:
~My profile photo is a close up of my jumpsuit after my first visit inside The OOA. That’s the blood of Sentinel. I could have taken a picture of any part of my jumpsuit or even my hands. The blood was everywhere. I was one that witnessed him beaten to the point I thought he was dead, but it turns out he is not dead. Honestly, he might be better off dead. I don’t say this from a place of cruelty, but rather a place of compassion. I was reunited with him briefly at Ascension II. He is no longer the odd, determined, vibrant man I knew. I was asked what I thought of my fearless leader now. My answer will have to remain between me and @masterlock, at least for now.
~This may be a reckless thing to say, and so be it… The man with the briefcase possesses a phrase that can send our leader to her knees. They’ve all seen it happen. Ask around next time you’re inside.
October 24, 2016 at 9:12 pm #20828
I’ve read a lot of sound advice in this thread. It seems a prudent idea to remain aware of our surroundings, but if we focus too hard on that we might find we’ve lost ourselves and our own path in the process.
I won’t speak for @masterlock or betray the private words spoken in the Red Room. I’d say @kasch had the right idea when he went to her directly with his concerns. If we are reasonable with her, I trust she will be be reasonable, in return. If we show sincerity, she will likely return the kindness. We might not like what she has to say, but I do believe we can trust her words are the truth she is living.
October 24, 2016 at 8:50 pm #20826
@taysavestheday: It only took the tiniest bit of arm twisting and here you are on the forum and ready to buy your second round Ascension ticket! It’s really great to see you here. Please make yourself at home and stay awhile.
October 23, 2016 at 2:30 pm #20748
@irishalliwell120: As I tell you repeatedly, you are a gorgeous girl, inside and out, and so, so brave. When you doubt this, I’ll always be somewhere nearby to remind you that it is 100% true. 😘❤️😘❤️
October 20, 2016 at 1:50 pm #20677
@kasch: Thank you for rewording it for me! Personally, I find the “why” is more complicated, than the “how.” You’d think it might be crystal clear to me, but this is Tension so of course it’s not 😉 There are many ways people could look at this, for example: Overseer is playing me, or I am playing Overseer, or we both realized we make most sense for each other, and etc, and etc. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m willing to go along for the ride.
This black briefcase guy is still hovering in the back of my mind. I’ve talked to several people who met him and they all felt he did say “Samson” but @bcbishop says it was a different name entirely which I can agree with per his video. I’ve also heard that briefcase man introduced himself with a serious of 4 initials that very well could have been OSDM.
OSDM has always looked to me like a dangerous sub-organization. I’m not too comfortable suspecting they are lurking around questioning people and intimidating some to the point of “do not even look at me when I enter the room” status.
And, the Samson name… Did Sentinel misspeak when he used the name ‘Samson’ as the person that confirmed for him that I was reinstated to OOA turf? Seems doubtful. I have always been aware BOS has an insider/informant within the OOA, but never was given a name or even much of a clue. And the coincidence of Mark as Benny O.Sampson… I don’t know. There are a lot of Gordons. Maybe we have various Samsons as well. I’d like to write it all off as name coincidences such as Robert Kirkman is famous, but it seems there is more to this.
October 19, 2016 at 9:18 pm #20673
@lukasrl: Even without an in depth explanation on your part, I would wager to guess that you really do understand where I’m coming from. To paraphrase your words: “last flip was done out of hate, recent flip polar opposite.” This very much resonates with me. I have absolutely not made my choice to stand by @masterlock with malice or hate as my motivator. Thank you for taking the time to consider my position and for your support.
@kasch: You said that after your re-Ascension chat with Overseer you “understand the why but not the how” of my new position. I’m interested in this. Can you elaborate?
@timsmyname: It was very nice getting to chat with you this afternoon. I now completely understand how you might have thought I walked into the OOA with a quest or motive that was counter to how the night ended. I take the blame for not explaining myself well in the big white interview room. It was a bit of a stressful situation and I was admittedly rattled by something I had seen a few minutes prior. Our conversation felt rushed and watched and as a result I did not effectively communicate with you. I’m just happy we now get each other, and we can carry forward. You have a lot of really interesting insights. I hope you choose to continue participating on the forum.
@mike: No worries, I’ve never felt attacked by you. Perhaps I’ve felt not heard properly or understood. Similar as the case with Tim, I will gladly take some blame if I haven’t explained myself well. As far as the idea of @masterlock being complicit in OOA abuses, whether by her own hand or otherwise. Yes, I hear you. It’s somethings I hope to discuss with Overseer more in the coming weeks, but my gut and my hopefully informed perspective tells me she is not the true big-bad in this equation.
@lmsmedley: have I missed something?! What the heck are you talking about?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Kimberly @ElectricHippo.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
October 19, 2016 at 3:33 pm #20654
@kasch: Samson (OSDM?)… Benny O. Sampson (aka Mark of BOS?)… Misheard name, unfortunate coincidence, or something more, ummmm, troublesome.
There once was a man named “Samson” who seemed to have assisted Sentinel in getting me reinstated on the forum… I had always thought Sentinel meant Benny Sampson and just typo’d the name, and maybe he did? I don’t even know right now.
These are my uncensored and not highly considered thoughts. I could be on the completely wrong track.
October 19, 2016 at 12:53 pm #20643
@mike: Thank you. I appreciate the more gentle tone very much. I have no problem responding to your questions especially because I know this is a very peculiar looking situation.
@masterlock never asked me to rebuke my BOS friends. I tend to feel she is more reasonable and understanding than that. She might even understand the pain and anger I experienced over the harm that came to my friend. The subject was broached between us, but I feel I’d need to talk more with her about that to truly understand her position.
This BOS vs. OOA thing doesn’t clearly resonates with me and hasn’t for awhile now because I don’t see this “war” as black and white. I’ve always hung out in the shades of gray with my beliefs. Maybe I haven’t presented that clearly enough on the forum, but those I speak to one to one can attest to this i’m sure.
I’ve never believed Aleister was truly gone. @gatekeeper3 was a bit of a mystery to me, and this confusion in my thoughts led me to doubt III was as scary as he made himself out to be, especially after meeting him face to face. Aleister was always pleasant to me and I readily admit to having a soft spot for him, especially after the things I learned about him from Sentinel. If someone harmed AG I would definitely, at minimum, need to understand why it happened, and go from there. If AG is into some shady business, and has lied to us, that might change our perspective. We shall see how that story might progress.
Oh, and Glory Be… Overseer had some specific thoughts on this phrase that I can appreciate. A phrase gains meaning depending on who says it and why.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Kimberly @ElectricHippo.
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October 19, 2016 at 12:09 am #20636
@timsmyname: I do recall talking with you on that bench and explaining to you in broad brush strokes what my experience was for Indoctrination. I don’t recall speaking of a quest. No offense intended, but if I had a quest I wouldn’t tell someone I met 5 minutes prior. I do agree, it’s hard to focus while Simon is calling everyone a c*nt once every 20.5 seconds and we’re trying to speak low enough as to not anger him further.
October 18, 2016 at 11:40 pm #20633
Yes @mike, vengeance. For example, if someone bludgeons my friend to an inch of his life before my eyes and I saw the perpetrator’s face, you can be sure I won’t turn a blind eye if I see them again. I believe you would likely feel similar if it was your friend? In my example, my friend happened to be a member of The BOS and I was then also a member of The BOS. If someone did this to Aleister or Overseer or various other OOA, I would feel similarly vengeful, even when I stood with Sentinel. An atrocity is an atrocity. It matters very little which faction or group it is committed against. It is never correct. Do you remember when Four was murdered? Remember how I contacted you and what I said. I meant those words. Regardless of what you think of me, I am your friend.
I will await your response that rebukes everything I’ve said, because that has been the dance we do, but I’d prefer to be pleasantly surprised and find you conceding to at least a couple of my points. Please?